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Thread: RPG: Magic Mixer

  1. #4126
    Zero Chaos Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera's Avatar
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    07-15-2010 10:30 PM
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    Natalya shugged
    "Looks like your pretty sharp." She said with a smirk and a light cuckle.
    "seeing as i do not wish for my face to meet that wall ill tell you. As you guess I have some healing capabilities." Natalya shugged her shoulders again
    'well thats one secret out' She thought to herself and looked at Jericho with hard green eyes.
    "How i did it well sense you didnt believe the CPR it was a cover up. I directed my energy into his heart and forced it to move at a semi normal pace at first then matched it to my own heart. With my hearing i also kept a check on his heart incase it did fail. Basicly i forced his blood to flow and his heart to beat till it regained a normal pace its used to." She shifted her weight to her left foot then to her right. She really couldnt explain her powers well but that was what she thought would explain it best some times she does did things that she cant explain.
    "As for being a bad man i dont doudt that but i cant sit on the side lines and watch some one die bad or not. Its not in my nature, I knew you wanted to kill him and im sorry for messing up your plans. But again its not in my nature to watch some one die." Natalya Relaxed her posture alittle bit more just incase she annoyed the man.
    "Any other questions, Jericho?" She said with a rather smug look.

  2. #4127
    Faded Existence Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein* has a reputation beyond repute Rein*'s Avatar
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    02-26-2013 03:44 PM
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    she looked at him as he removed his lips from hers.she held onto his hand; i know there are things to be done.

    She sighed and started pacing a bit. if only i know what to make of all this. i saw Samael and things aren't gonna end well for him but how do i help someone who always seem so standoffish. he kinda scares me.

    even more than that this day kinda spiralled out of my control. there were so many other things that i was supposed to be doing. i was to help my friend find someone and then we got separated that show i ran into you again...

    Reina started rambling on a bit about all that was before her but still she was making no head way in solutions to any of her problems. I'll tell you why the panic and you decide if you can handle it okay.

    With the help of my friend Kairos i got a glimpse into the distant future and it was so confused. It was several different visions all at once. th emajrity of which showed persons like me dying and on one where we could be saved. There after we started to think of ways to created the later vision because we dont wanna die.

    But Kairos is more advanced than i am and I have no way of trying to help our future. Then there are the visions with samael and that just proves that our future is terribly in danger. she stopped speaking for a while..

    it got really quite and her eyes started to wonder away from Galens face. she tried facusing on everything else she didn't want to make eye contact. Because she saw something else that was very unclear.

    Reina wasn't sure of what she saw, if anything bad happen to Galen but when he was saying good bye to her she saw a liger leap out from behind him and then a can covered in blood roll down the street. Two persons were trying to help but that was it nothing clear. she could almost swear it was kiyoshi and ted. she couldn't mention that to Galen. what would she say..don't careful..what would she say really.

    She started speacking to him again but she still refused to look him in the eyes. what do you think can be done about all this?
    Last edited by Rein*; 08-05-2009 at 09:49 AM.

  3. #4128
    ~Kya!~ animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality's Avatar
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    Even though she was still a little disorientated, Oneo wiggled after finding herself being carried. A pink heated her face.

    “I can…I can walk by myself, thank you.”

    She would push herself from the male, not at all used to their attentions, let alone being held she’d duck her head to hide the blush, her back still aching though the healing had done her a great amount of good.

    From the calm moment she had from becoming drowsy under the Orca her wings had gradually sank back into her body, the bones becoming thin and frail as they pressed at her shoulder blades, her feathers falling away like autumn leaves, scattering the ground. Her uniform now hung off one shoulder, the back shredded from her wings and the fall.

    Rotating her neck with a wince she’d take a quick glance about the area, the glow about her gone revealing the patches of dirt and scrapes that decorated her arms and jawline.

  4. #4129
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    With the Cerberus healing up and his innards staying in due to tissue regeneration, he shrunk in size to a single-headed black wolf with a red "V" mark on his forehead again. He got up and said,

    "Thank you, Miria for healing me. Thank you, Stephen for getting me the needed help. Carlos' back is screwed up due to the attack, which would explain why he dragged himself to the whale to eat. He could use the help as well considering I'm not up to losing my number two guy. When all of this is taken care of, meet at my home. You will be rewarded for your efforts here."

