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Thread: RPG: Magic Mixer

  1. #4351
    ~Kya!~ animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality's Avatar
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    Upon being called she’d swallow, her voice small, though, clearing her throat she spoke loud enough for him and everyone else to hear.

    “Ah…well uhm…the Orca have Salmon, mostly…that’s the main part of their diet…and herring…they eat plenty more but…we can hardly kill any of the other animals…”

    She’d laugh, rather weakly before clearing her throat again and continuing.

    “The uhm…Tasmanian devils, usually have chicken or some kind of fish, as well as insects…”

    She’d nod after, her large blue eyes looking down some.

    “Although one of the younger males likes honey…for some reason they don’t really have a sweet tooth, but…that one did…”

    Saying this would remind her, she –had- been a part of the zoo, she had fed the animals, talked to them, played with them…coming to think on it now she became rather sad that the Orcas were dead…surely they didn’t have any control on what they were doing.

    She’d look up again, curling the short waved of gold hair behind an ear, when this was over she’d request a small memorial plaque of some sort for the animals that died…at the very least, she could do that for her friends.

  2. #4352
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    Carlos wrote down what Oneo had said and continued,

    "Any greens and vitamins or medicine added into their diet? Try to remember and if they are fed anything of the sort, please list them. I think that will be very helpful as well."

    Carlos poured another shot of whiskey and spoke some more. Being a temporary party leader was hard but he had to do it.

    "Another matter to be addressed is the catgirl...Someone start describing what she looked like for me. Any information we can collect will help out."

  3. #4353
    Zero Chaos Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera's Avatar
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    Natalya nodded at Jericho as he talked about the two needing help and what they would be fighting. Natalya's mind on fighting is follow your instint. Her werewolf will kill anything that posses as a threat or more.
    Natalya also watched at the sky darkened her green eyes starting to turn yellow her We.rewolf wanted out. When Jericho started talking about the what normal ment Natalya watched his face darken as she kept pace with the man.
    "I guess im not normal." She wispered to herself almost glad she wasnt. After Jericho's explanation of Normal Natalya's instints went berserk telling her to take a couple of steps back.
    As dark aura seemed to seep out of Jericho and surounded his body Natalya took a couple of steps back her hand to her chest as her heart sped up to a pace she almost couldnt control. Natalya watched as Jericho lept into the air and took of towards the city. She began to run keeping an eye and his scent on a trail. God knows she had no idea where she was going but she couldnt keep up in her human form. With a Roar She finally let the werewolf that was fighting so hard to break free of her control come out.
    White/silver fur bursted from Natalya's body, her eyes shined gold, Hands turned to claws. With in second instead of a small military woman running towards the city, now a 7 foot glowing white werewolf whos main purpose was to keep an eye on Jericho and Kill anything in its path. Natalya ran on all fours making it to the city faster then most. She still had Jericho's scent and followed it even if he was in the air she was a werewolf and you just done loose a werewolf. Natalya's ears where going a mile a minute picking up all sounds people screamed as she ran through the streets. With all the scents on the ground Natalya had to scale a building to keep a trail on Jericho and with that she quickly ran into an alley way and jumped from one side of the building to the next making it to the top. When she was at the top of one of the higher buildings she stopped and raised her snot to the sky. With an Explosion in the back ground her head turned sharply Her gold eyes spotting the smoke and part of the building. With one more sniff in the air Natalya Jumped from building to building towards the destruction Jericho had caused. The two people Kevin and the girl she had not spotted yet but they were not on her mind being new people she had not classified them yet as ally or threat. Hopefully they did not appear to the werewolf as a threat, Because there will be blood alot of it.
    Natalya heard Jericho's announcment.
    "Ooooh demon...hehe...I know you're out there little brat and I intend to have your head,"
    She stopped a couple of building away not knowing Jericho's reaction now that he was acting this way. Her instints cried for her to stay away and run but she was no cowered nor was she going to loose track of Jericho.
    Natalya Rose her head and let out a sharp howl of frustration unsure of what to do. Even the werewolf which was a killing machine was unsure of what it should be killing.
    Last edited by Kera; 08-17-2009 at 10:54 PM.

  4. #4354
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    Ichigo, Mizuko, Rem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Ichigo View Post
    "Going somewhere was not the phrase you should have chosen. Child."

