Natalya shugged
"Looks like your pretty sharp." She said with a smirk and a light cuckle.
"seeing as i do not wish for my face to meet that wall ill tell you. As you guess I have some healing capabilities." Natalya shugged her shoulders again
'well thats one secret out' She thought to herself and looked at Jericho with hard green eyes.
"How i did it well sense you didnt believe the CPR it was a cover up. I directed my energy into his heart and forced it to move at a semi normal pace at first then matched it to my own heart. With my hearing i also kept a check on his heart incase it did fail. Basicly i forced his blood to flow and his heart to beat till it regained a normal pace its used to." She shifted her weight to her left foot then to her right. She really couldnt explain her powers well but that was what she thought would explain it best some times she does did things that she cant explain.
"As for being a bad man i dont doudt that but i cant sit on the side lines and watch some one die bad or not. Its not in my nature, I knew you wanted to kill him and im sorry for messing up your plans. But again its not in my nature to watch some one die." Natalya Relaxed her posture alittle bit more just incase she annoyed the man.
"Any other questions, Jericho?" She said with a rather smug look.