I hope you have a great one!!
Have some birthday balloons!!
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I hope you have a great one!!
Have some birthday balloons!!
Happy birthday man. Hope it's a good one. ^__^
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy birthday, have a great one and I hope your birthday is memorable and also wonderful.
Nonon Jakuzure - Best Kill la Kill baePretty damn great! #spoke2soonOta "The Cutest Otaku" 2016 - Lol, how's your account doing lately? Oh wait.
Happy Birthday TO YOU ! Best wishes
Avatar, Signature, and many wallpapers to come made by me!
Happy birthday LavaBug. Hope you have a wonderful day today. I've ran out of inpiring things to say for birthday threads, so I'll just wish you good luck.
Simply, Happy Birthday.
HAppy Birthday
have a goos one
Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Wowzabunny
Happy Birthday Buggy-Liebchen!
I wish you nothing but all the happiness in the world.
A simple kiss can warm an entire body
Happy Birthday! Hope you have an awesome day, and may all your wishes come true [=
"You know when you're in love when you can't fall asleep, because reality is finally better then your dreams."
Forever&ever ily (:
Happy birthday.
Have a great day!
Het is heerlijk vet! Je most het eten!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I wish you only the best in the World, and many more to come!!!!!!! May your Birthday be a great one!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
^-^' =] =D :heart: <3
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~Aristotle
Happy birthday Laviii : D Hope you have a great day, and may your wishes come trueee <3
Happy birthday! Hava a great one! ^^
"When the world is running down, you make best of what's still around."
"Sometimes, good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
Happy bday LavaBug =D
Hope you have an awesome day =)
Happy Happy Birthday *throws confetti*
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." - Judy Garland
Archmage Evelyn Nightingale, Guardian of the North, at your service.
Formally known as Vanilla Kiss.
Lava! Happy birthday m'dear, hope its a good one ;3
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Have a nice one and enjoy life. =w=~o
If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate.
=Randomness is my Forte.=
【Hear My Voice】Singer-songwriter / Artist / Cosplayer / Animation Student
Happy Birthday, Lava Bug!
I hope you have a terrific day filled with joy and happiness.
<3 Myrra
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Mom: Iris Brother: Cypher Sister: LPS Boyfriend: Rodimus
Siggy by DPBM
haaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday!have a nice time and have lots of fun.may all your wishes come true.
Lovely set made by the awesome Arxia!Thanks so much girl!♥♥♥
My apologies for wishing you a happy birthday a day late.
May it be a wonderful birthday and may all the blessings of the world guide its way to you.
Thank you all guys ! ^^
(and don't worry Balance it's still my birthday where I am ^^)
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Hope you have an awesome birthday Lava!!! ^_^
Wolfie Dango ~*Red*~
Twin sister: Angella_Kagamine
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