I learned that pencils are very sharp.
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I learned that pencils are very sharp.
"dude your user name is B.A! props! sounds like a stoner metal band *loves stoner metal*...i might steal it >.>"
Speaking of very sharp things, I'm doing atomic force microscopy next week. It's basically repeatedly prodding something with a needle that's ~ 10 nanometers wide at the end. (A human hair is 1,000 - 10,000 times thicker)
This is a used cantilever, but it looks roughly like this (minus the debris, and even sharper):
The entire cantilever is roughly as wide as a strand of hair, maybe slightly thinner.
Last edited by Eris; 11-12-2009 at 05:50 PM.
Hey look, Japan made a movie about me!
My substitute for Spanish was teaching the class hungarian and how to spell " Jessica ( Yessica ) " in their language. It's " Jeszika ".
Also their longest word. Which is, megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért. Yes, That is one word.
I learned that hanging around with too many emotional people , is just not worth it sometimes.
wish me luck for furture guys!!!!Thanks for everything!!!^___^
I learned that today is Friday the 13th. This means that superstitious people will be extra annoying. ... I need to get to work on my annoying person repellent spray I've been tinkering on.
Hey look, Japan made a movie about me!
I learned that life really has no meaning to it.
Also, I re-learned that Hitler wrote his plans to exterminate Jews in Mein Kampf, but no one really read it or else they didn't think he would carry it out.
I learned about the paris syndrome.
Hey look, Japan made a movie about me!
I learned that if things go south, go to plan B.
WARNING: This user is wanted for unauthorized access into Ultratech archives. If you see this user in person, please contact Ultratech immediately.
I learned that when you help people for nothing , they land in the same position as they were before.
wish me luck for furture guys!!!!Thanks for everything!!!^___^
I learned that being rick n roll'd isn't funny :[
"waiting is a fine way to waste your life"
China and the US will one day be the same place.
The Brighter the Light the Darker the Shadow
I learned that lithium chloride was briefly used as a salt substitute during the 1940s until its toxic effects were recognized.
I learned that I was indeed lactose intolerant.
I learned that when you break a promise which you made it to yourself , its going to make you someone else.
wish me luck for furture guys!!!!Thanks for everything!!!^___^
as always i just learn more about myself,i learned my yearnings are a passion and i will never reject them,also i learned,never date someone you go to school with people talk way to much
"Dark light come shine in her lost heart tonight
And blind all fears that haunt her with your smile
Dark light"-HIM
I learned that i eat ramen daily and i didn't even realize it,until my mom said ''i'm tired of making ramen for you everday.''
Dark Side Of The Smiley.
I learned that popcorn is actually a really healthy snack, that is if you don't add too much butter and salt.
Next time I go to the theater I'm bringing my own bag of popcorn, I hear that's the worst health wise.
I learnt that you can NEVER unsee this.
The Tao of Rayne - Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience...if that fails, try something in the dairy variety.
I learned that this thread currently has 7 pages worth of posts =]
And, Newton's third law.
I learned that I have all A's in my classes. *win*
I learned that this world is full of sick-minded people like This one
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