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Thread: Sign Up: Summoner School

  1. #1
    Senior Member Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito's Avatar
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    02-26-2007 08:57 AM
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    Default Sign Up: Summoner School

    (yes it was approved by LPS)

    Summoner School

    B. History of the RPG :

    There exists a world beyond our own that has existed for as long as humanity was able to tell stories, a world where emotions, desire, dreams and energy are one. This world was given many names throughout History but it is most widely known simply as ‘the Dreaming’. This strange universe is not something the human mind may comprehend, but it is filled with fantastical entities that may be contacted by certain rare individuals. These rare individuals can establish an empathic link with those entity and with enough psychic energy and training allow them to breach the barrier of reality and enter our world for a limited amount of time. These individuals have also been given many names and treated differently depending on time and place. Sometime worshipped as gods, sometime hunted down as witches, but today they are called Summoners.

    In this modern era Summoners are a valued and respected part of the population. Experts estimate that an average of 5% of a country’s population is a potential Summoner. A country with a larger percentage, such as Japan and it’s record breaking 9% is considered to have a huge advantage on the international level. Why? Because Summoner not only establish a link with creatures from an another world and summon them, but they can also make them perform tasks. The creatures, now known under the scientific term TPM (Transdimensional Psionic Manifestation), come in many sizes and shapes and can be convinced to handle many different tasks: transport, cargo handling, construction, gladiatorial combat and even…war.

    Summoners establish links to TPMs through meditation, and more rarely in dreams, and once that link is established the Summoner can summon the TPM to this world. A Summoner usually only has a small number of TPMs at his or her disposal (between 1 and 4 mostly), but there connection is strong. Summoner communicate with TPMs through an empathic link: in other words they communicate through emotions and desires rather than words and thoughts. Overtime the two develop a close bond. The more psionic energy a Summoner possess, the longer the TPM can remain in our world, once that energy is deplete the TPM returns to the Dreaming and most of the time the strain causes the Summoner to pass out. A TPM might also retreat after sustaining too much damage (from other TPMs as physical attacks cannot harm a TPM) or simply after being ordered to do so by its Summoner. It is interesting to note that the larger a TPM is, the longer it takes to cross the dimensional barrier.

    To control and help train Summoners to allow them better control of their abilities most governments on Earth have created special Summoner Schools. Those schools offer all the standard classes of their respective educational system in addition to special classes on TPMs and Summoning of them. Most get into those schools at age 14 and graduate at age 18. Teachers for the normal classes are usually normal humans, while the principals and teachers for the summoning classes and physical education classes are Summoners themselves.

    While most schools are respectable institutions, there exists some with bad reputations. One particular school is the North District Summoners School in Tokyo. This boarding school is known for harboring bullies and delinquents that were expelled from other summoning school and for rumors that the seedy Principal, Mr. Hinokuro, might have ties with the Yakuzas… It is also well known that the Principal not only accept but encourages students to solve any conflicts, even the most minor ones, through an official TPM battle. For that purpose a classification of matches was established:

    Blue Matches: 1 TPM versus 1 TPM with no substitution. The first TPM to retreat loses.

    Green Matches: In this situation a Summoner may summon all TPMs at his or her disposition, either one by one or all together. The first Summoner to have no TPM out loses.

    Red Matches: 1 TPM versus 1 TPM until the retreat of one of the TPMs just like a Blue Match. The difference here is that the TPM might assault the opposing Summoner directly. It is also allowed for Summoners to be involved in battle with each other, but fighting takes concentration away from maintaining contact with the TPM.

    Orange Matches: This type of match combines the Green Match’s free-for-all style with the ruthless style of the Red Match. Those are the most dangerous and rarest kind of matches.

    Now a new school year is about to begin and new students flock to the North School. Perhaps you are one of them, maybe you have been there for a few years or maybe you are a teacher, but one thing’s certain: this year is going to be unlike any other…

    (What follows is a few more explanations on TPMs.)

    TPMs are divided into 5 groups: Chimeras, Greens, Animates, Nightmares and Fey. Furthermore each TPM belongs to one of four Archetype (or type) that are further divided into positive and negative polarities: A, D, C and U.

    The groups, save for the rare Fey group, are distinguished based on nothing more than appearance and have no bearing on abilities.