    A shadow. This one slightly taller then the rest stepped from sheer nothingness. His aura much more dangerous. The dakrness surrounding him much more potent, and thick, almost making a type of second skin around him. It stood in a relaxed posture, nothing like the others they seemed to be ready to fight. They were alone. The two of them, and the shadow only raised his hand, and pulled his hood back. Revealing the face of a beautiful man. A scar from his chin to his eye, and long black hair. Flowing down to his waist. He stood with an elegant feel to him. Eyeing the girl slightly before speaking again.

    "I knew someone just like you. Someone that needed blood. Lived off of it, and needed it to keep her power. She changed me. Changed me into something that I will never forget. She changed me into a Murderer. So I shall kill off her kind. Shifters, much like yourself. So what do you say, will you fight me."

    The man slid his left foot back, and took a stance. Placing his right hand before his left, and recoiling his left in a fist. Watching, and waiting. He would prove to be a much better challenge then the other shadows.
    "Keh." Vlyssa almost choked. 'Child', he called her. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was a 'child', for a vampire only about a year old. But she was not...she was definitely not a...

    "...shifter," she spat. The word was poison. "I'm definitely not one of them," Vallissa glared venomously, jerking a thumb towards Frost; it was most definitely an Insult to assume that she was one. "And neither would I be one of you. We Vampires and Shifters don't mix. You would know. Especially pure-bloods like me; we'd rather kill them off."

    Vallissa eyed Mizuko, who had completed her fight and was watching the confrontation worriedly. It was a tempting idea to fight him; the urge to just blatantly go for his throat was strong, but...the people who were now her teammates needed her. Probably. She would like to assume that. Besides, Frost seemed defenseless...but this guy wasn't going to take no for an answer; she didn't know how old he was, what his abilities were; besides, she still doubted herself. She hated it.

    "Mizuko." She whispered quietly, but it was a question. She waited for a response.


  5. #4355
    Happier than you Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre has a reputation beyond repute Cancre's Avatar
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    she laughed.
    "partners , now that's a deal" , oddly yuki felt happy that she'd met someone who appeared to have the same capacity as her. she shook amira's hand.
    "I fear our time to chit chat is coming to an end". she heard the yelling of jericho. "I'll tell you a little about them all, there's kevin her's a werewolf, he interrupted my fun a few times and even without provocation attacked me and got my alternate person locked up in a loony bin, hana his girlfriend I think she might be a furry , I mean going out with a werewolf ew. Um jericho, I quite like him for he seems to be a source of this islands corruption etc you heard him yell just now and destroy a building" she smirked at how childish he was acting.
    "I think he might be getting a bit impatient so I must go chat with him now , feel free to tag along 'partner' " she winked.

    she flipped through the air, until she was high in the air , she flew towards jericho. "hello demon , I'm not going to fight you , If anything I've come here to thank you for your aid in previous times, and I fear you misinterpreted my art, In that still life did you bother to look who was killing who". she stared at him, hinting at a meaning she would only later explain fully.
    "still I hope you understand, I'm not going to attack you I'm going to let you kill kevin"

  6. #4356
    Chaos Unborn Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo's Avatar
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    What a impossibly impulsive, and misunderstood ceature. The black cloaked man stood to his full hieght, and cocked his head to the side. Looking at the girl from a tilted angle.

    "Pure-blood????? How can a ceature that drinks the blood of others be PURE?? the blood of every living thing you have killed runs thorugh your veins. be them sick or healthy. Your blood is tainted, and impure. You shouldn't exist."

    He circled the girl. Watching her closely as he looked her over. Trying to get a understanding for what she was, and this term she so loosely threw around.

    "Pure-blood. A never-ending joke."


    Now across the way things were looking up. The shadow was able to take the girls weapon, and with it left her to rely on her water manipulating abilties. However that was always a way to bring someones ability to a halt. The shadow held her weapon in its right hand. Using it to cut the water down as she tried to slow his assault. Useless. The Shadow only continued to make his way toward her. Now in a small stride then a dash. His face still cloaked by darkness, and his hood.

    "What will you do now, Goddess of Water?" The voice from the shadow was a dark one. Collected yet voilent. He sounded like someone with no interests. Looking down on others with a icey stare. Hating them for existing. Nevertheless,the shadow mocked her, and then as the words left it's lips it disappeared.


    Then it was like the sun rose.

    The forest around the two warriors, the shadow and the Goddess, was surrounded in a sphere of white light. Both disappearing into it. The shadow seeming to melt away with the source of it all. But just as quickly as the light came it went.

    Back to normal everything went. The shadow still standing in the same spot. Only this time a dark light surrounded his body, and focused around the blade of her sword. The shadow looked the blade over before swing it diagonally, releasing a straight wave of light piercing through everything in it's path. The path in which the water Goddess was. The light was hot sizzling any water coming into contact. Making the ground seem like butter as it advanced toward her. The dark light quite inviting to those in it's way.

