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Thread: RPG: Magic Mixer

  1. #4251
    Senior Member LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo has a reputation beyond repute LittleMomo's Avatar
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    "You could have told me where you were going. It was the Bureau right?" said Zephyr while smiling and looking at the side of the window, "I can easily get in. Let's just say that I have connections there that could assist us with your problems."

    "Risks at this point should be taken, I wouldn't care if I get caught or not. The only problem left is taking her to safety if that happens. I could run through the wall, but it might be a bit....'guarded with heavy walls in which I cannot penetrate to escape.' My main choice would be to cover her with my metallic armor and just run for it."

    All of these thoughts will start to slip away. As soon as that happened, Hana was calling someone and was happily talking to the person. She then looks as if she has something, "Alright, here's what I need."

    "Are you talking to the phone or me?"
    Careful, I don't take you lightly.
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  2. #4252
    Senior Member Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax's Avatar
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    "First, the mayor needs to be seen. I need to take a ride there. so just back me up. To make it seem more legit, we should probably look like a couple. So just follow my lead, alright? Let's get to my place and get you into a nice, formal dress. I think I have one or two that I bought for Hana. I also have some nicer shirts for myself. So, let's get you dressed properly and then head over by cab, alright? We will make this public since nothing but crap has been happening to us."

    Kevin picked up Jez in his arms and carried her to his home.

    "Go shower while I relax for a moment."

    Kevin sat in his recliner and closed his eyes while leaning back.

  3. #4253
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    Bama, Mizoku, Rem and Ichigo

    Quote Originally Posted by BamaPaganGamer View Post
    OCC: Mizoku and Natsu and indirectly Hollow and Rem

    Hans doesn't even look shocked, just kind of past the whole amazement factor of other shifters. "The name's Hans. You seem alright... Hop down, I got places to be." The broad man crosses his arms, waiting for something resembling a 'thank you' or at least getting off the hood of the truck. He doesn't really notice the two looking on from a distance.
    Vallissa eyed Hans, and the trembling boy that had crept out of nowhere. How did such a small town fit in so many people? They seemed to appear by the minute.

    "Thank you."

    She leapt off the hood, less animalistic and off-guard now that she knew they were no threat to her; she just felt annoyed that she'd even bothered to hide her whip and katana and appear as a normal, defenceless human so as not to scare them. Looked like weird things were prevalent around here.
    Giving a small nod, maybe even the faintest hint of a smile to Mizuko, Vlyssa rethought her plans. Maybe these people could help explain, or find out what was happening to her.

    "My name's Vallissa Daivik. You can call me Vlyssa. I need your help..."

    Suddenly she sensed something else appear. Not only the presences ofthe earth-wielder, water goddess and the mortal, but something....that definitely wasn't human.

    Vlyssa caught sight of it, that black mist that almost faded into the dark background. There.

    Whipping around to catch a better view of it, she spoke directly.

    "Who are you, and what do you want?"


  4. #4254
    ~Kya!~ animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality's Avatar
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    Though her head was tilted down her gaze shifted to the car that had crashed in earlier, people scrambling into the vehicle along with the many copies of Stephen-cats and Willow.

    Again she’d feel the unfamiliar pang at her chest. Frowning to herself she shook it off with a shake of her head, turning about and looking to Anthony in wait for them to move out.

  5. #4255
    Building Castles Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto's Avatar
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    03-22-2013 02:06 AM
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    "No, its not your fault," said Willow her voice small. "Its my fault and I'm sorry to have put you in that sort of position. And I think it upset Oneo, and that hurts, too. I always ruin everything," she said, whispering the last part as she obidiently followed Stephen. As Stephen was talking to the guy who was driving the van, Willow cast a glance back at Oneo.

    Her heart almost fell out of her chest. The girl looked crestfallen as she watched Stephen and she quickly turned her back to them to talk to someone else, but the slump in her shoulders displayed her pain very clearly. As Stephen shifted and started splitting into copies, she quickly ran back to Oneo.

