What do you think is the wrost way to die?
I think that the wrost way to die is by an accident.
What do you think is the wrost way to die and why do you think that would be the wrost way?
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What do you think is the wrost way to die?
I think that the wrost way to die is by an accident.
What do you think is the wrost way to die and why do you think that would be the wrost way?
Non mihi, Non tibi, Sed nobis!Not for me, Not for you, But for us!
Xbox Live Gamertag: lordrellik8Feel free to add me as a friend.
Torture. ;-;
to die way to young
To be totured, raped and mocked and at the last moment of pure agoning be killed but right before be shown your most painful memories relived. Plus have the closest person to you be killed right before your eyes. Not only that but you are young and have never experienced many things yet or figured out so many questions..wow.. that would suck..
Stabbed with a butter knife. Imagine how incredibly long it would take.
Last edited by Azel; 08-09-2007 at 05:03 PM.
raped, beaten, alone, for someone you love (if they go looking for someone else right after you die)
set made by me. im now taking requests, pm me if you'd like a sig.
Hmm i think dying alone, dying in pain.
concrete jungles where dreams
are made of,
there's nothing you can do~
I ♥ NY
yeah, dying alone like in a country away from home, when your like a toddler and you haven't evevn lived your life to the fullest, at the hands of a pyscho, to b drowned, tortured, and also having like a slow death...a slow drawn out death is the worst kind to me
"Oh oh oh oh Oppareul saranghae. Ah ah ah ah manhi manhihae." - Girls Generstion "Oh"
Get killed by a Twinkie!!!-_-
"Nothing’s gonna take us down"
The worst way to die for me, is dying from a freak accident.
[ava and sig set by shougo]
I think being murdered in prison would be the worst way to die.
shaman king is the best.
Dying by something extremely pathetic.
"How dare you question my credentials?!" -Integra Hellsing
being eatin alive by canables.
Have a twinkey for Jesus
This is the exact opposite of my BEST way to die.
Worst way to die is....by evil rapid mutating Care Bears, and Gangstas shotting at you.
The worst ways to die...
- Rape to death or rape then kill
- Stab with knife
- Beat to death
- Suffocate to death
- Slit the throat
- Burn to death
- Drown to death
Movies these days... x_x;
Last edited by Sobriquet; 08-09-2007 at 06:48 PM.
Much love to Jagan Eye for the lovely set. <3
Being skinned alive and then bleeding to death.
...My skin hurts...
Sig and Avatarby: GoodyLucky
Warcraft: Hit me up!Server: SkywallMain Toon: PhinvarraAlt Toons: Kazrawr and Nithilus
Beat or suffocate to death. ><
This is more than just a place for my things
It says who I am, where I've been, how I feel
This piece is far more than shelves and fine lines
It brings balance & serenity to a chaotic world
What you see is more than just functional form
It's a well-designed window that
looks in on my soul
For me, probably being stabbed by an escaped circus monkey who drinks to much and beats his wife. I would probably be protecting the wife when the monkey would break out a knife he swiped from the food shovaler and then, while I lay dead at the bottom of his cage, he would realize what he had done and kill himself. Yes, it sounds weird but its completely possible!! (I saw it happen on TV).
samba bamba, llama momma.
need a new set, feel free to offer. :3
Having my eyeballs melted by so many typos and my small brain falling out the hole. So then I have no intelligence so I go play in traffic.
But in a serious manner the worst way to die..
For a guy it would be waking up and something be missing and from that moment on the guy realizes he has nothing more to live for so he commits .
For a lady ... aha! A freak waxing incident/accident.
EDIT: Now I can't use the word G I R L... for crying outloud!
Last edited by niKopol; 08-09-2007 at 07:02 PM.
ayy dyxlesia!
lmao yea, all of those. But to make it short, to die when it's not worth it, and yes, in a young age. -__-
---Sorry I am currently inactive; very busy with this new Filipino school x.x they are seriously trying to kill me--
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