    "Step into the light.........Mizuko......"

  7. #4357
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    Jean made his way into the room, setting out a large pitcher of sweet tea, a bowl of lemon slices, and a stack of glasses. He made two more trips in and out of the kitchen, returning with a plate of cheese & crackers and a platter of pastries & cookies, then finally with a full coffee service and cups. “Drinks on 'da table, soup an’ sauce picante be done in a few.

    Finally finished with his duties as host, jean slips onto the loveseat next to Miria and wraps her in his arms. A slight shift and he has her on his lap and snuggled against his chest, then kisses her hair tenderly and rocks her while he watches the room. He can feel how exhausted she is through the link.

    Don’ know ‘bout da’ cat girl, but ‘da jet and gargoyle ‘don been workin’ wit’ Jay in’da past. Don’ know why ‘day don’ shot you up ‘do, ‘day normally good guys.

    Jean continues softly rubbing Miria’s back, trying to help her relax.
    "Naughty by nature..."
    Click here for Jean's story / Click here for Cajun Words

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    SOS Brigade Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita has a reputation beyond repute Infinita's Avatar
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    Miria tried her best to keep her eyes open. What a day..... Jean had come sit beside her and comforted her in a relaxing manner. She sighed and leaned her head on Jean's shoulder. I wonder if euphoria feels like this....... Miria dozed off every now and then when the group was chatting. She jolted her head up to see if it would make her more alert but it didn't. Miria patted her cheeks to see if that would make her more alert but that didn't work either.

    "I am having a hard time remembering what happened at the zoo but what is most vivid was the concious' I heard there. They were in suffering and in pain. There anger was almost unmeasurable....."

    Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
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    Kevin stopped, seeing his target move to Jericho said to Jez...

    "Get on the skyscraper nearest them and fire at the girl. This will be the diversion I want. From there, I will strike. When I get near, hold off and get in close for combat."

    He started running back to Jericho, following Yuki's scent and peered at her talking to him. He let the amulet's power activate as Craig took control of the body. The fur was now green and the fangs and claws were laced with the weakening venom. He slowly crept in a bit to eavesdrop and heard some attempt at manipulating Jericho. From the shadows, he spoke...

    "Don't listen to her, Jericho. She carved your name into a human corpse. That's a message that she's out for your blood as well as mine and Hana's. You know when our fight is. Right now, the target is that pint-sized terrorist with the arrogant attitude. Deal with that demon first, and then we can settle our score the next day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Ichigo View Post
    What a impossibly impulsive, and misunderstood ceature. The black cloaked man stood to his full hieght, and cocked his head to the side. Looking at the girl from a tilted angle.

    "Pure-blood????? How can a ceature that drinks the blood of others be PURE?? the blood of every living thing you have killed runs thorugh your veins. be them sick or healthy. Your blood is tainted, and impure. You shouldn't exist."

    He circled the girl. Watching her closely as he looked her over. Trying to get a understanding for what she was, and this term she so loosely threw around.

    "Pure-blood. A never-ending joke."


    Now across the way things were looking up. The shadow was able to take the girls weapon, and with it left her to rely on her water manipulating abilties. However that was always a way to bring someones ability to a halt. The shadow held her weapon in its right hand. Using it to cut the water down as she tried to slow his assault. Useless. The Shadow only continued to make his way toward her. Now in a small stride then a dash. His face still cloaked by darkness, and his hood.

    "What will you do now, Goddess of Water?" The voice from the shadow was a dark one. Collected yet voilent. He sounded like someone with no interests. Looking down on others with a icey stare. Hating them for existing. Nevertheless,the shadow mocked her, and then as the words left it's lips it disappeared.


    Then it was like the sun rose.

    The forest around the two warriors, the shadow and the Goddess, was surrounded in a sphere of white light. Both disappearing into it. The shadow seeming to melt away with the source of it all. But just as quickly as the light came it went.

    Back to normal everything went. The shadow still standing in the same spot. Only this time a dark light surrounded his body, and focused around the blade of her sword. The shadow looked the blade over before swing it diagonally, releasing a straight wave of light piercing through everything in it's path. The path in which the water Goddess was. The light was hot sizzling any water coming into contact. Making the ground seem like butter as it advanced toward her. The dark light quite inviting to those in it's way.

