So, im a big anime fan and i remember the first anime i ever saw but i cant find it. I only know details about the anime and i hope some of you guys might be able to help me out.

I remember it was on a different planet because of all the strange plants in the show, like huge mushroom trees and strange animals, there was 2 girls and a guy who drove a hover car thing. one of the girls used a huge gun and had 1 wing that unfolded from her back (it was mechanical not part of her body) she uses the wing in a big fight on a building. the building is destroyed and she jumps that's when the wing comes out and she glides to safety the big fight at the end was with this crazy monster that was on the side/top of a building, the whole army was also trying to destroy the thing, it had an odd shaped head with no face (i think) but on he's forehead was a smaller face that could talk and had eyes and it came out of his forehead almost like a snake. The anime was a movie because i saw it on cartoon network late at night when i was a little kid. it was long i remember that so i dont think it was a series. PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT!!! ITS BEEN KILLING ME FOR LIKE 10 YEARS!!!