    Willow wrapped her arms around the girl and whispered quietly in her ear "I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to do it. I can see it caused you great distress and I'm so so sorry." Then she let go and ran back to the van. She didnt want to get into the back yet. She wanted to make sure everyone else got in first. She wasn't as important as others and there were sure to still be injured people out there who would need help into the van.
    samba bamba, llama momma.

    need a new set, feel free to offer. :3

  6. #4256
    Senior Member InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN has a reputation beyond repute InfinityzeN's Avatar
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    12-24-2009 01:54 AM
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    OOC: Been in meeting hell all day, sorry for the delay

    Jean threw the car into first gear as everyone finished piling in the back of the car, stomping down hard on the accelerator and making the big built up Flathead V8 roar. The rear tires spun as the car shot away, leaving a cloud of smoke behind the car as the supercharger wound up to a high pitched screaming wail.

    Jean kept glancing in his rear and side mirrors, and then cursed as the swarm of cats stayed close and one of the Apaches banked in towards them. “’da be shootin’ ‘da animals!” he shouted over the noise, trying to jink side to side and suddenly turning sharply to the right just as the Apache opened fire with its 30mm chin gun. Rounds ripped through the cats as the car barely jinked aside in time to avoid a direct hit.

    The front of the car blast through the corner of a brick flowerbed with the shriek of torn twisted metal as steam beginning to pour out from under the hood, while rounds of 30mm high explosive tear a stretch of road out behind the car. None directly strike the car, but there is that little thing they say about almost and high explosives. Shrapnel and concussion slam into the back of the car, adding to the mayhem and damage of the car.

    Jean keeps the petal to the floor, watching the gauges and rubbing the dash with one hand, speaking in a begging tone “ah mon baba, ‘ol ta’geta fo’ moi. ‘is gon’b ah’rit, ‘ah fix’i’ if’n ya’hol ta’geda.” His grip on the wheel is etremely tight and firm, anyone looking could almost swear that his fingers were sinking into it as he continued driving at breakneck pace. Only his mad swerving down roads and alleys avoided a second volley slamming into the car.

    Finally hitting one of the back support roads, Jean poured on the speed, the car traveling faster and faster. Anyone glancing at the speedo would notice the needle creeping past 160 and sinking as the Apache actually began to fall behind. Jean suddenly slamed on the brakes and cut the wheel, the car going into a screaming spin, tire smoke and steam pouring out as it cuts circles like a giant top while continuing to drift down the road.

    One of the Apaches tares in and strafes down the road with IIFRs, a string of explosions blooming down the road, steadly marching towards the spinning car. With steady hands and smooth motions, Jean brings the car back into control and shoots off the main road scant seconds before the explosions reach the car. Something in the back burns from the near mix, black smoke mixing with the white steam as Jean barrels through the work gate in the back of the zoo and into the cover of the woods.
    Last edited by InfinityzeN; 08-12-2009 at 03:51 PM.
    "Naughty by nature..."
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  7. #4257
    Senior Member Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth has a reputation beyond repute Lady Earth's Avatar
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    01-06-2011 05:01 PM
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luzifer View Post
    OOC: I don't mind at all... anything that pisses Samael off is a positive boon as far as I'm concerned.

    Samael sighed... "If I stay in here much longer... I probably will be counting my brain cells too".

    Samael pulled her fingers away from him as she fretted over his appearance. "More assertive and strong-arm people than you have fretted over such nonsense as my personal health before." His voice was blunt and unforgiving, as it always was, even above the shuddering din of the crowd. "In any case, I am perfectly capable of maintaining my own health. You need not waste your dalliance on my account."

    He always wondered why people always seemed so focused on his health, and his condition. Even his enemy had stitched his bullet wound. In fact, the similarity was too striking to be mere coincidence. Samael's suspicions aroused themselves.

    He was than dragged along for what appeared to be a nonsensical satire of family conversation as the boy and girl discussed her singing. Samael let most of it go one ear and out the other, as he did with most things he did not read. However, something became apparent... "Sing or not, be as may be, you are not taking me up on stage with you. So relinquish your grip on me, you bloody fool, before you set one foot in front of that din of morons. And yes, a group of morons is called a din."

    Suddenly a fight began to start... "And that's where the name comes from." Samael sighed with disdain.