  5. #4130
    SOS Brigade Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita's Avatar
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    Miria stood up from where Willow was sitting and went towards Carlos. She began to heal his back which had suffered quite a bit of damage.

    "I just hope your nerves aren't damaged. That could mean terrible business." Miria nodded at Kevin while continuing on Carlos. She wiped the few tears that rolled down her cheeks, leaving her eyes slightly red.

    Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
    Daniel Barenboim

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  6. #4131
    Senior Member RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain has a reputation beyond repute RayCaptain's Avatar
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    05-05-2011 09:20 PM
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    Jericho stood silently leaning against the wall. So he was right about her having powers. He made a mental note that she seemed some what soft, weak. Not letting someone die for no reason was a sign of weakness...or was she just being a hero?

    Sliding back down the wall into a sitting position, he started to remember how things use to be. When he was the one trying to pull the 'innocent' from the fires and chaos. When he couldn't stand by and watch anyone die. He had been human at one point...

    With a sigh he looked at the nurse, "No... I don't have any more questions. Just get out of my site," He closed his eyes and looked down.
    ~The One and Only~

  7. #4132
    Building Castles Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto's Avatar
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    03-22-2013 02:06 AM
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    Willow let out a sigh of relief. All the healing that Miria was doing was calming down her senses and relieving her of a lot of emotions that roiled inside her chest. As she sat down, Miria came over and hugged, her, thanking her as a tear rolled down her cheek.

    Willow licked her cheek in response before she let go and went to heal others that were badly injured. Suddenly, she shifted back into her human form with a shudder. Her muscles ached and her head hurt but she was relatively fine.

    As she breathed a sigh of relief for her lack of bodily injury, she walked over to the man that had been the cat. He was covered in blood and smelled a bit but she stuck her hand out to shake his.

    "My name is Willow. Thank you for helping me roll that thing off those people. I have a question though. What is it? I dont know whats going on here. And do you know why I can turn into a wolf?" she asked, worry crossing her face. She didnt understand anything and now that everything was done, Willow was having trouble comprehending it.
    samba bamba, llama momma.

    need a new set, feel free to offer. :3

  8. #4133
    Uniquely Unique... FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel has a reputation beyond repute FaeryTaleAngel's Avatar
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    10-12-2019 02:03 AM
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    (OOC: Kiyoshi (obviously)).

    Kiyoshi knocked a few more times, with Arella standing by her side, yet she had received no answer.

    She checked her cell phone for the time.

    ‘ has been almost fifteen minutes… I wonder if he went out or something. I guess I can go in and leave him a note.’

    Kiyoshi bent down, grabbed the silver key from under the mat in front of the door, and unlocked it, only to replace the key when she was finished. She reached toward the doorknob hesitantly.

    ‘You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re not breaking in. You’re just checking up on a friend.’

    Kiyoshi let out a big breath at Kyon’s thoughts, sighing.

    “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thank you Kyon.”

    She looked at Arella and the two of them nodded, and that was when Kiyoshi turned the knob, the two of them walking in afterward.

    It looked like nobody was home, so Kiyoshi decided that she would find some paper and a writing utensil of some sort so that way she could write Roki a note as planned. But upon walking around the backside of the sofa, she saw something that she might not have wanted to see.

    Her heart first stopped, and then it sped up. She felt the blood drain completely from her face; the adrenaline started pumping itself through her veins, and it might have seemed as if Kiyoshi was going to have a panic attack…or at least something close to it.

    Right in front of her, behind the couch, lying on the floor, was Roki, and he was paler then the snow that Kiyoshi use to look at in Okinawa as a child every holiday.

    “S-Stay back Arella. Although you probably already know for obvious reasons I do not want you to see this.” Kiyoshi said, trying to warn the girl about what she could possibly see.

    Her throat was swollen and her eyes would only be to follow, but only with the tears that were already brimming them.

    But, she could not get herself to move. She was thinking the opposite of what she physically wanted to do. No rationality was left. She did not want to believe anything that she was seeing.

    ‘Oh no. Kiyoshi…’

    ‘It’s all right. He’s all right. I know he’s all right. He’s got to be all right.’

    Kiyoshi took a step toward Roki then, still hesitating, but she felt as if she needed to do something; anything.