    Chimeras: Chimeras are any TPMs that ressemble natural animals, wether in parts or in whole. They are usually like the similarly named monster of Greek mythology, an assembly of various physical traits from different animals.

    Greens: These TPMs could either pass as plants or as insects. They often have a deep connection with nature and forests.

    Animates: This group consist of all TPMs in the shapes of objects that should not be alive and able to move on their own. Animates look almost artificials.

    Nightmares: As their name indicates Nightmares are the stuff of nightmares. They are the most frightening of TPMs with appearances that should not exists except in the mind of the most deranged horror writers.

    Fey: Fey are the rarest of the rares and a unique group. Rather than appearances it is abilities that make a TPM part of that group (in fact most Fey TPMs start out classified in another group and only move to this one once their abilities is discovered), for Fey TPMs are the only ones who can wield the powers of Light, Blessing and Healing.

    Archetypes describes the personality of the TPM. Since TPMs are born of emotions their personality heavily influences what kind of abilities they possess.

    A: A stands for ‘aggressive’. A types love to fight with each other and can become hard to handle when summoned for another task. When called to our world they will usually directly attack the object of their Summoner’s aggressive feeling without waiting for orders. Positive A (+A) are known as loyal and honorable warriors and will never strike a downed opponent but they still enjoy battle. In contrast Negative A (-A) are best described as brutal, to the point of being considered the fiercest fighters of all TPMs. A types are most commonly associated with the powers of Fire and Shadow. They sometime have battle abilities that inflict more and more damage over time and they are also the most skilled in combat.

    D: D stands for ‘defender’. D types defend their Summoner at all cost, it is their number 1 priority. When Summoned in a battle situation they automatically assume a defensive position between the opponent and their Summoner. Outside of battles D types are best suited for tasks that require lots of physical strength. +D feel compelled to protect anyone in danger and help others, not just their Summoner. Meanwhile –D, while they do remain fiercely loyal, don’t consider other humans, especially non-Summoner, ‘worthy’ of their protections and will just ignore them. D types most often possess either the power of Metal or the power of Earth.

    C: C stands for ‘calm’. Unlike the other Archetypes C types wait before acting when summoned, even in the middle of a heated battle. They are calm, never act harshly and look unassuming. However an angered C type can unleash a devastating force. In battle they prefer to dodge and flow with the opponent’s attacks before counter-attacking at the right moment. +C are aloft and exude an aura of calming wisdom that has a beneficial effect on their Summoner and all those around them. –C are cautious to the point of laziness and it takes much convincing to make them act, but they are also the most dangerous of C types when in a fury. C types are perfectly compatible with the powers of Water and Ice.

    U: U stands for ‘unpredictable’. As the name hints you can never know what a U type will do when summoned. Their moods are ever changing and they are very curious of everything in our world, but are often difficult to work with in a serious environement. In battle U type TPMs rely on speed and trickery (including many debilitating effects) rather than strength or careful skill. +U are the most friendly of all TPMs, enjoying trips to our world for no other reason than to explore it. +U are mischievous, yes, but always in good taste. The –U types are real tricksters, use all the dirty play in the books in battle and are known for incredible mood swings in a matter of seconds. A –U left to its own device will cause trouble all around. Their nature makes them naturals at controlling the powers of Air(which also includes Sound) and Lightening.

    C-Sample Character Sheets:

    For Humans:

    Name (Family name first, this is Japan):
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any):
    Maximum Summoning Time:

    For TPMs:

    Special Attack(s):

    D-Sample Characters (I'll play the humans with physical descriptions (and their TPMs), the rest are up for grab) :

    Name: Burako Limito
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Student in Class 1-B
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story : Branlud
    Maximum Summoning Time: 25 min.
    Appearance: Limito is a short kid still waiting for puberty induce growth spurts. He has short blue hair and black eyes. He prefers the short vest version of the school’s uniform that he keeps buttoned up most of the time.
    Personality: Limito is very shy. He doesn’t feel at home at the North School and find it difficult to make friends and yet most others find him really likeable. TPM battles give him excitement he never experienced before and he likes it, but he also feels guilty for putting Branlud in danger, even if the TPM enjoys it as well. He has a strong bond with Branlud, whom he consider his closest friend.
    Bio: Limito is a single child and his mother died in a card accident when he was a kid and his father, Tashiro, has yet to find someone else. Limito only recently discovered he was a Summoner after making contact with Branlud through a dream. Being so late in the registration process for Summoner Schools his father could only get him into the North District School, far from the family home. Limito lost contact with the few friends he had when moving to his dorm room at the North District School. Being an avid reader all his youth he’d rather become an author of some sort rather than a professional Summoner.