    Frederick looked up at Starlight and then looked away, bearing the nervous mask of his formerself and in a minimalist voice, alone amidst the calm, both inside and out, he whispered, "S-star?"
    OOC: LOL cool!

    Inside the hospital room Star's body vanished Laura tried to move but she couldn't. On the roof spirit and body merged into one.Star slowly moved towards the boy before her, reaching out to him. her fingertips gently caressing his face. " it really you?" She removed her hands, "Or is this a trick from death?" She leaned in closer until her lips were close to his, "Frederick..." Her eyes misted over. "Please be you..." She closed the remaining distance between them.

  8. #4258
    ~Water Angel~ Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rem Nightfall View Post
    Looks behind at the boy. "Hello..."
    Frost stared at the girl as she went back to the conversation with the man. Frost got up and he stared at the man and the girl.
    " have someone who is hurt or something?" Frost asked, "Is there anyone I"
    Looks at Frost. "No I think she is alright." Smiles. "I'm Mizuko. You are?"
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  9. #4259
    ~Water Angel~ Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi's Avatar
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    11-28-2009 09:05 PM
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    Quote Originally Posted by NatsuNoAme View Post
    Bama, Mizoku, Rem and Ichigo

    Vallissa eyed Hans, and the trembling boy that had crept out of nowhere. How did such a small town fit in so many people? They seemed to appear by the minute.

    "Thank you."

    She leapt off the hood, less animalistic and off-guard now that she knew they were no threat to her; she just felt annoyed that she'd even bothered to hide her whip and katana and appear as a normal, defenceless human so as not to scare them. Looked like weird things were prevalent around here.
    Giving a small nod, maybe even the faintest hint of a smile to Mizuko, Vlyssa rethought her plans. Maybe these people could help explain, or find out what was happening to her.

    "My name's Vallissa Daivik. You can call me Vlyssa. I need your help..."

    Suddenly she sensed something else appear. Not only the presences ofthe earth-wielder, water goddess and the mortal, but something....that definitely wasn't human.

    Vlyssa caught sight of it, that black mist that almost faded into the dark background. There.

    Whipping around to catch a better view of it, she spoke directly.

    "Who are you, and what do you want?"
    Smiles. "It's nice to meet you Vlyssa. I'm Mizuko. What do you need help with?" Senses something and turns towards the black mist.
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  10. #4260
    Happier than you Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre's Avatar
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    she lifted the insanely large scythe she had off her back, it glowed red full of zeal. She launched herself from the sky picking people up as she swooped on them like a vulture. she stood still for a moment in an intersection with 6 or so bodies scattered on the ground around her like airline baggage. one by one she threw them up in the air, for her strength she threw them at least as high as a six story building. with lightning speed she flew up towards the corpses flying down at her, she tilted the scythe and began spinning it like a helicopter roter blade slashing the corpses into oblivion .
    it could only be described as raining blood.

  11. #4261
    LUCKY DUCK Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus's Avatar
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    Stephen kept producing copies, quick as he could. It wasn't terribly difficult to make a copy, but as he accumulated more and more it became more difficult to maintain them all. Though, he'd been doing it for years, and rather thought he'd gotten good at it. He was now able to give each copy a less-than-perfect sentience: they could act and think on their own when he wasn't directly controlling them.

    As he counted out forty copycats, Stephen noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Willow embracing Oneo and whispering something to her. Vaguely he wondered what it could be about. But he didn't have spare thought with which to speculate on the matter, he needed all his concentration to keep his copies corporeal.

    With everyone finally piled into the van, the driver gave him a signal and brought the vehicle purring to life. A quick shifting of gears and the man stepped full on the gas pedal. They were off, pelting down the aisles of the zoo with ever increasing speed. Stephen gave the vehicle a few moments head start (which he spent eyeing the helicopters about them warily) before chasing after it. The Stephen-cats' paws hit the asphalt gracefully and quite noiselessly as they formed a kind of entourage about the vehicle, surrounding it from all sides. He was a shifter with incredible speed, so keeping up with the vehicle thus far was as easy as a brisk walk. It took a few minutes before he needed to jog to keep up, and by this time one of the helicopters had advanced on the party and opened fire.

    “’da be shootin’ ‘da animals!”