    "Step into the light.........Mizuko......"
    Vlyssa shook her head misbelievingly. "Pure-blood. It's a term. We vampires are ranked by order. I used to be human but...I somehow turned into one. That is what I am here for. to find out."


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    Jericho gazed up at the 'demon', putting out of his mind the werewolf who had howled. He really didn't even hear Craig/Kevin from behind him. It was not the Roivas Jericho back at the manor now, it was the god of destruction who was gazing up at something he couldn't quite figure out. Before when his call was justice through violence, Yuki would've been dead by now. However, now that Jericho no longer seeked out justice so much as power...

    "I'm sorry demon but I haven't seen your artwork as of yet. Although..." He pushed off the ground and was high in the air. It didn't take much to spot all the bodies and he could make out the names. When the body of Jericho came back down, his head didn't look up.

    Still adressing Yuki he spoke without looking up. The shadows that were cast down on Jericho made it look as if he had some strange shapless creatures running over his arms and back, "I see... So you wish me to do your bidding pretty much? Maybe you think I'll just spare you and take the others' heads," He made a fake but powerful swipe at Craig, pulling away before he even almost made contact. It was an obviously fake swipe but he got his point across... Roivas wasn't here to help anyone right now. Although he approved of Yuki killing, Natalya's attitude, Jez and the way she'd handled Carlos, and Kevin's want to destroy the demon and fight him, there was no one person who was safe from the god. All of the people here had soemthing that he 'approved' of but still...

    The main thing he was focussing on at the moment was a mental battle that was going on in his head. On one hand Kevin had agreed to pretty much put himself up for combat. It would finish everything once and for all and would be a fairly good ending for him. On the other the demon had seemed to glorify him with her 'art'. She could be of use later on...

    "I think..." His words were like venom, a way of speech he had learned through encounters with Orochi, "I will sit back for now. One of you will face judgement soon..." With thatr Jericho flipped back through the air and landed beside the werewolf Natalya with a horribly wicked smirk. The aura coming from Jericho was terrible. It crawled its way just above the ground and snaked out slowly. Let's see who wants the favor of the god more.
    ~The One and Only~

  12. #4362
    Zero Chaos Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera has a reputation beyond repute Kera's Avatar
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    Natalya Rested on the edge of the building she spotted Jericho on on her hunches her tail wagging slowly ready for anything that might come out or attack her. Her werewolf smelled the blood and death but didnt much react unsure of what to do. She watched the so called demon Yuki come and speeck to Jericho even smelled Kevin but didnt quite know his location. Her ears were perked and her eyes followed Jericho with glances at Yuki and the shadows. Her gold eyes never staying still, Ears staying perked She listened to what Jericho had to say and watched his body language the aura coming off the so called god was scary but wasnt anything the werewolf was reacting to. Even Natalya didnt know who she would being helping the so called god Jericho, Kevin the wolf, Even the demon Yuki. Natalya heard Jericho's last words to yuki
    "I think... I will sit back for now. One of you will face judgement soon..." Even natalya's fur stood on end at the venom pouring through the words. Her eyes followed as Jericho flipped through the air and landing next to her Form. Her fur stood on end as soon as he landed from the aura by its self. She didnt move she wasnt afraid of this man her wolf felt the need to run but her legs wouldnt move. Her wolf head turned towards Jericho her gold eyes locking on His face the smirk was one she normally didnt see. Her lips curled back and her teeth showed in a wolfish smile but looked more as if she was bareing her teeth towards the man. Her eyes locked on the so called battle field and she nodded towards it. Meaning something along the lines of 'not fighting'.
    Then she threw her head side to side saying this wasnt her fight, Then a heavy sigh was sounded from natalya's mouth Saying so had no idea what to do.
    Bad thing about her wolf form she was incapable of speech but she could write.
    She extended her right pointer finger claw and wrote into the building.
    'Not my fight?' the question mark meaning she also didnt know who she should fight for. With that Natalya remained on her hunches tail wagging slowly her fur still stood on end from Jericho's Aura.

  13. #4363
    ~Water Angel~ Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Ichigo View Post
    What a impossibly impulsive, and misunderstood ceature. The black cloaked man stood to his full hieght, and cocked his head to the side. Looking at the girl from a tilted angle.

    "Pure-blood????? How can a ceature that drinks the blood of others be PURE?? the blood of every living thing you have killed runs thorugh your veins. be them sick or healthy. Your blood is tainted, and impure. You shouldn't exist."

    He circled the girl. Watching her closely as he looked her over. Trying to get a understanding for what she was, and this term she so loosely threw around.

    "Pure-blood. A never-ending joke."


