"You know...you could have told me where you were going. It was the Bureau right?" said Zephyr while smiling and looking at the side of the window, "I can easily get in. Let's just say that I have connections there that could assist us with your problems."
"Risks at this point should be taken, I wouldn't care if I get caught or not. The only problem left is taking her to safety if that happens. I could run through the wall, but it might be a bit....'guarded with heavy walls in which I cannot penetrate to escape.' My main choice would be to cover her with my metallic armor and just run for it."
All of these thoughts will start to slip away. As soon as that happened, Hana was calling someone and was happily talking to the person. She then looks as if she has something, "Alright, here's what I need."
"Are you talking to the phone or me?"