[I searched for a thread like this, but couldn't find one! I'm sorry if it exists]
I'm glad I can at least say that the majority of people in the States are in good shape, however the first thing our tourists notice is the ridiculous amount of grossly obese people in our country.
I would like to hear from non-Americans: How familiar are you with the stereotypical image of the fat American? Has it appeared in your comedy shows yet? Have you ever traveled to the U.S and witnessed the countless convenience stores full of cookies and chips? How are your eating habits?
Last night I ordered some chicken Alfredo, one serving, just for me. What I got wasn't a moderate portion, but a frickin serving platter that could feed 3 people (with 4 pieces of bread). I ate a quarter of it, and brought the rest home so my boyfriend could have it for lunch the next day. (He couldn't even finish it during his lunch). It was an absurd amount of food.
My boyfriend also commented on just wanting some celery yesterday, and how he thought it was strange that a kit-kat (chocolate bar) that had to be manufactured was more readily available than something that grew out of the ground.
So, my fellow Americans, how do you feel about being pegged as fat? What is the biggest thing contributing to the weight problem? What are your personal eating habits like?
Me thinks:
1. Junk food is everywhere. Fresh fruits and vegetables less so.
2. We eat all the time and are very casual about it. (In the car, between classes, our 15 minute breaks at work, etc).
3. Our portions...are RIDICULOUS.