    Now across the way things were looking up. The shadow was able to take the girls weapon, and with it left her to rely on her water manipulating abilties. However that was always a way to bring someones ability to a halt. The shadow held her weapon in its right hand. Using it to cut the water down as she tried to slow his assault. Useless. The Shadow only continued to make his way toward her. Now in a small stride then a dash. His face still cloaked by darkness, and his hood.

    "What will you do now, Goddess of Water?" The voice from the shadow was a dark one. Collected yet voilent. He sounded like someone with no interests. Looking down on others with a icey stare. Hating them for existing. Nevertheless,the shadow mocked her, and then as the words left it's lips it disappeared.


    Then it was like the sun rose.

    The forest around the two warriors, the shadow and the Goddess, was surrounded in a sphere of white light. Both disappearing into it. The shadow seeming to melt away with the source of it all. But just as quickly as the light came it went.

    Back to normal everything went. The shadow still standing in the same spot. Only this time a dark light surrounded his body, and focused around the blade of her sword. The shadow looked the blade over before swing it diagonally, releasing a straight wave of light piercing through everything in it's path. The path in which the water Goddess was. The light was hot sizzling any water coming into contact. Making the ground seem like butter as it advanced toward her. The dark light quite inviting to those in it's way.

    "Step into the light.........Mizuko......"
    Mizuko kept shooting water balls at the shadow but it was no use. He could use her sword which was rare. Normally no one but herself could handle the sword, but the shadow could. He had to be really powerful to be able to use it. "What am I going to do?" She thought to herself. All of the sudden a bright light covered both of them and Mizuko couldn't see anything. Just as fast as it came the light disappeared. Mizuko saw the wave of light coming towards her. Her water wasn't working and she couldn't out run it. But then she had an idea. It would take alot of her strength but if she could get it right she could escape. Mizuko closed her eyes and concentrated. Very slowly her body began to turn into water. By the time the wave of light was right in front of her she had turned into a puddle of water and the puddle had disappeared.
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    "That judgment shall be the end of you Jericho, I don't think your in any position to sit back and watch, and I'm sure the god of violence wouldn't be to pleased either" she grinned. the sky quickly turned black , kapok was surrounded in darkness. the first one appeared a tiny red splotch in the twisted nether of sky. it impacted in a second , the meteor hit annihilating several buildings, the shock wave shattering almost every window within a mile. "the end is here, the end for us all , the end of . . . everything" she lifted off a few centimeters off the ground her wings faintly flapping. she closed her eyes, her skin and clothes set on fire a blue flame that burned off her fake shell. her eye's opened all black with a tiny red pupil, her hair flapped in the ever darkening wind like black spikes, her skin turned ash black. she was no longer a shifter anymore , perhaps she had never been a shifter she'd been Demon yuki the aggressive defender of her castle and her home. she landed back on the building.
    "jericho , I wasn't going to get you to fight my battle , I just thought it'd be a shame if I killed him, and you'd never had the chance, so I'll make you a new offer, who ever lands the killing blow on kevin gets to keep his silly head?" for maybe the first time in yuki's existence did she ever sincerely smile at someone, perhaps because she thought of jericho as that old friend that you coincidentally bump into, at the fair, airport or first day of a new school. the offer stood he could accept or deny the outcome wouldn't change kevin would still be dead by then end of this night.
    Last edited by Cancre; 08-18-2009 at 10:14 PM.

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    The shadow stood still watching as his destruction continued. Finally as it ended, and the light faded into nothingness did he notice the girl was gone. He slightly tilted his head, and then looked at the girls sword. It vibrated in his hand. A interesting instrument. It amplified his attack five times over. Maybe using a "real" weapon had it's favors.


    The shadow threw the sword away from him. Turning his back, and looking into the sky. These were not the ones. they were innocent beings. Ones with false beliefs, and arrogant demenaors yet good people. They were not the ones he was looking for. If they knew nothing of him then that meant they didn't know of Jericho, or of the Witch with him. So he looked back in the direction of which the Goddess disappeared, and stood still. Slowly disappearing from the feet up.

    ================================================== ==

    Back on the other side of the forest the Black haired man eyed the vampire with interest. She was very new, and young. She seemed to much like her. The man couldn;t stand it. So he turned his back, and looked back.

    "Your lost. Like many others.........."

    With that he back t walk away. His body slowly breaking apart, and disappearing into the darkness as the moon's light cut through the clouds. Lighting up the forest in a beautiful array of elegance.