    “See.” Kiyoshi said out loud as she slowly bent down and touched Roki’s forehead gently.

    She went a shade paler then she already was, and she gasped, jerking her hand away from his cold flesh. But that is what did it. That is what had finally broke her, and the tears had finally sprung to her eyes.

    “No…” She whispered, her crying would be hysterical if she were not the type to do so softly.

    Kiyoshi was shaking then, she was instantly cold, and she felt like she had to throw up. The girl was practically going into convulsions, and Kyon had not the slightest clue as into what to do. He had never witnessed Kiyoshi react this way to anything before, and being connected to her the way that he was, he felt everything that she did.

    “…no, Roki, I…” She held the palm of her hand up to one of her eyes, trying to prevent the tears that were already flowing from coming out more, “I…I’m so sorry!”

    And her break down only progressed from there.

    “This…this is all my fault, I should have…”

    ‘Kiyoshi, don’t even-”

    “I-I have to call someone.” She said instantly, cutting Kyon off as she pulled her cell phone back out and dialed a number that she had never thought she would be dialing; her fingers were trembling.

    Kiyoshi placed the phone to her ear then, still shaking.

    “Nine-one-one what is your emergency?”

    “I-I need somebody to help me. M-My friend, I-I-I think he’s…I think he’s dead.” Kiyoshi had managed to get out, her voice was shaky as well, and that was when the tears had come through full on, she was crying hysterically.

    “What is the address ma’am?”

    “W-Wha…” Kiyoshi answered.

    “Ma’am, I need to know the address.”

    “I-I’m not sure.”

    ‘26453 Rose Ct.

    Kiyoshi looked up at Arella then, and repeated what she had said into the phone.

    “Ma’am that was 26453 Rose Court?”

    “Yes.” She responded.

    “Okay ma’am, we’re on our way. Would you like me to stay on the line with you?”

    Kiyoshi was silent, the tears were overwhelming her again and she felt like she could barely breathe.


    At that, Kiyoshi had dropped her cell phone and held both of her palms up to her eyes then and started sobbing hysterically. The pain that shot through her felt as if it would never end, and the numbing sensation that would tune it out was not even there to cure her from the pain. The guilt that had rushed through her only increased as her and Roki’s last meeting together played through her mind, over, and over again, like a top that would never stop spinning.

    Arella came up by Kiyoshi and closed her cell phone for her, silently sitting down on her knees before pulling Kiyoshi into a tight embrace, just holding her as she cried.

    Kiyoshi’s cell phone started ringing again, but nobody cared to answer it (it was probably only nine-one-one anyway…you know how they are about that kind of stuff).


    When it seemed like she was calming down a bit, Arella pulled away from Kiyoshi and looked at her with concern and worry written all over her face. Kiyoshi attempted to smile at her but that did not seem to do much to help the situation.

    “…thank you…” She whispered as more tears sprang to her eyes.

    Kiyoshi turned her face away from Arella, feeling ashamed that she was even showing emotion, showing vulnerability, showing a weakness…showing everything that she was raised to protect from the knowledge of others.

    ‘You’re welcome.’ Echoed through her mind, and then she was embraced again, and the tears silently started to streak Kiyoshi’s cheeks even more so then they had before.

    But when she went to turn back toward Arella, that was when Kiyoshi noticed it out of the corners of her eyes—Roki’s book—Nina and Darkness.

    Kiyoshi quickly hugged Arella back before standing up and slowly walking over to the book that was lying right next to Roki, the sirens sounding in the distance as they neared his house.

    She bent down to pick it up, and when her fingers grazed the books smooth surface

    “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~Aristotle

  9. #4134
    LUCKY DUCK Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus has a reputation beyond repute Capernicus's Avatar
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    Stephen smiled as he watched Kevin being healed. He didn't particularly like the guy, nor did he dislike the guy, but even one should lose their life here.

    "When all of this is taken care of, meet at my home. You will be rewarded for your efforts here." Kevin said.

    Stephen nodded, though he wasn't too sure of the way back to his house. The events of this (very long!) evening were like a blur to him. Every time he considered that, just this afternoon, he had been happily testing samples of acids of varying potency on kopak leaves. Before, his biggest worry was the timeline for a breakthrough in his research. Now...well, he had feared for his life and others more than once tonight.