    Name: Hinokuro Genji
    Age: 46
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Principal of the school.
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story: Sullah, Rader, Slimeye
    Maximum Summoning Time: 2 hours
    Appearance: Mr. Hinokuro is a tall burly man with black hair and a piercing cold grey stare. His square chin seem constantly covered with a five o’clock shadow, even in the morning. He always wear a black suit with a red tie. He seems to be in top physical shape.
    Personality: Genji values victory and strength over anything. He seems to have a cold hearted determination to make his students the most powerful Summoner around for motivation that only he understands. He turns a blind eye to bullying in his school and scolds students that loose official matches. He also likes to be in control of his domain and do not take kindly to teachers who hide things from him or people who tell him how to run HIS school. He has a gambler side that make him take blind risks.
    Bio: Hinokuro Genji started his career in Summoner education as one of the most demanding physical education teacher around, often being fired or transferred off after being a little too hard on a physically weaker student. One day, somehow, he was appointed principal of the North District Summoner School. Some say he had ‘special’ connections that helped him get the job. Now he rules the school with an iron grip using his ‘Hall Monitors’ (usually the worse delinquents) as his henchman and everyone in the staff and student body fears his wrath. Even though his school has some impressive students it always seem to produce graduates with below average grades, a suspicious mystery that he never seem to bother with…

    Name: Hoshino Yuki
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Student in Class 2-A
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story: Titania, Wintrena
    Maximum Summoning Time: 50 min.
    Appearance: (I’ll let the person that decides to play him decribe him. Just know he’s meant to be a Bishie character)
    Personality: Cool and collected is the best way to describe Yuki. Snob is also another way to describe him. Yuki is loved by all and he knows it, causing him to appear full of himself. To make matter worse he’s a lousy loser. Yuki has redeeming traits off course, but they take time to discover.
    Bio: Yuki comes from a rich family in the fashion business. When he arrived at the school he quickly rose to be the best of the first year, proving a grade-A student in every discipline, and even defeated some graduating students! He is adored by all the girls, the envy of all the boys and the favorite student of all the teachers.

    Name: Kompassu Karamel (but she prefers to be called ‘Kara’)
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Student in Class 1-B
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story: Mo-kun
    Maximum Summoning Time: 30 min.
    Appearance: (I’ll let the player of this character decide)
    Personality: Kara loves to rush through life at full speed, dashing head on into any situation, even dangerous ones. Kara dreams of an adventurous life in wild uncharted lands. She’s always talking about trips she’d love to take and wild projects for when she graduates. Kara doesn’t really like being cooped up in the city and would rather be out hiking.
    Bio: Kara comes from the country side of Japan, daughter of a couple of farmers, her great energy interfered with her school work. To try to calm her down her parents got her enrolled in a local Buddhist meditation class and it is during those sessions that she created her link with Mo-kun. Her grades sadly didn’t improve and so the only school she could get admittance to was the North District School.

    Name : Date Noriko
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: History Teacher, Home Room teacher for Class 1-B
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story: N/A
    Maximum Summoning Time: N/A
    Appearance: (I’ll let the player decide)
    Personality: Upbeat and caring for her student. She is hard to get down and loves teaching History. Noriko is not someone to underestimate and will always fight back when she knows she or her students were wronged.
    Bio: Noriko was hired at the beginning of the new year to replace a retiring teacher. Not much else is known about this Osaka-native’s past and she doesn’t like to talk about her private life. She is not a Summoner but seem to be very knowledgeable about TPM battles, crediting this to her being a long time fan of the professional gladiatorial battle league (JPGBL).