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    Mizuko, Rem, Bama.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Ichigo View Post
    The shadow stood still watching as his destruction continued. Finally as it ended, and the light faded into nothingness did he notice the girl was gone. He slightly tilted his head, and then looked at the girl's sword. It vibrated in his hand. An interesting instrument. It amplified his attack five times over. Maybe using a "real" weapon had its favors.


    The shadow threw the sword away from him. Turning his back, and looking into the sky. These were not the ones. They were innocent beings. Ones with false beliefs, and arrogant demeanors, yet good people. They were not the ones he was looking for. If they knew nothing of him then that meant they didn't know of Jericho, or of the Witch with him. So he looked back in the direction of which the Goddess disappeared, and stood still. Slowly disappearing from the feet up.

    ================================================== ==

    Back on the other side of the forest the Black haired man eyed the vampire with interest. She was very new, and young. She seemed too much like her. The man couldn't stand it. So he turned his back, and looked back.

    "You're lost. Like many others.........."

    With that he walked away. His body slowly breaking apart, and disappearing into the darkness as the moon's light cut through the clouds. Lighting up the forest in a beautiful array of elegance.
    "That's finally over." Vlyssa sighed in relief. She would have fought the man if she had no choice; but she could sense that he was ancient, much older than she was. It would have been difficult...under her cool and arrogant facade, she had, in fact been shaking. It may have been slight, but she scorned it as she did any other weakness. "Mizuko? Is there a town around here...?" Noticing the pool of water on the ground, she knew that it would take a little time for Mizuko to regain her form.

    So she took the few seconds to gather her weapons, slipping the katana safely into its hilt; and the whip she secured it into its holster by her side. Then she went to check on Frost. He was gone; she could only suppose that he had run home, or was lurking around somewhere.

    She did the same for Hans, but the blaze had not left behind anything much; all that was left were the charred remains of the truck, and the faint lingering smell of smoke. Not knowing what had become of her comrades at the time, Vallissa sighed...

    ...and stopped herself.

    "Mizuko, we need to get going." she called out to the Goddess who was now in her human form.


  17. #4367
    JFL's Girl Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San has a reputation beyond repute Tsukamoto-San's Avatar
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    (ooc: I don't know why, but I'm proud of this post...even though I didn't, and still don't know, where I was going with it.)

    Jez took a place hiding behind the raised edge of the roof of a building across from the others. She listened as the others talked and couldn’t decide what to do. The anger flushed into her cheeks and she felt the energy surrounding her take some of it in, taking on a black color. She tried to calm down but the anger was starting to get the better of her.

    They were all standing there, waiting for the other to make the first move. Kevin’s words moved through her head. She was supposed to strike this girl in front of her but she wasn’t sure if right then was the time. She had decisions to make herself.

    She had a job to do: taking care of Hana and making sure she didn’t have to go through terrible experiences if she didn’t have to. This felt like Hana was being pulled into the middle of these shifter’s business even though she didn’t completely have anything to do with it. The anger built up a bit more and Jez closed her eyes. She wasn’t sure what to do. She couldn’t sit there and wait for someone to take the first cheap shot. Glancing around at them, she came to the conclusion that Jericho and the other girl wouldn’t do anything just yet. So, that left Kevin and the girl demon. She glanced between them, grasping onto the ledge of the building so tightly, she felt some blood on her hands.

    Finally, Jez stood up from her hiding place and transported herself to the group. She then stood in the middle of them and looked around. “So, this is it? That’s all you’re going to say to each other? I guess being dead makes my outlook on things a little different.”

    “Craig, this doesn’t quite seem like you.” She looked at the wolf and smirked. It almost seemed like she was trying to stir up a fight, but that was really the last thing she wanted. “After all, weren’t you the one who went off attacking people at the hospital? I just thought you would have handled it differently. But, I guess people change.”

    Looking at Jericho, her smile became stranger, almost like she didn’t want any of them to know whose side she was on. “There’s still so much I don’t know about you. I don’t know if I should trust you or not. Hana has faith in you. Although, that’s her problem. She puts to much faith in people so when they let her down, it kills a piece of her. I try not to be that way but at some point, you have to place your loyalties somewhere. I’m still not sure…”

    Her voice faded off as her gaze turned towards the demon. The flow of energy turned a darker black as she stared at her. She felt so much anger that it was almost difficult for her to talk. “I can’t stand people like you. Killing for the fun of it.” Each word was dripping with poison and anger. “You included my little sister in your artwork. Even though you don’t even know me, that means you included me too and nobody uses me at all.” She formed the black sword in her hand and ran a finger down the smooth, sharp edge. Looking at the blood on her finger, she smiled. She just wanted to make sure she still bled. As long as she did, it ment that she was so grounded in this world, it was like she was still alive.

