Soft singing girl whose voice
Drifts in the night
Dripping from gutters and sweeping
Through streetlights
Across weak and hunched forms
Of dying ghasts
Ghosts that huddle far from joy
And future’s past
I hear your screaming dirge
Your requiem
I hear you singing softly
“Castitatis lilium”

Watch them all be judged
No man stands
They have all buried themselves
In their sands
Wailing winds harrow them
Dreams fade and fall
But they keep crawling with claws
Under clouding pall
Your words cannot be heard
Nor Sapientiam
But I shall right down you
“Castitatis lilium”

Please do not stop your song
Or I shall die
And all these manikins
Which beg and try
To become the humans that
They are the form
They shall crumble into dust
And cry with scorn
And bash down your castle
Of requiem
And silence your soft, sweet
“Castitatus lilium”

I have no dream which I can give
No song of mine
I am too racked by cold
And drunk on wine
My eyes are drained of sight
Skin is now numb
my flesh is fading fast and my
tongue is dumb
I can not bring it let loose
A requiem
But I will take up your
“Castitatus lilium”

And when you fade in to night
And pass from time
There will be a written text
Of song divine
And when my words are read
There will be peace
For your song will bring
All souls release
And let all souls take up
This requiem
And all voices resound
“Castitatis Lilium”