Hope you like it Critiques?
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Hope you like it Critiques?
Looks awesome
Looks epic!
He's just a dandy guy, in space.
Looks good, but it doesn't seem like a whole lot of work went into it. There's a render, a background pulled straight from google, one, maybe two textures over the whole thing, and then maybe a color gradient. Overall, id say about 6/10.
Hmmm... Been a whileSit back some time and simply ask yourself, [Link]->"Do you even lift, bro?"<-[Link]
I can see where your coming from but it actually took longer than you would expect :P I did some work on the background like I took the front bits out and made everything else blurred so that it would have a sense of depth and I also but a filter on it to make it look a bit more anime looking. I don't know why it took me so long but its probably because I'm new to this.
Thanks a lot . A good wp
This is absolutely awesome.
feel good ! but i don't like his hair, highlight a little less
good job for a first wallpaper, keep it up
Looks awesome
Woah thats actually eye candy
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