    Name: Branlud
    Summoner: Limito
    Gender: Male
    Group: Chimera
    Archetype: +U
    Power(s): Lightening
    Special Attack(s): Lightening Bolt, Thunderbird Dive
    Description: Branlud is a TPM that has the rough look, and size, of a north american raven. He has eerily human blue eyes, a yellow diamond-shaped jewel adorning his forehead and a silver metal collar around his neck. Whenever he uses his lightening ability an intricate network of white line spread all over his feathers from the jewel on his forehead, jewel that is the origin of his Lightening Bolt attacks. When performing the Thunderbird Dive he dives down toward an opponent while simultaneously spinning and charging his entire body with electricity. Branlud is a playful TPM that really enjoy the company of Limito.

    Name: Sullah
    Summoner: Genji
    Gender: Male
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: +A
    Power(s): Fire
    Special Attack(s): Darkfire Roar, Copper Scale
    Description: Sullah is a ferocious TPM that is about the size of a real lion and has a similar body built, only entirely covered in copper colored scales. Sullah’s head is constantly engulfed in an inferno of black flames in which orange eyes glow brightly. Sullah can fire powerful burst of black flames and by swinging his tail around he can propel sharp scales at the enemy. A wound caused by one of those scales will take longer to heal than a normal wound. Sullah is an honorable fighter and will not obey an order from his Summoner that would make him act in an unhonorable fashion. This used to cause friction with Genji, but the man learned to accept his TPM’s limitation.

    Name: Rader
    Summoner: Genji
    Gender: Female
    Group: Chimera
    Archetype: -A
    Power(s): Shadow
    Special Attack(s): Venom Bite, Rodent Web
    Description: Rader is a small TPM that look like a strange cross between a rat and a spider (hence the name). She is a big red-furred rat with eight hairy spider legs and has green eyes. Rader is often seen in the company of the principal, like a pet, and can be used to threatened people easily has her small size makes her a quick summon. Rader’s ferocious bite carry a potent venom that, while not lethal, can make even an elephant faint in a short amount of time. Rader can also shoot webbing to use either as a grappling hook/swing line or to capture preys. She is a specialist at stalking and ambush tactics.

    Name: Slimeye
    Summoner: Genji
    Gender: Unknown
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: -C
    Power(s): Water
    Special Attack(s): Slime Ball, Slime Flow
    Description: A mysterious TPM that is quite simply a giant hovering eyeball covered in a substance that can only be described as a green-tinted translucent slime. This slime slowly drips down on the ground, leaving a trail wherever Slimeye floats. The slime also seem to act as a defense mechanism as it absorbs a lot of attacks and soften physical blows. In combat Slimeye usually just hover on the sideline, only providing help to allies by firing different amount of its slime to immobilize opponents. It is very difficult to escape it’s secretion. Its Slime Flow attack has the same kind of kinetic force as a fireman’s hose, throwing targets against hard surfaces.

    Name: Titania
    Summoner: Yuki
    Gender: Female
    Group: Fey
    Archetype: +C
    Power(s): Ice, Light
    Special Attack(s): Crystal Shower, Light Burst, Prismatic Aurora
    Description: Titania is one of the smallest TPM in the School, but she is also one of the most powerful one. She has the appearance of a traditional fairy in a blue body suit with white hair, black eyes and icy colored translucent fairy wings. Not only can she shower someone with sharp ice crystal, but she can blind opponents and even create illusionary images of herself. Her most powerful attack is the Prismatic Aurora in which she creates a giant ice prism that she then uses to refract light into a multitude of rainbow colored beams that can strike multiple opponents. She consider herself a thing of majestic beauty.

    Name: Wintrena
    Summoner: Yuki
    Gender: Female
    Group: Chimera
    Archetype: -C
    Power(s): Ice
    Special Attack(s): Snow Flurry, Freezing Beam
    Description: Wintrena look like a majestic purely white artic fox with rich fur and a very large fluffy tail. About the size of a Sheppard dog Wintrena moves with the grace and swiftness of the wind and she is said to not leave footprints even on the freshest snow. Her eyes shimmer with an unreal white light and her back and forehead is adorned by blue jewel. Wherever she goes Wintrena is constantly orbited by five fist-size snow crystal that can hover a fair distance from the ground. Those giant snow flakes can block attacks and cut as if they were made of metal. Her Snow Flurry is performed by creating a snow storm and sending her snow flakes to attack while her opponent is blinded. Wintrena is also able to freeze target. She is a very vain TPM, rarely accepting to ‘dirty’ herself in battle.

