In today's world what do you think the biggest issues that face the youth are?
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In today's world what do you think the biggest issues that face the youth are?
Childhood obesity. I know a lot of people who suffer from it. Quite a few in my own family. Personally I think if you lock children outside for hours at a time like I was when I was a child, this problem wouldn't be so large. But parents just have the tendency to sit their kids in front of the tv these days. And then they're brainwashed with advertisements about food and nifty toys. When I was younger, I seriously use to see kids outside all the time. Now I hardly see any..Around here, anyway.
Also, the proportion sizes aren't considered 'enough' anymore. Your body actually only needs a little bit of everything, but we tend to feel that more is better when actually less is just as satisfying if we enjoy it rather than shove it down our throats. And I know this is going to sound a bit stupid to some people, but I think that making the time to actually sit down and have dinner with your kids helps prevent overeating. Or putting out what they can have. Being more aware of what they put in their mouths. When you tell a kid to fend for themselves, most of the time they're going to get what they want rather than what's good for them.
Eh, I don't know. I just know around here it's a big problem.
Also, fitting the image. I have a friend who refuses to eat now because she thinks she's not slim enough. :/ She's a size 6ish. But unless she's a 0-2, she wont feel good enough. I know sometimes I feel that way as well. It's very frustrating when you don't feel like you're attractive enough or you feel you're worthless because you can't see your bones popping out. I personally think women with a little more meat are sexy. But I often don't think the same way when looking at my own body.
Also..My other friend and I went shopping for jeans once. At a store that normally had nice fitting jeans in all sizes. I picked up a size 9 and it had to literally be a size 2. It said size 9. The tag inside said 9. But it was no where near a size 9. I'm aware that many brands are a different fit when compared to others. Sometimes it varies a size or two. But to be called a size 9 and fit a person who wears a size 2. That's ridiculous.
I use to suffer from anorexia in my earlier teen years. I've since then recovered, but at times still have that mentality. So when I run into these types of situations, it really mind-****s me and I'm left feeling disgusting.
I just think kids these days should feel beautiful, no matter what they look like. I know I'm concerned with situations like obesity. But the obesity concern is more twoards the health aspect rather than what they look like or what size they can wear. Being extremely large or extremely skinny is not healthy in most to all cases.
The problem is there is far too much focus on achiving outragous and normally unobtainable goals as projected by todays media geared at youth. If you listen to what some of music choices kids like to listen to, you'll see that a lot of them are all about "getting rich and becoming famous". Things that most kids and teens just aren't capible of doing. Once they figure out they can't achive those goals, it can become terriblly frusrating and depressing. Kids should be having fun with friends and stuff, not worrying about "being rich and famous as soon as possible".
The Brighter the Light the Darker the Shadow
Without a doubt, sex, and all of its constituent issues.
Bad Memory
They're plugged on OS 10.1 which has more security and lesser features than our old OS 1.5.
I know where you're coming from. When I was younger, I had a friend who always brought me and a couple of friends to her house everyday and fed us. We always just assumed she was really generous until she was hospitalized. It turned out she was feeding us the food that her parents had set out for her (she had sort of a quota she had to fill because her parents were worried about her weight) so that she could avoid eating it. The worst part was that I think this was when we were about 13-14 and I was completely shocked to think that someone in my age group could actually suffer from that problem. Even to this day I have kind of hard time accepting that a girl that young could be so deeply affected by her self-image.Also, fitting the image. I have a friend who refuses to eat now because she thinks she's not slim enough. :/ She's a size 6ish. But unless she's a 0-2, she wont feel good enough. I know sometimes I feel that way as well. It's very frustrating when you don't feel like you're attractive enough or you feel you're worthless because you can't see your bones popping out. I personally think women with a little more meat are sexy. But I often don't think the same way when looking at my own body.