    It was with these thoughts in Stephen's head that the wolf-shifter approached him. She extended her hand in greeting, though her facial expression seemed slightly repugnant.

    "My name is Willow. Thank you for helping me roll that thing off those people. I have a question though. What is it? I don't know whats going on here. And do you know why I can turn into a wolf?"

    He conisdered the girl, this Willow, for a moment. Could she really be so oblivious to the existence of shifters? He had supposed, with all the media attention on the subject as of late, everyone was aware. He also felt that everyone had an opinion on them. Many non-shifters feared them, and worse some wanted to perform experiments on them. They were even being used, he had heard, in secret government armies. How could it be that she didn't know what she was?

    "Well," he began, trying to be kind and delicate, "I'm not sure I have all the answers you seek. I don't know why we can do the things we can do, though I'm involved in some research on the matter. I can tell you, however, that you are not alone. All these people here are the same as me and you. As for the events of this evening...well I'm as lost as you on the matter. I was recruited for this little expedition so suddenly." He turned away from her, looking back at his fellow shifters, who seemed to be regrouping. It seemed no lasting damage had been done. That is, to those who were not orcas. He turned back to face Willow.

    "How did you come to be here anyway?"

    Back, by popular demand! Now with new avy.

  10. #4135
    Happier than you Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre's Avatar
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    09-04-2009 10:35 PM
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    she stood , melodramatically posing as if some famous photographer was taking a photo of her for some model magazine.
    "I'm just to damn HOT" she put her hands behind her head
    "there has to be some hot people out there like me". she hopped from the her current ground to a lamppost to a rooftop to the roof a small skyscraper. she did a small turn on a the spot. she sighed wishing someone was taking photo's of her, because she was still thinking about how hot she was. "It needs to be hot wherever I go" she poured some gasoline all over the roof of the short skyscraper and then ignited it , in the center of the blaze where she had carefully made sure it wasn't on fire, she began dancing and singing "it's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes"

  11. #4136
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    12-24-2009 01:54 AM
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    Jean reaches out and caresses Miria's cheek after she healed him, smiling softly as she gets up to make the rounds. With a grunt he rolls slowly to his feet, still very sore and tender. Definitely not something he was used to anymore. I really need to go and sleep until my fast healing kicks back on he thought.

    Raising to his feet carefully, he watches Miria work for a moment before shuffling slowly over to the knot of people around her. Leaning in slightly he checks Kevin out and nods. He figures he will hang around till Miria is done before heading for home. He does send her a few naughty thoughts and an offer to take a long nap with him later.

    Absently he checks his shotgun and then lets out a few sharp words in Cajun. The whole gun is covered with blood and worse. He shifts it around to his back so he won't have to deal with it now before looking around and spotting a concession stand.

    Heading over to it he slips inside for a couple of minutes before walking back out with a couple of arm fulls of bottled waters. He heads around to everyone still up and about, passing out a bottle or two to each before setting a couple down beside Miria.
    "Naughty by nature..."
    Click here for Jean's story / Click here for Cajun Words

  12. #4137
    Senior Member Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax has a reputation beyond repute Dr. Hax's Avatar
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    Carlos' back started reconfiguring. When he was finally able to stand, he stretched a bit before going to Willow with Kevin following. He turned back to Miria, saying,

    "I owe you one...Stop by el jefe's place."

    He then turned to Willow while Kevin said shifting back in human form, clothes all tattered,

    "Stephen, let me handle that one. Fellow wolf, shift back into your form and sit before Carlos and myself. We will have a wolf-to-wolf-to-wolf talk about this."

  13. #4138
    Building Castles Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto has a reputation beyond repute Red&Stiletto's Avatar
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    Willow listened to him. It was little comfort to know that there were others like her. She looked around.

    "I see," she almost whispered to herself. She was scared of what she was, scared of what it might mean she would have to do.

    "How did you come to be here anyway?" he asked, and it took a moment for Willow to remember.

    "I... I was passing by. I dont know what happened but I just suddenly was a giant wolf. I could smell the fear and injuries on everyone and everything so strongly but it was like I didnt have any control over what I did. Then I was helping people and Miria, she helped healed the ones I rescued," she said, gesturing to the girl standing with everyone else.

