Hey there everyone. I'll be the new mod for the gaming section. Just a few things I want to go over about what is allowed and what is not.
First, you must comply to the Site Rules and Terms of Service. They are what you agreed to before you joined and must follow them. Not just in this section, but everywhere in the forum.
This includes, but is not limited to things such as:
- profanity (swearing)
- advertising
- spamming
- harassing/flaming/bullying/threatening other members
- Posting Pirated/Ripped Materials; Illegal activities
- or anything that generally would not be permitted in a PG-rated movie
We want to keep this a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment for everyone. Remember, there are children on this site!!
This section is for video games and video games alone. There are other sections for posting threads about other things, but this is not the place for those.
-The Search Feature:
You are encouraged to use the search feature to locate specific threads so as to best avoid making duplicate threads. If the thread you wish to post in is locked, you may PM and request to have it unlocked, unless I say otherwise.
-The Prefixes System:
The gaming section now has a prefix system for threads depending on which system the game/discussion is about. These Include Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, DS, PSP, or PC.
An example of such would be: Super Mario Galaxy --> Wii
If the thread has no specific system, just leave it blank. (ie. A thread about E3 convention)
You are highly encouraged to make use of the Prefixes whenever possible.
-No Spoilers:
Not everyone has played every game and knows every storyline, etc. You are to put all spoilers for games and such under the "spoiler" tags.
With regard to spoilers in game reviews, you may use spoiler tags, or put "(warning Spoiler!)" in the thread title.
-NO threads/discussions about illegal activity:
You are, 100%, NEVER allowed to made threads about Illegal content. This includes (not limited to) things such as Ripping, Pirating, Burning, Copying, Promoting or anything else that is not Legal.
Please, do NOT spam. This means no posts that do not contribute to the discussion, advertising, making duplicate threads, volume spamming (aka post farming) which involves making very short posts that are Barely related to the thread in an attempt to raise your post count. Back seat modding is also considered spamming; There's a report button if you see a post that violates the rules. Remember: If you're not sure, don't post
-Versus Threads:
I'm going to allow Versus threads for VG. HOWEVER, they must be meet under special requirements, and if they do not meet these prerequisites your thread will be locked:
There will be (2) types of versus threads; Game vs Game and Character vs Character. There will only be a few of each open at any given time. If there is already some open, you'll have to wait until they're done.
The amount of time each threads stays open is dependent on the amount of posts it has accumulated. ALL versus threads must be approved by me before you post them. The preferable method for doing this is by either Visitor Message or PM.
All versus threads should have correlation between what they are comparing, meaning for example, a Game vs Game thread should be something like "Mario Bros. 3 vs Super Mario World". Something like "Call of Duty vs Tertis" isn't acceptable. The same rule applies for Character vs Character threads.
Also, keep in mind that these are not threads for you to spam; your post will get deleted if you decide to do so. Starting a flame war will also get you in trouble; so do try avoid that as well. (we will be respectful of everyone's opinion here)
~~In addition to the rules mentioned above, there are things that I may deem inappropriate or unnecessary depending on what the situation is. You are to use your better common sense when creating threads/posts.~~
These rules are subject to change at any time. If you have any questions, or things that you are not sure about, feel free to PM me and ask. ^__^