Also..My other friend and I went shopping for jeans once. At a store that normally had nice fitting jeans in all sizes. I picked up a size 9 and it had to literally be a size 2. It said size 9. The tag inside said 9. But it was no where near a size 9. I'm aware that many brands are a different fit when compared to others. Sometimes it varies a size or two. But to be called a size 9 and fit a person who wears a size 2. That's ridiculous
Last edited by Condey; 03-18-2010 at 03:14 PM.
~Condey, The Northamerimori~
Internet. Wide-spread information that is easily accessible to youngsters. Stupid kids being attacked by online predators.
Last edited by Anime Forum; 03-18-2010 at 05:12 PM.
Nonon Jakuzure - Best Kill la Kill baePretty damn great! #spoke2soonOta "The Cutest Otaku" 2016 - Lol, how's your account doing lately? Oh wait.
The pros outweigh the cons on this one.
Having access to a near infinite reservoir of information allows people to get the facts and figure out questions they may have a lighting speed. Now people don't have to sit there and wonder if this fact or that fact is correct or not; they can just google it. The internet also renders most all propaganda technincs powerless.
The Brighter the Light the Darker the Shadow
Youth as in children? Or adolescents?
Well, I think the biggest issue children face today is too much 'protection'.
Idiot people are too concerned with 'innocence of youth' that they go overboard trying to 'protect' them. 20 years ago a father could kiss his kid before he got on the bus to go to elementary school, now a father can't even hug his child without some idiot screaming sexual abuse.
Southern California banned dictionaries from elementary schools for having the definition of 'oral sex'. Are you freakin' serious!? It just gave the definition 'oral stimulation of the genitals' and that is somehow too much for children. Hell, when I was 6 I already knew was sex was. I saw my first porn when I was 8, although I didn't know what it was at the time.
Stupid idiots think they are helping children but it will hurt them in the long run. I said this before in another thread, if stuff like that continues, those children will be lost later in life when the idiots that 'protect' them don't care about them anymore.
Teenagers...the biggest problem, well for any youth age group really, in America is the education system. Public school is filled to the brim with government propaganda and idiot teachers that don't even know what the hell they are teaching. I passed all my high school classes with As and Bs and I slept in nearly every class nearly everyday. I never did homework and I still Aced the tests, you know why? Because I learned the stuff these high school teachers were teaching in middle school. And people were having trouble with the subjects...I wanted to get up and smack anyone asking a question when the answer was as easy as solving 1+1. Pissed me off to no end.
I'm a psychic amnesiac. I know in advance what I'm going to forget.
Children in backseats will cause accidents. Accidents in backseats can bear children.
The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, and the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn?
Made by Hakuchuumu
For the sake of argument, I am assuming that youth = ages 10-17.
Adolescents and children are still poorly educated about sex; avoidance of the subject is the most popular way of talking about it. Most of what adolescents and children learn about sex is not coming from their parents but from their peers and from various media outlets. The quick-and-dirty formula for these problems is: when all kids are hearing is how to have it, their primary authority figures aren't imparting on them when to have it, and children see increasing amounts of unstructured (often unsupervised) free time, "things" occur.
Speaking of which, the concept of censorship also plays a big role in this (yes, what I did was intentional, and also a reference to Zandan's post above), as does the more general idea of "banning" behavior or dialog about behavior. We know that putting bans on behavior rarely work, and in children (even younger than the age group I identified earlier) it's been known to increase interest as the child is still learning its boundaries. Given the age group we're talking about, kids are now also becoming interested in sex in the first place.
But wait, there's more! We haven't even touched on the issues of childhood pregnancies, sexually-transmitted diseases, peer and authority-figure response to the admission of sex, pregnancies, and STDs, institutional response to all three, or the handful of other things I forgot to mention.
Hopefully this wasn't too convoluted, but sex as an issue is a complicated, and important, one for American youth.
This may be true in Europe, but it is not in the United States. The rate of increase has decreased, but adolescents are still having more sex and sooner now than in the past. This is one of the biggest issues being studied by developmental psychologists right now, especially the study of young girls reaching puberty sooner. I can't seem to find my notes on this right now but I'll do some huntin' for 'em later.
