i'm here to discuss vampire anime and manga. which one's do you like?which ones do u hate? do u agree with them? do u think vampires r real?
open to anything
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i'm here to discuss vampire anime and manga. which one's do you like?which ones do u hate? do u agree with them? do u think vampires r real?
open to anything
twice bitten
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i havent realy read or watched any so can u tell me some so i can read or watch them?
There are a lot of vampire show out there that i havent got to yet but here are some show i seen and like.
Blood:the last vampire, I seen the movie on tv, it's cool but to short.
Hellsing, I didnt like this show to much,dunt know why but i just didnt get it.
Moon phas,i just started watching this new show.I have vol 1 and need to watch more of it so i can see whats it about.
No, i dont think their real but it would be cool to be one if they were real and you could be like that one in that movie Qween of the damn. He could walk in the sun light and also had super speed,super srong,and age 1 year for evary 10 or 100,i think cant rember every thing.
soem good vampire anime and manga are hellsing, trinity blood, vampire knight.
yeah it would be sweet to be a vampire. u got all the plus's, but the minus's?
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I like a few vampire series, only because I know only a few. Hellsing, haven't seen it but interested. Im watching Trinity Blood on Adult Swim (cable, duh). That shows pretty good, I love the unique characters and fight scenes. Able is a pretty trippie person when he goes super-vampire.
But there's one anime that I really want to see but its still in Japan, a few mangas are here finally, but it probably will be a while for the anime to come over. That series is "Chibi Vampire Karin". From what I've seen its a very cute and touching series. Its about a teen vampire that has an embarrassing curse. In stead of needing blood to survive, she over produces it in her body and injects it in to victims, giving them more spring in there step, and at the same time helps her family feed without completely killing. The embarrassing part is if she gets over excited like over a boy she loves, her heart beats too fast and has a massive nose bleed. And I mean "MASSIVE". Makes you feel sorry for her at times. Its going to most likely get a 16 and up rating for the nudity but from what I've seen its going to be a very interesting and moving series. Im getting it, I might even buy the import if I cant wait!
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one ive really seen is trinity blood(love abel <3) ^ ^' its kinda sad but ya dont really have time with school and all
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Hellsing is a really great book about vampires. Its really amazing but kinda graphic.
Vampire Game is one of the best vampire books I've ever read. Its about this princess who saves Duzzell King of Vamps when he's a kitty and tries to help him find the person that killed him (btw: that person is in the Princess's family too)
Rebirth is another good vampire book, but I do think it is kind of sad.
Last edited by Jagan Eye; 12-28-2006 at 08:07 PM.
Hellsing will always be one of my fav vampire animes. Black blood brothers is fast becoming a close second though, realllly good anime. Vampire wars is also really good, its a bit old but thats half the awesomeness of it.
I absolutely adored this anime. I watched the entire anime on Youtube and I loved it. It's very touching and it may make you cry near the end, not that I'm gonna tell you why. I wouldn't want to spoil it for everybody. But those of you who like romance and, of course vampires, you'll love this anime. Well, I'll give you a sort of summary of this anime.
The story starts out with a girl named Karin who, like CapnJack said, has an embarrassing curse. But what CapnJack forgot to mention is that she also gets a nosebleed when a person of her blood type is near. And I mean the person who matches her blood taste, which is depression, or sadness (every vampire as a type of blood they prefer. For example Mrs. Maaka, or Marker, favors the blood of liars). She is able to go to school because she can withstand sunlight, unlike other vampires, so, in a way, she's the outcast of her family but only her little sister, Anju, accepts her. But her entire life changed when she met the new boy at school, Usui Kenta. And that's where the story begins.
black blood brothers is pretty good...ive only watched a few episodes though so far and i really liked it.still waiting for the rest
~OH snap! its me mabob!
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I've been reading this in Shojo Beat called Vampire Knight it'll be released in manga from in january...
So far, i like what i'm reading!
Vampire hunter D Bloodlust...
To say is easy, To do that is hard... (Rurouni Kenshin)
i can't wait to they release it. i got really interested in vampire knight a few months ago. but i came across another vampire hunter anime. it's about a girl who's suppose to hunt vampire's but she's lost her memory, until like her guide reawakens her memories. plus she lives with a foster dad and brother, because her family was killed. i think. plus i think she's like a agent of the state. like they made her that way. has anybody seen it or heard of it? i can't think of the name. i saw it in neopoint. a anime magazine.![]()
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the black blood brothers thats one i haven't heard of so far.
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fav vamp anime : Hellsing
do i think vamps exist?: NO WAY! the immortal turn into bats and fly around sucking ppls blood vampires dont exist...but the people who claim to be vampires and drink blood do.....they're wierd...but i supose thats the closest anyone has come to being a real vampire....
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yeah i've heard of those, there are some who claim to be psychic vampires. they feed off of their victims energy. or something.
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My favorite vamp anime are Trinity Blood & Hellsing. I own a copy of the limited editions 1-4 & am preoredering volume 5. After I get vol. 6 I'm saving my money to buy Hellsing & Hellsing Ultimate.
I also think that people who like vampires but not anime would still enjopy these series, because some of my friends don't like anime except for Hellsing & Trinity Blood because of the vampires.
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i really like Trinity Blood i watch it on adultswim
my fav character on there is Ion he is so hotttt
oh and the pope is hottt to i just dont know his name
Oh boy. Vampire Hunter D is supposedly good, so I'm going to try and get into that. But my favorite is obviously "Hellsing".
I have seen Hellsing, Vampire Knight, and Vampire Hunter D (the original version) and I like them all.
Now as for if vampires are real, I don't think so. But there's something so mysterious about vampries that people fantasties about being a vampire and dress up as one on Halloween.
Credit goes to PhoenixChan*~ for this set.
I don't really believe vampires are real either (no matter how fun it is to say they are) But it actually could be argued. Vlad Tepes was a real person, making Dracula a little less...fictional than people think?? I don't know..
My fav vampire manga is 'The vampire gasme' its so funny!!!
[COLOR="Magenta"]The Vampire Game is the best vampire manga i have ever read[/COLOR]
yeah i think people who think there vampires, have a little to much imagination.
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