    Stephen barely registered what this should could mean. He was too busy executing evasive maneuvers; the Stephen-cats scattered as bullets came barreling towards them, some retreating to the other side of the van, some falling back, others hopping on top of the vehicle. The real Stephen found himself lingering near the danger zone. His eyes scanned the chopper for signs of weakness, a way to bring it down. When he found none, he settled on instead swarming about it. He directed his copies to attack the flying enemy. Those riding along on top of the van immediately pounced. Most fell short, but one or two made contact. They seemed to provide enough distraction to make the helicopter misfire, hitting the ground behind the van.

    With the van out of danger again, the copies regrouped. They stuck close to the van again, leaping over the brick flowerbed. Four of the copies, impeded by the obstacles, weren't able to catch up to the group and fell too far behind for Stephen to maintain. They disappeared into a wisp of smoke. He began to worry about the journey, wondering how many more he would lose this way.

    However, just then they hit a straightaway that was clear of hindrances, and the van went faster than ever. The Stephen-cats broke into a run now to keep up. Everything seemed to be going well now, the helicopters was falling back, unable to maintain the speed, but something went wrong with the van. It began to spin out of control. The sudden change in speed caught several copies off guard, and they frantically leapt out of the way of the wild vehicle, narrowly missing being toppled over or sprinting headlong into it.

    This whole protection business was harder than Stephen had thought it would be. Fatigue was beginning to set in. But he couldn't stop now, there were explosions going off all around them. In an effort to relieve the tremendous effort he was giving, Stephen let a score of copies fade away, the better to maintain the remaining ones. It was a strategy that sustained him all the way through exiting the zoo in a blaze of black smoke.

    The woodland cover overhead did wonders for Stephen. It was much cooler under the trees, and being there meant they could more easily evade the choppers. He allowed himself to relax a bit, his copies coming to rest on top of the van to recover. Some of the copycats groomed themselves nonchalantly, others attempted to curl up but found the road was too bumpy for that. The real Stephen kept guard at the front of the van, his sharp eyes scanning the skies for evidence of renewed violence.

    Back, by popular demand! Now with new avy.

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    Uniquely Unique... FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel's Avatar
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    (OOC: Rein*).

    (OOC: Also, I apologize for the wait. Forgive me? Heh).

    “I don’t know why you see my visions. Maybe we have psychic link or something. I'm not sure but at least you know what I'm saying is true...” Galen sort of just nodded after that. “Yeah, maybe I’ll get the opportunity to figure it out eventually. An explanation would be nice. It would make me feel less like a crazy person and more like an actual human being.” At that, Reina grabbed onto Galen’s arm tightly, and pushed through the door of the club.

    Reina seemed as if she was feeling uneasy, so Galen rubbed her arm a bit to comfort her as they continued to push through the crowd anyway. When they got further in, that was when Galen started to feel uncomfortable as well. There seem to be a brawl, or some sort of fight happening, and that was definitely something that he did not want to get involved in. But suddenly, Reina looked over at something…or someone, and Galen followed her gaze. Right there, somehow avoiding the fight was Samael.

    Galen frowned. He really did not like that guy. “Great…” He sighed under his breath. “Just freakin’ fantastic.” He continued. Reina held onto Galen’s arm even tighter then. It was like she was scared. Galen tried to make her feel better though when he saw that she was even skimming the crowd. He did not want her to feel that way, especially with the fight and what not going on. “It will be alright.” He said before kissing her lightly on the forehead. “Just stay with me and I’m sure we can get though this together.”

    “Let’s just stay here for a while and watch. I wanna see who's there before I go over. Besides when I go close to Samael,” Reina pointed to where he was, “-my powers are hindered and I might not be able to protect if something bad was to happen...” Galen nodded. “That sounds like a plan to me. But what should we do in the meantime? Who knows how long this fight will last. I mean we don’t even know what caused it really.”

    It seemed that almost instantaneously after Reina started talking though; two loud screeches seemed to sound over the crowd. This instantly drew Galen’s attention elsewhere as his eyes were the ones to skim the crowd now. “That sounds like a girl.” Reina looked around to see if she could see where the sound had come from, but the place was swarming with wild movements and the flailing bodies that ensued and meshed themselves with them. “We really should stay close to the exit at least until this sorts itself out. I don't want you to get sucked in...”