Bad Memory
This article begs to differ. Relevant portions being
Throughout most of the 19th century, the minimum age of consent for sexual intercourse in most American states was 10 years. In Delaware it was only 7 years.
As late as 1930, twelve states allowed boys as young as 14 and girls as young as 12 to marry (with parental consent).
Though that article seems a bit fishy (possibly confusing the years?). Here's another one that seems more balanced. It claims
... England raised the age to 13 years; an act of sexual intercourse with a girl younger than 13 was a felony. In the U.S., each state determined its own criminal law and age of consent ranged from 10 to 12 years of age.
Last edited by Eris; 03-18-2010 at 07:51 PM.
Hey look, Japan made a movie about me!
I think the lack of education on the matter is our main problem when it comes to sex. We teach abstinence when we should teach safety and responsibility.
For soon-to-be graduates, the economy looms large on their horizon, as they'll be competing with just about everyone for that first job.
Otherwise, it's this padded environment we try to raise them in, where everyone is a special winner and life is fair.
Health is the other one, I agree with the post above about obesity. We don't teach kids how to eat, and we've probably forgotten how. This lifestyle of big macs and junk food has got to stop.
Also to prove it, if you see a young child/adolescent in yes your answer is already there.
the lovely miss keri hilson - - -
Not taking any sig/av request - - -
The desire to learn, or lack there of. And in the US, this is facilitated by a poor education system, in general, which puts more emphasis on homework and standardized tests than an education that is actually useful in readying students for the future.
"The color fades along the intervals I follow."
Okay,I'm going to keep my rant as short as possible.
The kids are not reading,they are only reading 1-3 out 3 book series own their own time,and they are the big 3(Harry Potter,Twilight,and Eragon),the kids who read these things think that is the only good book out there,because they only hear about the very popular ones.They do not consider other books like:
The Dresden Files
Dexter Morgan Series
Harry Bosch Series
Meg Series
Lincoln Rhyme Series
And much,much more.
Why do the kids think this?Because of the School Board,they make us read some of the most craptastic books I have ever seen in my life!Books like:
Things Fall Apart
Where The Lilies Bloom
Also much,much more.
It's okay to kill people and cut their heads off in the book,they just can't curse much.We are not Elementary School kids anymore!!!Even the kids in 5th grade watched Friday the 13th uncut I bet. So it would not effect us to see someone die,butchered,raped etc.
You see Mystery would be a great thing to show the kids,what people lurk out there. Also,do you know what kind of shows are top notch on Television?That's right Mystery. Kids have a fascination of learning about killers,what they do,why they do it,how they do it etc.
Sorry for the big rant,I just think if people read stuff like American Psycho they would love reading.
Last edited by The Butcher; 03-18-2010 at 09:12 PM.
Youngsters have no fear....
They think they can't be touched they seem to have the "it won't happen to me" attitude and this limits them. My little brother got bullied in school by another student in his class(his math teachers son) and he complained to the pricipal and no punnishment was implemented. Thats no kind of example to set.
The sense of entitlement, and the impression that everything is just going to be handed to them without having to work for it. This has gotten progressively worse since the 50's when society became very focused around children, (not entirely a bad thing, just this particular side affect).
Oh, and "lets show our boobies on the webcam with the entire world!!" Girls don't know the meaning of real femininity anymore, and think acting like sluts is some kind of female empowerment.
Oh the list could go on.
A MaruDashi Creation
-The temptations of sexy time and teenage pregnancy.
-Not finishing school, dropping out, etc
They are told:
to be humble and to be proud
to think before leaping and to hesitate is to be lost
to dream big and not to do anything impracticable
to do everything in moderation but never do anything half-appled
to never give up and to be willing to change
to be involved and not to get into other's business
to be cautious and to take risks
Perhaps this is inescapable, but I think it would be great if we erased nominative statements from the classroom. Is it absolutely necessary that we tell whether a president was good or bad or whether a decision in history was right or wrong? Can we trust that youths will be able to create their own ethical compass autonomously?
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