If you don't read everything written in here ... I'll seriously beat you up!!
Well ... since you entered in this thread, I suppose you want some of yours banners be uploaded on AF. Now, making a banner is not that easy as you think ... making a good one is even more harder ... and I'm very strict regarding this (I can say, more strict that in the current contests) ... we don't want AF to look ugly, do we?
Well, if you're still interested ... lets add ... program like Paint does not work out with this ... you should use more advanced programs like PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, or Gimp (this one is free to download)
Still interested? Good, we need such people ^_^; ... Well, lets go straight to the main rules that must be followed:
- No fanart! Only original anime art is accepted (either is a screencap from anime, an artbook, or a scan from original artist, manga in genre is alowed, if you can make a good banner out of it ).
- Non-anime related banners are allowed! Within the forum rules.
- Banner size is 900px in width and 122px in height ... tho, for right displaying, it's divided in 3 slices/parts:
- Left part: 750px x 122px,
- Center part: 5px x 122px (this is the so called repeating part, for bigger resolutions),
- Right part: 145px x 122px (the farest right one).- Accepted formats are JPG and PNG (PNG should be used only for transparent banners - see the default one).
- You must add the AnimeForum.com name/link on it, well visible.
- On submission you have to provide the character's full name (all of them present in the banner) and the anime/manga/game/etc. they are from.
Well, that are the basic rules so far ... what can I say more ... check the current banners as an example
For making your life easier, I made a banner template (only Photoshop users so far) where the slices are already set (made using Photoshop CS2; when opening in older versions the slices may disappear, but the guides should be still there -> in this case, export the banner to ImageReaedy -> go to Slices -> Create slices from Guides -> export back to PhotoShop and continue the work).
Can be found here:
- http://www.animeforum.com/banner_hea...new-banner.psd
Use it as a base for your banners, just delete the excessive layers, and add your own ones
For saving do the following: export the slices, using the "save for web" export -> saving the whole html, the slices will be in the “images” folder
The previews are done and can be seen on this page: http://www.animeforum.com/banner_head/preview/
If you can't see your banner there it means it was rejected on the spot.
in the end to add:
DISCLAIMER: by submitting the banners you're giving animeforum.com the permission of using it for any kind of promotions and displaying it on the forums/gallery or any other partner sites.
I'll be happy if someone can make a template for PSP or Gimp users ^_^ with the right slices.
If you don't understand what the hell I'm talking here ... well, go away then!
This thread is only for submissions ... don't expect me (or anyone else) to comment or give any tips for banners. For that purpose you can always open a thread here in Dazzle Us!
If you are interested into the currently uploaded banners you can check them here or click on the Banner List link you can find in the Quick Links drop down menu.