    Galen looked down at Reina. “Reina, we need to do something. I feel like I should help, and I know that you are worried too. Let’s go look for whatever or whoever those screeches came from.” At that, he took wrapped his arm around her shoulders to keep her close to him so she could be as safe as he could help her to be. Then they started their way through the crowd again, not too sure what may happen in the process of it all.


    (OOC: Valkarma).

    Eventually Arella and Kiyoshi made it to where she thought that bookstore. She just hoped that she was correct because at that particular time, memory failure would not be a good thing. Sure she was new to Kapok Bay, but so much had happened in such a small amount of time, she had most of the layout pretty much figured out by then.

    She went to knock on the door to what she presumed to be the bookstore, yet hesitated before her fist connected with the wood. Kiyoshi thought a moment or two whether or not it would actually be a good idea to turn the book in to sell, or if going to see Kairos again for whatever reason was a grand idea or not. Last time they had talked, let alone had seen each other…

    Kiyoshi decided to knock anyway, taking her chances. She figured that it would be all right whether or not Kairos was actually there or not. Things would work out the way that they were supposed to anyway. Or so she figured.

    From that point forward, Kiyoshi and Arella just awaited for someone to answer the door.

    “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~Aristotle

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    09-14-2010 10:18 AM
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    "Jez, have you ever been to Orochi's residence? I would like to know where it is for when the time comes."

    He smelled more blood in a strong area and said to Jez.

    "Do you smell it, Jez? Do you smell fresh blood flying about in mass amounts? There's only one person who can be killing in mass amounts right now and I haven't seen Jericho kill people at random so therefore, it isn't him...Think hard, Jez, hell, dive into Hana's memory if you must for a location of Orochi's residence. With his help, we may be able to stop the menace on the roads. Until then, driver, drop Jez and I off in this area."

    The area they stopped was quiet, peaceful and yet littered with the snobbish upper-class. It pissed Kevin off whenever he talked to them but they had nowhere else to go.

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    ((sorry Kera I know I gave you no time to post. If you want to say anything that happened prior to this post then please feel free to post it and I'll edit my post to fit yours.))

    "Well. Hmmmm. Pardon me, this isn't anything agressive. "

    He suddenly shifts into a black, whispy figure, he holds up a hand for a moment and the air around Jerico humms for a brief moment. There seemed to be something that looked like data and diagrams of some type flowing around in its eyes... It stops rather quickly. Jericho didn't like it but he doubted this man had the guts to do anything to him.

    "Ah, a potent one around you.

    Well, then perhaps you'd be interested in what I have to say. You see I've been studying our kind. Shifters. For a while. Initially just to learn how to be more potent myself. Or to learn if we'd all go mad slowly or something.

    But what I found, was that we seem to have the potential for immortality, and much greater power than we have now.

    That's why I was so eager to talk to this one," He says, making a gesture at Orichi, "I figured the ability to live past a medical failure would hold great apeal to him.

    Obviously it holds less for the young and hale" He says turning back to Jerico, "But we could all use more power couldn't we? And there is always the chance of something unfortunate happening.

    Now, I think I know how to acheive this feat, a better version of what I have seen before.

    But ideally we'd get some other shifter. Someone to experiment on a bit. You seem." Even though he's some distance away, Jericho notices him lean closer, "Like someone who might get angry, someone who might make enemies. Anyone you might want to try volunteering?"

    Was this really happening to Jericho? Was he really being asked if he had enemies? This must be a miracle from God. He was finally getting rewarded for his good deeds.

    "Of course I have a few volunteers," A name was on his lips already, "A fairly aggresive young shifter and his partners," The air grew still, "I want it to be Ke-..."

    Jericho choked up a little bit. Why though? No there was someone else out there that deserved it more then Kevin and his group. They hadn't suffered enough but someone out there got away with more then even them.

    "I don't know her name well. She's a cruel demon though that will suffer if I have anything to say about it..." His mind had a fairly young looking girl's face in mind. She had met Roivas a few times before but only while he was a mask and theme song away from being some kiddy superhero. Yuki would now get to meet Jericho the god...