    "After that, it was kinda like I had control but it was all instintual. Then I was here. I just got tired and shifted back. I dont know how anything works. And I'm rambling. I'm sorry," she said, confusion masking her face as she thought about it. It didnt make any sense.

    Just as she finished explaining, one of the others told her to shift back.

    "I cant. I dont know how. I cant control that part of myself," she said, her voice meek. She was so tired and achey, she felt like crying.
    Last edited by Red&Stiletto; 08-04-2009 at 11:53 PM.
    samba bamba, llama momma.

    need a new set, feel free to offer. :3

  14. #4139
    Zero Chaos Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera's Avatar
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    Natalya being well natalya could help but notice this man, Jericho seemed almost tired. Even when her mind was screaming at her to listen she didnt instead she walked up to the now sitting Jericho and crouched down on the balls of her feet.
    "Well i have a question for you." she said looking Jericho in the face.
    "Are you going to be all right?" she asked concerned for the man. Why did she let her kind heart rule her she had no idea. Natalya's hands rested on her knees while she waited for Jericho's answer.

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    Stephen looked at Kevin, who interjected in a slightly rude manner in his opinion, but he recognized that the man could snap him in half if he wanted to. Instead he stepped back slightly. However, it seemed that Willow could not shift at will.

    "I have that same problem as well." Stephen commented. "It only happens when I'm afraid, as kind of a defensive mechanism." He thought that the naturally harsh personality of Kevin was a bit too much for the girl to handle, so he tried to pull her aside to give her words of encouragement. "It's nothing to be ashamed of." he told her, almost a whisper. "I'm sure it'll come to us when we're ready, yeah?" He gave her a sincere smile and a slight squeeze of her shoulder.

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    Jericho kept his head down, keeping his gaze on the stitches on his leg. He'd be alright for now but how many more times would he tempt fate? No someone like him didn't need 'fate' to be on their side.

    "You don't know me so I'll forgive for getting close to me like this," Jericho looked straight ahead out the broken window, "Why are you here? I mean Orochi would've utilized someone with your ability to be more then a nurse on his staff... Would he?"

    With that he looked up at Natalya and met her eyes. Green, the same as Orochi's. That was the only thing the two sets of eyes had in common though. This woman's eyes had seen a rougher side of life that Orochi never really had. Not that the viper hadn't had a tough life but the nurse's... Something about her...

    "Like I said before I'm done with you and the rest of the staff. You can leave now," Roivas looked back to the window.
    ~The One and Only~

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    Ted began to walk through the mostly calm battleground. "A few hours ago this would be a tourist attraction. This isn't right."

    He began to scan the minds of everyone in the zoo, one at a time. Trying to figure out who was alone, and how to help.

    "There's something wrong with the Tasmanian Devils. I think we should check on them."

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    "Stephen, Willow, sit before Carlos and myself. I can explain that a bit as well."

    In wolf form, Kevin and Carlos sat before the two while looking about.

    "Say boss...Isn't there someone missing? I think someone might have left us."

    "I'm not focused on that right now, Carlos. If I was, then I wouldn't be waiting to explain to these two why they can do what they do. Anthony, someone mentioned the Tasmanian Devils. Go with him and check it out, please."

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    Jean takes a long swig of water, then looks around and counts. Hummm... we seem to be short he thinks. He walks around for a minute, checking everyone in the area before speaking up.

    "Hey, anyone seen where Jay went of to? He seems to be missing."
    "Naughty by nature..."
    Click here for Jean's story / Click here for Cajun Words

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    Quote Originally Posted by FaeryTaleAngel View Post
    “What am I?” Aamira asked in return, still smiling at Kairos.

    “I am a human being, just like you are.” At that, she turned from him, her dark curls flipping over her shoulders then and resting neatly against her back as she did so.

    “Anyway,” she begun, looking back at him before walking away, “-if you ever needed anything, you know where to find me now. If you check in with the school, my name is Aamira Sorella. They will do the rest from there.”

