Originally Posted by
Hollow Ichigo
What a impossibly impulsive, and misunderstood ceature. The black cloaked man stood to his full hieght, and cocked his head to the side. Looking at the girl from a tilted angle.
"Pure-blood????? How can a ceature that drinks the blood of others be PURE?? the blood of every living thing you have killed runs thorugh your veins. be them sick or healthy. Your blood is tainted, and impure. You shouldn't exist."
He circled the girl. Watching her closely as he looked her over. Trying to get a understanding for what she was, and this term she so loosely threw around.
"Pure-blood. A never-ending joke."
Now across the way things were looking up. The shadow was able to take the girls weapon, and with it left her to rely on her water manipulating abilties. However that was always a way to bring someones ability to a halt. The shadow held her weapon in its right hand. Using it to cut the water down as she tried to slow his assault. Useless. The Shadow only continued to make his way toward her. Now in a small stride then a dash. His face still cloaked by darkness, and his hood.
"What will you do now, Goddess of Water?" The voice from the shadow was a dark one. Collected yet voilent. He sounded like someone with no interests. Looking down on others with a icey stare. Hating them for existing. Nevertheless,the shadow mocked her, and then as the words left it's lips it disappeared.
Then it was like the sun rose.
The forest around the two warriors, the shadow and the Goddess, was surrounded in a sphere of white light. Both disappearing into it. The shadow seeming to melt away with the source of it all. But just as quickly as the light came it went.
Back to normal everything went. The shadow still standing in the same spot. Only this time a dark light surrounded his body, and focused around the blade of her sword. The shadow looked the blade over before swing it diagonally, releasing a straight wave of light piercing through everything in it's path. The path in which the water Goddess was. The light was hot sizzling any water coming into contact. Making the ground seem like butter as it advanced toward her. The dark light quite inviting to those in it's way.
"Step into the light.........Mizuko......"