    Roivas looked at Natalya, "I doubt that you should come with us. You have not sinned knowingly sinned and could be considered innoncent. Don't change that ok?" He sighed and looked back to Ichi, "You have my attention so you best not waste any time. Tell me what you have planned exactly,"
    ~The One and Only~

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    Reina was alittle hesitant but when she felt Galen's arms around her shoulder she just moved with him. trying to stay consistent with his steps.Not wanting to get separated. But the crowd was thick and the further in they went they worse it was.

    Ahh. Reina screamed someone had hit her with something. She held on tighter to Galen. who looked around at her when he heard to sound. I'm okay just keep going. She was almost to the speakers but she was almost to where Samael was.

    And she could feel it too. it was difficult for her to move because she was in her shifter form. We have to find another place to walk she said to Galen. I'm getting too close to samael and as i am right now thats very dangerous..

    the mic was still making small static sounds as if it wa rolling around. She mius be near where the speakers are set up..maybe the mic is near here and thats why she was so loud...

    which way do you think we should go? Reina asked as she tried to hold onto Galen.. she was weaker and was loosing her grip....

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    "Ahh, screw it...I'll just sniff the false god out."

    Kevin started recognizing Jericho's scent from past fights and started walking fast, holding Jez' hand. He eventually led her to a manor, saying,

    "This must be where he is. His scent is strongest here."

    He banged loudly on the door, yelling Jericho's name.

    "Open up, false god! I know you're in there and I have some information for you regarding a mutual friend of ours! Bring out any shifters who may be in there as more insight would be helpful."

  17. #4267
    Building Castles Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto's Avatar
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    Willow let out a gasp of exasperation. The ride was so rough. She had heard shots fired, they had spun out of control, and now the were bouncing like crazy and it hurt. Willow was doing her best to keep others in the van comfortable. Willow herself stood, making sure she could get to anybody that needed help quickly.

    'I hope Stephan and Oneo will be able to work this out,' she thought, willing herself to be distracted so as to avoid the thoughts of all the awful things she had had to go through in one day. She hadn't known that when she first started to accidently shift, it would lead to this. Finally, she couldn't take it any more. She sat down and turned her face to the wall and silently let herself cry.

    When she stood up again, her face was red and her eyes were dry and she was sniffling but her face was placid and she want back to making sure everyone else was okay.
    samba bamba, llama momma.

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    She jumped with a small scream as a pair of arms wrapped around her. Glancing back she’d relax upon seeing Willow, pausing as the girl whispered to her then retreated, leaving Oneo to watch her with a slightly confused expression…what was she apologizing for? Even so a tinge of pink flushed her cheeks, followed by a small smile at Willows concern for her. Maybe they would become friends…

    That small thought had Oneo’s smile growing, from that alone she felt a rush of energy, turning about, her eyes glancing across the landscape.

    They were to track through the woods, move East until they’d come a white house.

    Easy enough.

    Placing a hand to her hip Oneo then glanced back, mulling over whether to wait for Anthony or take flight overhead for a quick look at the woods. With all the animals going crazy the was a chance more would be lurking within the thick and shadowy mass of trees.

  19. #4269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuko Riko Imimoshi View Post
    Looks at Frost. "No I think she is alright." Smiles. "I'm Mizuko. You are?"

    Frost stared at the girl, but then he felt another eerie chill.
    "I am uh..." Frost said, but then he turned back to the forest he could feel something was there, "I'm Frost."
    Frost then turned back to the forest. He must have seemed so agitated to them. And when the other person came Frost stared at them for a moment. Frost could feel an icy wind and he could sense an icy stare.
    "I'm not very fond of this forest," Frost mumbled to himself, "I remember the creature in the forest when I was a kid."
    Frost realized he was speaking his thought out loud and stared at them giving them a wispy smile. He took his cellphone out to see the time. He was going to be extremely late tonight, wasn't he. Frost felt another icy stare and quickly turned from the screen of the forest. He could see those shadows, but that wasn't the concern Frost had.

    Wedding is in October. And I'm going to be a dad. Super excited.