    Name: Mo-kun
    Summoner: Kara
    Gender: Male
    Group: Animate
    Archetype: +D
    Power(s): Earth
    Special Attack(s): Guardian Wall, Guardian Punch
    Description: Mo-kun is basically a six foot tall walking Moai (Easter Island statue) with stubby arms and legs too small compared to his oversized head. Mo-kun is capable of shooting his fist like a cannonball and summon Moais from the ground to form a protective barrier. He often uses this move to protect Kara. Mo-kun is prone to fits of panic and worry for he often has to protect Kara from even herself.


    Character list:

    Undrave Limito: Burako Limito/14/Male (1-A)
    Undrave Limito: Hinokuro Genji/46/Male (Principal)
    Undrave Limito: Murata Baki/15/Male (2-A)

    MaruDashi: Ichihara Kaede/17/Female (4-A)

    red storm: Fuyiyama Kumiko/16/Female (3-A)

    Seikyu Kiba: Nagasagi Vaan/17/Male (4-A)

    Breaden "Luzy" Swordwind: Kasch Ritter/17/Male (4-B)

    faro domisai: Shinku Fox/15/Male (2-A)

    Tetsanosuke: Kurasume Kazuhiko/17/Male (4-B)
    Tetsanosuke: Raishin Ratori/18/Male (5-A)

    Natu Utan: Kazuna Rumiko/28/Male (teacher, 2-A)

    Fionn Mac: Doyle Declan/17/Male (4-B)

    I am your stalker: Hardy Heather/17/Female (4-C)

    Kuriyu: Tenkyuu Yonaki/14/Female (1-A)

    viperoushel: Roch'ksh Runyadu/18/Male (5-A)

    Ayumi Saruwatari: Saruwatari Ayumi/16/Female (3-B)

    Kyuubi Naruto: Shiro Kimona/17/Male (4-C)

    Pengin-San: Watanabe Shizuka/15/Female (2-A)

    Emo is the name: Yameta Hikaru/16/Male (3-B)

    samuriagent: Claude Renverser/26/Male (teacher, 3-B)

    Viper Soul: Reinakumo Seiyaku/17/Male (4-C)

    Aura of the Twilight: Ayomi Ameena/17/Female (4-C)

    fox demon naruto: Raidon Wada/16/Male (3-A)
    fox demon naruto: Hakuro Ichigo/25/Male (teacher 4-A)

    FullMetalAlchemist997: Kuritsumi Yuki/16/Female (3-A)

    Narona: Komaru Pastisu Karuan/14/Female (no problem with you taking the character, just make her 14 to fit in better) (1-A)

    ThunderBird: Kuroushi Raisuke/16/Male (3-A)

    Mitarisorceress12: Nekozawa Mint/15/Female (2-A)

    Astalle: Ranmaru Jing/14/Male (1-A)

    So there we have the characters so far.

    Signs up are open once again people! So report to the last page if you are interested to join!
    Last edited by Undrave Limito; 01-12-2007 at 07:00 PM.

  2. #2
    The Greekest Letter in the Alphabet. Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega's Avatar
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    Sounds interesting =3

    Name : Ichihara, Kaede
    Age: 17
    Gender: female
    Occupation: student (class 3-A)
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any): Koe, Chou
    Maximum Summoning Time: N/A
    Appearance: Long, black hair (ankle lenght and is usually kept up in two unbraided pig-tails), violet eyes, fair skinned. About 5'8, and 150 pounds.
    Personality: Quiet and tends to keep to herslef. She wont tolerate bullies and often defends students being picked on. She likes to read, write, and paint amoung other things.
    Bio: Kaede used to be a happy and chipper girl until the murder fo her parents. After that, she became isolated and quiet. She met both her TPMs in nightmares reguarding her parents. Not much else is known about her.

    For TPMs:

    Name: Koe (tattoo)
    Summoner: Kaede
    Gender: female
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: -U
    Power(s): Shadow/ water

    Special Attack(s): Dark water, Black Mud, Acid Rain
    Description: Koe has her body covered in a indigo tattoo. She has long dark blue hair (mid back) which usually coveres her face. Her skin is a shade of blue, much like a corpse.
    She tends to be very malicious when provoked, but is extremly loyal to Kaede.