    At that, Aamira started to walk through the entrance to the school. She did not want to leave Kairos, which was probably why she purposely did not answer his question correctly. But, if fate would have it, that would not matter, and things would work themselves out regardless.
    "Who is she?" Kairos thought as he began thinking back to the images seen in his mind. "Could she be like me?" He wasn't sure. Something felt missing, a clue as to what her powers were really like. But there was no mistake that she was a shifter. No one else could have that kind of power and not be. Unless people could be born different. Kairos pondered about it for a moment. He then decided to ask her.
    "Em Kairos?" Shadow spoke.
    "She is walking off."
    "Eh?" Kairos suddenly looked and saw he was right. He ran up to catch up with Aamira. "Hey wait a sec. Can we not hang out for a bit? I mean you can't just do something like that and then walk off"
    "I don't need to have the perfect plan. My foe just has to have an imperfect one." Jace Beleren

    "Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?" Jace Beleren

  21. #4146
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    Miria took a deep breath and stretched her arms towards the sky. Healing has gotten me pretty bushed. Jean came beside her and had placed a few bottles of water beside her. Miria nodded while taking a bottle of water and chugged it.

    "I am exhausted." Miria looked around and went towards Willow.

    "Its alright. It takes time to have control over your abilities as a shifter. Some times, it comes naturally and other times as Stephen said, its a defense mechanism. Its just a matter of control but I know that your a very strong person and I know you can get control of this." Miria smiled at Willow and sat beside Jean.

    "What a nightmare." Miria finally noticed who was missing and leaned forward suddenly.

    "Ted! He's missing too!"

    Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
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    Carlos leaned in to Kevin and began a conversation in whispering,

    "Boss, it looks like you're getting ignored."

    "That seems to be true. I know of why and how we can shift and what is supposedly wrong with us yet nobody wishes to hear me...Great."

    "Let's try barking then...That usually works."

    Together, Kevin and Carlos started barking to try to get attention set on them instead.

  23. #4148
    ~Kya!~ animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality's Avatar
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    Oneo paused, her hands about to tie the ripped shoulder of her uniform. Everyone was calming down after the battle, yet something refused to allow herself to relax. Her eyes darted around the area, a small frown coming to her forehead.

    As soon as her gaze passed over Jean, Kevin and Carlos her body tensed in a twitch.

    Something was wrong…

    Miria, already exhausted, had done her best to heal them…yet something wasn’t right about them…internally they were still damaged, she would feel it as if she was messed up inside herself.

    Leaving the tatters as they were she quickly approached the small group, raising a hand, as before, like a child wanting to ask a question in class.

    “Uhm…pardon me and…” She’d nod at Miria.

    “No offence to you…uh, Miss….but…”

    Her rather worried gaze glanced from Jean, Kevin to Carlos.

    “Might I…quickly check over…if you have any other injuries?”

    Her hands then fiddled before herself, glancing at them all. Now closer she was sure that they were still hurt, a few organs bruised, maybe some internal bleeding or fractured bone, though due to Miria’s healing, chances that they were hardly aware of it was high.

    Her feet shuffled, bare toes curling.

    “Please…let me…check.”

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    Miria scratched the back of her head after the boys had barked. I heard you! I was paying attention. But she could only chuckle and laugh. Then, Oneo had come to her side and raised her hand. Miria smiled sincerely and looked at Oneo.

    "Yes, that would be great. I did the best I could but more can be done."

    Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
    Daniel Barenboim

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    "ROBBIE!" Hans shouts across the apartment, not content to get up from his computer. The tall, painfully thin man tilts his head around the corner. "What?"

    "I'm swinging by the store in a few, want anything?" He stopped typing to his friends back in Montgomery, and their endless questions about what's happening here...military action, supernatural chaos... "More groceries, shampoo, toilet paper...your Nair?" Robert shakes his head. "No, I think I'm good. You going to be here for dinner? I'm making hamburger soup." Hans ponders, and shrugs. "No clue, but make a share for me, and leave it in the microwave if you're done before I get back." Robert nods, and goes back to his Financial channel news...


    After another hour or so of internet, Hans climbs in his beat-up Chevy with the camper shell, and heads into town, swinging by Burger King and getting a bag of cheap burgers and a large order of fries...

    He flips through his cell phone, to all the people who gave him their numbers when he last went out...

    Kevin, Hana, Roki...The three of them seemed relatively sane. He flicked down the cell's number list, and dialed Kevin first, he seemed like he had his head on his shoulders right...
    Yes, my avatar is Morgan Masseau from Macross+. Do you know how hard it is for me to find an anime character that actually -looks like me-?

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