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    OOC: If your with me, your not in the van. I'm driving a 1947 Ford Super Deluxe Convertable, with a really built up engine. It has lots of space though, easily handling 4 in the back and 3 up front.

    Jean eases off on the speed some but makes sure not to stop, driving along until he finally find a forestry service road and turning onto it towards town. He carefully watches the gauges as he works around in a long slow arch back to town.

    "'ah head'n back ta' ma' place. If'n 'ah stop 'fore, 'da car won' start'gin." he says as he works his way to the edge of town near his place. Lucky that most people are in hiding so he can run the few stop signs and red lights he runs into.

    Finally he reaches the beach front road and rolls along. Keeping an eye out shows clear skys, no more Apaches trying to blow them all up. He turns off into his driveway and stops, hitting the remote to open the garage. As the door rolls up, the car begins making loud clunking noises before dieing.

    Jean lets out a sharp word in that strange language and hops out, moving behind the car and pushing it into the garage. After a quick look around, he hits the button to lower the door.

    "'ah got food an' drink, two show'a, old cloths, phone, spare bed, couch, an' love seat. Y'u all welcome to'it."
    "Naughty by nature..."
    Click here for Jean's story / Click here for Cajun Words

  21. #4271
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    Anthony made his way to the little girl and the incapacitated guy back by the fence by the Orcas. He quickly grabbed them and took them to the van where Dan and the others are waiting. He scaned the area for anyone else. It seems there wasn't anyone else to rescue at the moment. "Alright," Anthony said. "Let's get out of here."
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    Leaving the junkyard, Carlos yawned and headed for Kevin's house through the shadows. He opened that white door and set foot inside a pleasant memory. It was good to be inside his second home. He put his feet up on the recliner and said to himself.

    "Now I just have to wait for everyone to get here. They better show so we can collect our findings. I will call Miria to make sure everyone comes."

    Carlos picked up Kevin's house phone and dialed Miria's cell number. He decided to leave a voicemail instead.

    "Miria, this is Carlos. I'm at Kevin's house right now. Have everyone regroup here, if possible. If not, give me a reason please so I can come up with a new plan."

    Hanging up, he closed his eyes back in the recliner.

  23. #4273
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    Miria sat in the car, relaxed and glad they had escaped that mayhem. She sighed and then stared off into the distance. Miria didn't hear her phone ring since she was complete out of it until she heard the small beep coming from her phone. Voicemail? She opened her phone and listened to message. When they arrived at Jean's place, Miria closed her phone.

    "We need to go to Kevin's place. Carlos left a voicemail. What should we do?"

    Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
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    Jean looked at Miria a little funny for a moment. "Moi cha, ah'ma 'bout dead. We bof' covered in blood an' nas', 'da car won' go no'mo, an'ah could really use ah' nap." Jean rubs his chin for a moment, then sighs in disgust as gore flakes off of it. "'ow 'bout we don' take'ah shower, call 'ah cap, an' grab 'ah bite ta' eat from 'da kitchen? Cab get here an' we go. 'dats if 'dare are any cabs running."

    Miria can tell just how tired he is since he didn't even hint at taking a shower together and his thoughts never run to interesting things to do with her, something she knows is very common as a mind reader. Jean just stands there with a blank expression on his face, waiting for her answer.
    "Naughty by nature..."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rem Nightfall View Post
    Frost stared at the girl, but then he felt another eerie chill.
    "I am uh..." Frost said, but then he turned back to the forest he could feel something was there, "I'm Frost."
    Frost then turned back to the forest. He must have seemed so agitated to them. And when the other person came Frost stared at them for a moment. Frost could feel an icy wind and he could sense an icy stare.
    "I'm not very fond of this forest," Frost mumbled to himself, "I remember the creature in the forest when I was a kid."
    Frost realized he was speaking his thought out loud and stared at them giving them a wispy smile. He took his cellphone out to see the time. He was going to be extremely late tonight, wasn't he. Frost felt another icy stare and quickly turned from the screen of the forest. He could see those shadows, but that wasn't the concern Frost had.
    "Nice to meet you Frost." Looks at the forest. Then looks back at Frost. "Who's out there?"
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