Who is afraid to die and who is afraid of death?
I'm terrified to die and I'm terrifed of death. I always have been.
I'm wondering how everyone else see's it
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Who is afraid to die and who is afraid of death?
I'm terrified to die and I'm terrifed of death. I always have been.
I'm wondering how everyone else see's it
Amazing set by Ezza Obsuna ^^
The days fly by and the feelings remain
So far away and causing us pain
That's okay we'll make it through
Soon we'll get to say "I love you" ♥
I don't think It'd matter much whether I lived or died.
I mean, it's not like I WANT to die, but to me personally I'd just be pissed about the things I'd miss out on, not really anything to be scared of.
Oh and I wouldn't want to leave the people who care for me mourning, that's pretty mean.
If you're skeptical to whether I'm being sarcastic or not, the answer is five.
Yeah ^^;
Amazing set by Ezza Obsuna ^^
The days fly by and the feelings remain
So far away and causing us pain
That's okay we'll make it through
Soon we'll get to say "I love you" ♥
Im not really terrified of dying, its part of life.
I just wouldn't want to die in a painful way.
i'm not afraid to die. i'm not very frightened of the dead either. i'd just be worried about the people i'd leave behind and sad about the experiences i'd never have. does that mean i want to die? no, but i'm just not very scared by it.
i kinda don't think about it often either since my mom's getting older and she has a lot of health problems... trying to make the most of life without thoughts of death in my way.
The thought that I might die sometime doesn't bother me. If it did, I'd never leave home. I'm curious about what it's like, to die, and what happens - if anything - once it's over.
Truthfully, if your scared of dying then your truly not experiencing life how it should be. You should wake up each day grateful and happy to be alive while not worrying about something that will happen one day in the future.
Take day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. So my answer is probably already clear. No I'm not afraid, but I'm aware that one day its going to happen.
Last edited by Anime Forum; 01-23-2010 at 06:52 PM.
Nonon Jakuzure - Best Kill la Kill baePretty damn great! #spoke2soonOta "The Cutest Otaku" 2016 - Lol, how's your account doing lately? Oh wait.
I am not scared of dying. I think about it alot and wonder what is going to happen when that appens, but I know it will happen one day. I just keep on going. Try to enjoy life to its fullest, and leave with no regrets. ^-^
You're like an angel from a picture book...
I care more about what I leave behind than about when I die. By that I mean I care about what kind of person I've been, what I've done in the world, and what "legacy" I've left behind. The idea of my life being meaningless bothers me more than the fact that it will someday end.
But what if when it ends, we see absolutely nothing but darkness for all eternity?
Amazing set by Ezza Obsuna ^^
The days fly by and the feelings remain
So far away and causing us pain
That's okay we'll make it through
Soon we'll get to say "I love you" ♥
I used to be terrified, thinking about myself in a coffin and how i would die, i was much younger than you at the time! But as you get older, you grow out of things like that, and its natural to think these things, but only to a certain degree though because it can ruin your way of life!
My dad died when i was 22 and i went to see his body, a few weeks before he left his body (the passing) he was in pain and suffering, and when i saw him then, he looked healthy and at peace, we are mearly puppets and we need to concentrate on the future, on what we want to do with our lives and not thinking about death-not in that way anyway, we should celebrate, be happy, help others and do good deeds, which then will make us a more postive person, not a negative one!! Death is not what we think it is...and if you live until your 80's then you dont worry as much at all. You've lived on this earth and served its purpose!
Last edited by warla_woo; 01-23-2010 at 08:28 PM.
~*Start looking around youand all you will see, are people the world would be better off without *~
who knows? it may eternal darkness, or it may be eternal light. it may be the heaven or hell described in the bible. it may be reincarnation as a person or a tree. it could just be eternal sleep...
i choose to believe in heaven where i can meet those i've lost over my life. but, like i said earlier, i try to keep those thoughts away.
what lies ahead doesn't scare me...
@ 2012 you are not dead
And I see your point warla woo...but I've been like this since I knew what death was. It's my greatest fear...to die and see nothing afterward and to lose my family and friends...when your dead then what you did and the friends you made, the family you had are gone to you because you can't see them anymore. Possibly heaven, possible hell, possibly darkness, or possibly just an empty white void. I'm known for thinking waaaay too much on everything but that's how I see itI'm a loner but I don't want to be separated from my family and friends. Even if I lived a full life...is that wrong?
Amazing set by Ezza Obsuna ^^
The days fly by and the feelings remain
So far away and causing us pain
That's okay we'll make it through
Soon we'll get to say "I love you" ♥
I'll say this again. If your worrying about death then your not living your life how it should be. Your friends and family wouldn't want you to worry about this all the time, they would want you to have a great life and just know that one day its going to end but hopefully not anytime soon.
If you die, then I doubt your legacy would end. If you have kids, you pass on your life to a whole new generation of life and furthermore your part of life will live on forever as your kids have kids and then more kids come..
When your dead, your done. Your body turns slowly into bones / or any other way of dying[well except freezing] and thus your brain goes in the process meaning I don't think its possible to see anything, including black space. Its the same with dreams you can't remember, its like nothing happened. And even if your frozen, your mind is shut off completely.
Just live life and don't worry about such things =) trust me, its for the better.
Last edited by Anime Forum; 01-23-2010 at 08:59 PM.
Nonon Jakuzure - Best Kill la Kill baePretty damn great! #spoke2soonOta "The Cutest Otaku" 2016 - Lol, how's your account doing lately? Oh wait.
I doubt you'll be looking at darkness. The moment your optical nerves and the piece of your brain that handles vision stop functioning you wont be looking at anything at all, actually.
I notice there are two things people have difficulties grasping, the concept of unlimited, and the concept of absolutely nothing, and absolutely nothing is exactly what I expect of my existance after death.
If you're skeptical to whether I'm being sarcastic or not, the answer is five.
Kirako Shi----: No, you're taking me out of context. "If I was dead then I would not know that then would I" is what I implied.
And don't double post.
Death is just another part of our lives. I admit I'm afraid too, just because there's no definitive answer of what happens after we die. Personally, I'd like to believe there's a Heaven or a place like it, because that just eases your conscience. The more you think about it, the more you'll be afraid(unless this is for purposes like studying this subject). Just don't think about it too much, take it easy, and enjoy your life, you're still young...wait a minute I'm still quite young myself too.
Oh, Hi-deeki, imagine... your kind not eating raw fish! ^_^
I went through a period of time where I thought about it too much. There were a lot of kids I went to high school with who ended up dying, it just makes you realize how fragile life is, and yeah that's a scary thought. Can't dwell on it though, after all it's inevitable.
A MaruDashi Creation
I'm not afraid of death. In fact, I welcome it. It's the dying part that freaks me out. I don't know if it's going to be painful or not. I don't know if people are going to be laughing or crying when it happens. All I know is that it will be peace after I've left here.
Sig and avvie set by the wonderfully talented and amazing Bou. <3
Featuring the laptop I always used to complain and talk about in chat.
I may not use it anymore, but I still have it!
I'm afraid of dying no doubt. I think if I chose when I wanted to die it would be better that way. ^^;
GaMeGoD fears NOTHING!
This signature contains nothing.
Nothing last updated:
March Nothing, '09
I don't honestly think to much about it, just live life to the fullest, with friends, and family. Hell, I'm going into the Air-Force, you think I would be afraid of death? Nope. ^_^;
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