* Is Windows 95 CDRW / Flashdrive compatible?
Windows 95 can read CDs no problem, and can write to them if you have the proper software installed.
Only Windows 95 OSR 2.1 and OSR 2.5 support USB flashdrive. Earlier versions don't.
* Can I install a floppy drive into Vista?
* Can I install Vista into Windows 95?
No! I'm assuming the computer came with Win95 preinstalled and thus won't meet the min requirements for Vista.
If you wanna learn an easy workable solution, that will turn the old Win95 computer into a usable computer capable of running newer software, please read on..
1. Go to
2. From one of the mirrors download the iso file,
it is free and legal
3. Write the dsl-4.4.10.iso* to a CD, or a USB flash memory.
4. No setup or any changes to the hard disk, just insert the CD (or Flash), restart**, and in seconds you'll have a fully functioning environment
5. DSL has very small requirements a 486 processor and 16MB RAM and comes with
plenty of usable apps.
6. Once done, remove the CD (or Flash) and restart, everything is back as it were, no changes to your computer.
* 4.4.10 is the latest release, the .iso file can carry a different name.
** Make sure your computer is setup to boot from CD (or Flash) first, some older computers might not be capable of booting from USB media.