    Name: Chou (butterfly)
    Summoner: Kaede
    Gender: female
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: +U
    Power(s): Illusions/ fire

    Special Attack(s): Dancing Inferno, Mirror Shards, Crimsion Rhaspody
    Description: Chou has long crimsion hair (mid back) and daunts transparent red wings. Chou tends to be very chipper and carefree, and loves to play pranks on others, though shes very short tempered.

    Last edited by Ωmega; 12-04-2006 at 01:51 PM.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito's Avatar
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    02-26-2007 08:57 AM
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    Add a bit of personality into the TPMs' descriptions and I'll accept the character no problem ^^

  4. #4
    The Greekest Letter in the Alphabet. Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega has a reputation beyond repute Ωmega's Avatar
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    Edited. Is that better? ^.^

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito is a name known to all Undrave Limito's Avatar
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    02-26-2007 08:57 AM
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    Yup. Perfect. Now we just need a few more players.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan's Avatar
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    02-17-2008 04:19 PM
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    Hey, Ill join this when I get home from school.

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    Name Hasasi babs

    Age: 14

    Gender: female

    Occupation: student

    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story: sphinxa

    Maximum Summoning Time: 1 hour
    Appearance: long dark brown hair, pale skin. Dark brown eyes. Black shirt and baggy pants. black boots. silver earrings.

    Personality: babs always looks bored, she is mostly found leaning against a wall with her hands in her pocket. It seems nothing interests her enough to change her expresion. Her uncaring way of looking caused most bullies to be uninterested. she dasent talk much either and it's unclear if she is with the bullies or against them.

    Bio: babs past is a mysterie the only thing known is that her familie never cared much for her which caused the childeren protection agency to pull her away from them when she was 10. She went from fosterhome to fosterhome then until she managed to meet sfinxa. Her last fosterparents were desperate and sended her to summoning school in hope they can do something.

    For TPMs:

    Summoner: babs
    Gender: female
    Group: chimera
    Archetype: U
    Power(s): sound/ wind
    Special Attack(s): deafening roar, electric tail
    Description: sfinxa looks like a ordinary sfinx except instead of a lions body she has a normal catbody. she is pure black with red eyes causing people to mistaken her often for a nightmare tm. Has the normal sfinx headgear.Sfinxa is much like a ordinary cat. she loves to play with string, even with a toymouse but her behaviour can change suddenly as the weather.
    Last edited by Nespa; 12-04-2006 at 02:29 PM.

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    natural tomboy red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm's Avatar
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    06-03-2007 09:12 AM
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    Jay! High school RPG! (well, somewhat).


    Name: Fuyiyama Kumiko
    Age: 16
    Gender: female
    Occupation: Student in class 3-A
    Room: Room 3020
    Roommate: Saruwatari Ayumi

    Clubs: Walking club, nature club, gymnastics club
    TPM at the beginning of the story: Alistina
    Maximum Summoning Time: 40 minutes
    Appearance (click for larger view):

    Personality: Kumiko is a joyful and playful student. She tries her best to have fun despite what may go around her, even classes. This behaviour has been subject to many disciplinary behaviour, but as of yet has yielded no result. She loves climbing trees.

    Bio: The history of Kumiko is of little interest, as it is filled with the boredom of an everyday teenager. Having fun, going shopping, climbing trees. It was, fact, a sheer stroke of luck –or bad luck depending on your point of view, that she even discovered she was a summoner in the first place. And even then, it was nothing exiting like a bullet or car coming out of nowhere, no, in fact it was a simple football from a nearby soccer field that triggered her first summon. As she reflexively covered herself from the inevitable blow, Alistina appeared and blocked the blow with her shield.

    Of course, after discovering she was a summoner, her life took a turn. For better or worse? Well, neither. More like a turn for the weird. After all, Kumiko never did care much about summoners, so she pretty much never bothered to learn anything about them. But being a summoner yourself tends to change your outlook on such matters, so Kumiko had to start from scratch, and discover everything through trial and error. Alistina proved to be a great emotional support for the girl as her life took a swift 180, which probably prevented it from becoming a turn to the worst.