    She stared back at the girl, feeling some comfort in the dark and strained energy around her. It wasn’t clear to her what she was doing but she wanted them to know where she stood. She didn’t let her eyes wander at all. She wanted to see any movement her enemy made. Right then, no one was as big a threat as this girl in front of her.
    AKA xTheLostSailorx

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    Craig, closed his eyes and sprouted wings that you normally wouldn't see on a wolf. The toxin continued flowing as he flew out of the shadows in a flash and clamped down on Yuki's arm to get some of the toxin in.

    He landed back down saying,

    "My claws and fangs are now laced with a toxin designed for weakening. You have just been injected, now feel it's effect, fairy!"

    Craig laughed menacingly saying,

    "My brother is the one who wants to settle his hash with the false god. It is I who shall live so that he may handle it. Your death shall approach swiftly by my hand."

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    Jericho looked down at the writing Natalya had put. 'Not my fight?' was how it was written and he looked at her and gave a little shrug, "It's only your fight if you make it your fight," For some reason Jericho felt no rage towards her for reviving Orochi. That was behind them now and it was time to truely focus on what was going on now. The meteorites smashing into the ground

    Looking up to Yuki he smiled back but not nearly as 'friendly'. At some level, Roivas was possibly more wicked hearted then her but it just came out differently. Something was starting to 'click' in his mind and the pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together. With a little chuckle, the fighter stood and stretched a little. It was about that time. He had made his decision on who to help and it was the more obvious answer. This was his island to judge and his alone. No one else but the ones he found worthy to judge would be aloud.

    Roivas gave the werewolf a little pat on the head but kept his gaze ahead. His blue, judging eyes , "Natalya I wish for you to heal me. Soon I will go into battle and there is one imparticular demon I don't plan to let survive for long," Jericho's eyes narrowed towards Yuki and gave a smirk and then turned to Kevin, "The other one... hehe... that will come later,"
    ~The One and Only~

  20. #4370
    Chaos Unborn Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo has a reputation beyond repute Hollow Ichigo's Avatar
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    Wolx Hound, the play-boy, hot shot, big brother stood exactly sixty seven yards from the action in the city. It stared at Jericho with gleaming eyes. If he was here then she was close. or for what Wolx knew, wasn't much to say. Nevertheless, Wolx watched closely, never taking his eyes off the group of people asembled. He only calmly stood, and waited.


    The silver haired boy looked behind him. Nothing..........


    He continued to look around. Finding nothing, and nobody. He was beginning to feel like he was going insane. He turned back around, and continued watching when he felt it. Pain. Sorrow. Regret. Guilt. Hurt. and Deception. He grabbed hold of his head, and began to growl a wicked sound. Finally turning into a full yell as, out of the blue, a red rope, made of photons, matialized itself, and wrapped around his neck. The boy was then hung from the light pole side him. Still facing the battle.

    OCC: Hopefully someone, (Hint: Jericho), will find the hanging Wolx, and save him or whatever, but if anyone plans on helping him then please Pm me what your going to do is I can let you know what I'm doing. Thanks.

  21. #4371
    ~Water Angel~ Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Ichigo View Post
    The shadow stood still watching as his destruction continued. Finally as it ended, and the light faded into nothingness did he notice the girl was gone. He slightly tilted his head, and then looked at the girls sword. It vibrated in his hand. A interesting instrument. It amplified his attack five times over. Maybe using a "real" weapon had it's favors.


    The shadow threw the sword away from him. Turning his back, and looking into the sky. These were not the ones. they were innocent beings. Ones with false beliefs, and arrogant demenaors yet good people. They were not the ones he was looking for. If they knew nothing of him then that meant they didn't know of Jericho, or of the Witch with him. So he looked back in the direction of which the Goddess disappeared, and stood still. Slowly disappearing from the feet up.

    ================================================== ==

    Back on the other side of the forest the Black haired man eyed the vampire with interest. She was very new, and young. She seemed to much like her. The man couldn;t stand it. So he turned his back, and looked back.

    "Your lost. Like many others.........."

    With that he back t walk away. His body slowly breaking apart, and disappearing into the darkness as the moon's light cut through the clouds. Lighting up the forest in a beautiful array of elegance.
    Quote Originally Posted by xRiikox View Post
    Mizuko, Rem, Bama.

