Do you have any weird quirks???
I have one. When I use headphones, I have to put the left one in my ear first. If I forget and put the right in first, I put the headphones away and get them out again. I know it's dumb but i can't help it. LOL
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Do you have any weird quirks???
I have one. When I use headphones, I have to put the left one in my ear first. If I forget and put the right in first, I put the headphones away and get them out again. I know it's dumb but i can't help it. LOL
When I piss, I feel an urge to pull the seat up, and if it's dirty, i can't piss nor pull it up without cleaning it.
I go somewhere to do something and forget like in a split second.
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i have to make my bed before i go to sleep, even if its right before i go to bed.
Signature created by a very close friend: ichigoangel06![]()
I tend to wash my hands frequently, because I don't like my hands to be dirty. I also like to have things evenly, like for example, I always have an even amount of lines when I set the volume on my laptop or on my TV otherwise I feel weird.
Last edited by SigmaSD; 02-03-2009 at 10:59 PM.
Well I still sleep and talk with my doll. Everytime I go to bed, I say goodnight to my whole room. Also, everytime I listen to music, I clap my teeth to the beat of the tune.
I always leave a part of something when I'm eating. Like if I'm eating rice, I'll leave some in the bowl.
Yeah, I do that a lot too.
I have a few others, like I always put my plushies face down if I ever get changed or anything. Oh, and I always say goodbye to the plushies if I leave my room so that they know I love them ^^. I feel so weird for doing that, but I used to do that during my childhood so it kinda stuck.
I wrote a book on the coming of Barlogs, I can live with only one meal for three days (w/ passing out though) and I speak Chanese.
I have to imitate something, wherever I am. My book that I wrote, for instance, mimicks Stephen King's writing style. In my mind (I usually don't say them out loud) I mimick people all the time. It's like I have to repeat whatever they just said in my mind to perfect the way it should have been said. Adding the correct emphasis, and correcting any other errors that may pop up.
My leg cant stat still during school. I usually always have a song playing in my head, my foot usually taps to the beat. ^^
When I eat finger food [chicken nuggets, sandwiches, crackers etc.] I have to tear them apart piece by piece.. My friends think it's weird how I tear apart a chicken patty at lunch. >.> I don't like biting into it
Last edited by blueangel06661; 02-03-2009 at 09:08 PM.
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I have a touch fetish. I cant help it. Everytime I see something that I havent touched before, I have to touch it.
I also tend to bite, taste, sniff, and rub things on my face. My brain likes to know everything about the objects that are foreign to it. I also eat food in odd combonations. Like tortilla chips and ranch dressing. And dried pineapple mixed into ranch-style beans. And movie theater popcorn with strawberry ice-cream. :3 That ones my favorite.
samba bamba, llama momma.
need a new set, feel free to offer. :3
Whenever I think of something and cant remember where or what if came from I have have HAVE to try to remember. Whether it be a name, piece of clothing, voice, face,...character ANYTHING. I cant go to sleep without remembering something I've forgotten. Also I scream and laugh in a very weird and alarming manner. xD
I need my shelves in ABC order. If they are not, I spazz out and must place them in order. If I see someone's shelves not in order, I will take the time out of my day to do it for them.
I cannot stand my food touching other foods. Whenever I go to a buffet, I always end up with maybe three different food items on one plate because I have to keep the foods separate.
I need to have my shelves in a neat order. I usually do it by genre. If it isn't in order I go flipping chaotic.
I listen to music when I fall asleep and sometimes it can be rock music.
"There exist only three respectable beings: the priest, the warrior, the poet. To know, to kill, and to create."-Charles Baudelaire
Say random things or quotes. which generally others don't get it.
~Thanks to Paprika for the awesome sig.~
Haha the book thing! I need to have my books in the order I most frequently read them.
I always flip my pillows before I go to bed.
My music must be in correct formatting/named correctly. It'll bug me if its not xD
Erm, I read books with my fingers resting on tissue paper so I don't get acid on the pages...
Tru Fax: Princess Minako wrestled Jesus... and won
One weird thing about me is that no matter if I have socks on, a blanket on or nothing covering my feet up the stay cold for some odd reason.
"Oh oh oh oh Oppareul saranghae. Ah ah ah ah manhi manhihae." - Girls Generstion "Oh"
Yeah. I can only find things in my room, if the place is a mess. 'Cause I know where everything is. If it's clean, I have to go through drawers and search shelves to find whatever it is I'm looking for.
Lol, damn near everything is weird about me. xD
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