    When she was finally send to the closest school –which, coincidentally, happened to be North District Summoners school- Kimiko immediately fell in line with most other do-nothings. Though for her it was merely her playful attitude instead of full-blown rebellion that got her into trouble.


    Name: Lady Alistina Carter of the order of the golden cross, or Alistina for short.
    Summoner: Fuyiyama Kumiko
    Gender: female
    Group: fey, crusader.
    Archetype: D+, extremely protective over her summoner.
    Description (click for larger view):

    Power(s): extreme tough defence due to her armour and shield. Also has the ability to cast shield spells and a few healing spells. Offensive damage is either dealt with the sword of through spells. Spell damage is severely holy based.

    Special Attack(s):
    Cross slash: Alistina slashes the sword in a holy cross pattern, infusing the strikes with holy damage.

    Prayer of healing: Alistia utters a small prayer for the wounded, healing wounded alies slightly.

    Resurrection: A heavy spell with a long cast time that exhausts Alistina. Able to heal even the most grievous of wounds, will not bring back the dead.

    Holy blast: A simple blast of holy energy from the palm of Alistina’s hand.

    Judgement: The most powerful of Alistina’s attack spells, a prayer to the goddess is uttered, after which beams of holy light rain down to smash Alistina’s opponents.

    Personality: researchers often wonder if the crusaders shouldn’t be classification of their own. All of them are extremely protective over their summoners, and they exhibit powers never seen before. Alistina is no different, if anything she would classify as a D+++ type, for she will even appear if Kumiko is even in the slightest trouble. She even went as far as taking the role of surrogate mother, supporting Kumiko, scolding her when she breaks the rules, and always watching out for her. Like all crusaders, she is a fierce believer in the goddess of justice, Martel, despite the fact that Kumiko is not. A ying to Kumiko's yang, if you will.
    Last edited by red storm; 12-08-2006 at 12:56 PM.
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  9. #9
    Owns someone xD But who? Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba has a reputation beyond repute Seikyu Kiba's Avatar
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    06-24-2009 12:38 AM
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    Ok Ill give it a shot!

    For Humans:

    Name: Nagasagi Vaan
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Occupation: Student (Class +C)
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any): Shinhon
    Maximum Summoning Time: 60 mins
    Personality: Vaan is more of a laid back kinda guy who speaks in sometimes ways that don't make sense...he always carries a book around and is constanly reading it.
    Bio: When Vaan was growing up he had always been different, he was always reading a book and was never the person who was into conversations. He was sometimes picked on when at school, but when he discovered he was a summoner, people respected him more.

    For TPMs:

    Name: Shinhon
    Summoner: Nagasagi
    Gender: Male
    Group: +C
    Archetype:Greens (Plant)
    Power(s): Trap (As in it can be set up to catch people)
    Special Attack(s): 1000 Thornes, Posion Ivy Mist, Rampant Vines
    Description: Shinhon can grow anywhere and doesn't talk but more growls. It may seem very aggressive but its really just protective and calm.

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  10. #10
    Neverwinter Gnostic Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer's Avatar
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    09-18-2013 05:28 PM
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    Name: Kasch Ritter (Literally in German "Black Bird Knight")
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: New Exchange Student
    TPM: Azazel
    Max Summoning Time: 5 minutes
    Personality: fairly quiet and has a personal hatred for every summoner. This leads to him hating himself as well. He has what others call a detachment. He doesn't relate well to others and prefers to be alone. There is however, an air of intensity that pervades him that belies his age.

    Bio: He was actually born in America and was the son of parents who were part of a former group called the "Humanists". They despised all summoners and believed that TPMs were evil beings (a proposition which ironically, Kasch's TPM supports). They believed that concentrating power in so few people would lead to oppression and that eventually humans would become dependent on them.

    However, Kasch began to manifest abilities for summoning and was driven from his home and sent away to Japan where, thanks to the help of some people sympathetic to his plight he managed to find his way to the North District Summoners School in Tokyo.