    "That's finally over." Vlyssa sighed in relief. She would have fought the man if she had no choice; but she could sense that he was ancient, much older than she was. It would have been difficult...under her cool and arrogant facade, she had, in fact been shaking. It may have been slight, but she scorned it as she did any other weakness. "Mizuko? Is there a town around here...?" Noticing the pool of water on the ground, she knew that it would take a little time for Mizuko to regain her form.

    So she took the few seconds to gather her weapons, slipping the katana safely into its hilt; and the whip she secured it into its holster by her side. Then she went to check on Frost. He was gone; she could only suppose that he had run home, or was lurking around somewhere.

    She did the same for Hans, but the blaze had not left behind anything much; all that was left were the charred remains of the truck, and the faint lingering smell of smoke. Not knowing what had become of her comrades at the time, Vallissa sighed...

    ...and stopped herself.

    "Mizuko, we need to get going." she called out to the Goddess who was now in her human form.
    Mizuko waited till the shadow disappeared. She regained her human form in a few minutes but was drained. She fell to her knees to rest for a moment. She looked at Vlyssa. "I think there is...I'm not sure." Mizuko nodded. They needed to go and she needed to rest. "Give me just a minute." Mizuko closed her eyes and whispered something. She held out her hand and waited. Her sword came flying towards her glowing a bright blue. When it touched her hand the blade slide back into the hilt and she but it back under her skirt, against her leg. She tried to stand but just fell back down. "Do you mind helping me walk? Changing my form takes alot of strength..." She asked Vlyssa.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuko Riko Imimoshi View Post
    Mizuko waited till the shadow disappeared. She regained her human form in a few minutes but was drained. She fell to her knees to rest for a moment. She looked at Vlyssa. "I think there is...I'm not sure." Mizuko nodded. They needed to go and she needed to rest. "Give me just a minute." Mizuko closed her eyes and whispered something. She held out her hand and waited. Her sword came flying towards her glowing a bright blue. When it touched her hand the blade slide back into the hilt and she but it back under her skirt, against her leg. She tried to stand but just fell back down. "Do you mind helping me walk? Changing my form takes alot of strength..." She asked Vlyssa.
    "All right..." Vlyssa picked Mizuko up deftly, carrying her. The Water Goddess' weight was almost nothing. "Which way?"


  23. #4373
    ~Water Angel~ Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi has a reputation beyond repute Mizuko Riko Imimoshi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xRiikox View Post
    "All right..." Vlyssa picked Mizuko up deftly, carrying her. The Water Goddess' weight was almost nothing. "Which way?"
    Smiles. "Thank you." Looks around for a moment then points to her right. "That way."
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    Natalya listened to Jericho and sighed again. She watched Yuki but didnt quite listen to what she had to say.
    When Jericho patted Natalya's head she shook her head from side to side as if a bug was flying around her ears. Shes never had any one react the to werewolf this way and to even touch the monster she was is enough of a suprise.
    "Natalya I wish for you to heal me. Soon I will go into battle and there is one imparticular demon I don't plan to let survive for long,"
    Natalya's yellow eyes landed on Jericho and she nodded with a few snaps of bones resizing and replaceing Natalya in her human form sat next to Jericho.
    "i dont know how much i can help my healing is very minor but i can try. Where exactly are you hurt?" she asked her now green eyes watching jericho and her ears still remained on the battle field. Every one else she choose to ignore.
    "if there is any other way i can help tell me the werewolf has a scratch she cant quite itch and its making me jumpy." she said with a chuckle.

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    Walking along the path that Mizuko pointed out to her, Vallissa caught the scent of blood. At first faintly; she thought that it might have been traces of blood left behind from the recent sortie.

    But then it grew stronger. Thicker, the sweet smell, as they drew towards some bushes. Her mouth watered. "Wait." Vlyssa set Mizuko down gently, placing her on the ground. Stepping into the dense undergrowth, Vlyssa gasped. There lay a boy, bleeding from the wrists; big, crimson pools of it evidence of how long he'd been here. He was only barely breathing, by the sound of it; his heartbeat was faint. Vlyssa suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to lower her mouth to his wrists. Was it her thirst? But she thought she had it under control...her eyes gleamed red. And she heard a gasp behind her, supposedly elicited by her unexpected actions.

    "No..." was the only thing she murmured as she lowered her head gracefully, too gracefully, towards him.

    ================================================== ========
    Vlyssa sighed, and kissed his wrists. A purple glow erupted in the space, filling it completely. The boy's wrists were healed, smooth, pale skin in place of the deep red gashes that had been there before.

    The boy opened his clear, silver eyes. "Where am I?"


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