The time has come to finally be able to get this project underway, and now that I have my co-dm with me once more, we are hoping for the continued success of our very own D&D game here in the forums and chats!
So! We are looking for players, old or young, new or experienced to take part in the game!
I am interested in level one characters, and there will be character sheets involved and stored.
As of this time, the rules are exceeding simple, if you want to play, they you can of course reply, or get in touch with either NightHawk, or myself, and either of us can help you get squared away.
For whatever your character concept, it's better if you keep it secret between the Dm's and yourself. There will not be discussion allowed between players for the purposes of comparison of characters. We call this "out of character" knowledge. Just because the person has knowledge of what another player has, doesn't mean they should be sharing it with others. This is -critical-, and you need to follow it.
As character sheets are submitted, the dm's will be tracking people down, so in all pc's, if there is an email address that serves better, leave a copy of it at the bottom, so the DM's can track you down easier and you will be considered for reward.
So if you have a have a character idea, throw it down, and we will start to cut things apart.
So far, I say no epic level kits, specialty classes or something like that.
I am willing to allow just about anything, but there are exceptions for different rules and reasons, so this will have to be handled case by case.
And I will be building parties, so we more then likely will not have a party of five rogues running around for obvious reasons.