    The revelation that he is a summoner hasn't changed any of his thoughts on the subject, possibly why he chose one of the most vicious TPMs. He now trains physically everyday so that he will not have to depend on his TPM, believing it to be a weakness. He communes with his TPM by trading ill feelings with it, both being twisted by hatred. Kasch has sworn of having any more TPMs though he has not given a reason


    Name: Azazel
    Summoner: Kasch
    Gender: Male
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: -A
    Powers: Raw attack power and speed. A being of hatred it expends itself quickly making him incredibly distructive, however, he drains his summon quickly meaning fights have to be decided quickly or he will burn out and vanish. Also, he has many abilities that involve him exploiting the link between the summoner and the TPM, in fact, it is rumored that he can actually sever the link between an opposing summoner and the TPM however, this has never been seen.
    Special Powers:
    Essence Consumption: everytime his blade deals damage a bit of energy is restored to him and his summoner, allowing Azazel to fight longer.

    Lifetap: Azazel begins draining Kasch's life in order to increase his own strength. This causes Kasch's body to decay slowly.

    Soul Consumption (not yet usable) : Azazel takes part of his Summoner soul to use for his attacks. This can either be in the form of a weapon or an increase in potency.

    Absorb Malice (not yet usable): Azazel ignores pain by transfering physical and mental damage to the summoner.

    Description. His frame is that of a human, well muscled but with a serpantine lithness. His skin is taught over muscles and nerves that threaten to erupt from beneath. He has three sets of wings on his back which he keeps around him like a cloak unless flying. His arms are bear and over his head is a deep black hood, hiding his face from the light. He wields a massive sword that oozes fire from its surface.

    Personality: A being of the most intese hatred he was long ago a mighty creature of purity, however, he was given only the most menial tasks. His particular assignment was to guard the strands of spirit that link Summoner's and their TPMs. Despite his efforts to prove his worth he never garnered respect do to his somewhat anti-social tendencies. Thus he rebelled and fell from grace becoming twisted and maligned.

    Cruel and Vicious it desire only to kill. It is arrogant but will often take heed to Kasch's words when directed. It share a bond with its master, a bond of symbiotic benefit.
    Last edited by Luzifer; 12-10-2006 at 02:53 PM.
    The tragedy of life comes not from pain, despair, sorrow, or even death; but the constant annihilating amnesia that begs us to forget we live.

  11. #11
    Evil but Friendly FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai is infamous around these parts FaroDomisai's Avatar
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    06-13-2009 10:33 PM
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    For Humans:

    Name: Shinku Fox
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: New student (+U)
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story: Nal
    Maximum Summoning Time: 1hr.+10mins
    Personality: He is very serious when battling but out of battle he is a very gentle and sweet person he is also very sly and clever and mischievous
    Bio: Him and his parents moved to Japan so Zola could follow in the art of summoning like is great grandfather, he was very happy to arrive at the school hoping to make friends and learn alot about summoning

    For TPMs: To being with

    Name: Nal
    Summoner: Shinku
    Gender: Female
    Group: Chimera
    Archetype: +U
    Power(s): Nal can manipulate the wind and use it against anyone,she can also cloak herself and her master for 5 minutes, she basically use the wind as a weapon
    Special Attack(s):

    Rapid fire: Nal will suddenly absorb the wind surrounding her and her opponent(s) and fires a flurry of bullets at her opponent(s)

    Sound barrier: Nal screeches at the top of her lungs to create a sound barrier to deflect attacks back at the enemies both projectile and short range attacks, if the enemy(s) should hit the barrier they will be knocked back .this lasts only 20 seconds

    Copycat: This only lasts 3 minutes, Nal copies her opponent(s) ability(s) and uses them for 3 minutes

    Description: Nal is a small fox that everyone finds unusual in the school of summoning, her look might be cute and she might be the sweetest little summoning spirit you could ever see..but her attacks are outrageous and beautiful to see in battle

    Name: Lily
    Summoner: Shinku
    Gender: Female
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: D
    Power(s): Lily's abilities are mostly protection spells but she does have two attacking spells
    Special attack(s):
    Heartless sphere: Lily makes a protective sphere around her summoner that stops the enemy(s) attacks when hit..this lasts only 20 seconds

    Skulls secret power: The skull she has will open its mouth firing a massive red and black beam at the enemy(s) this can only be used once per battle

    Ray of Heaven and Hell: Lily will kneel down on the ground and begin chanting,once she finishes she will clap her hands when she does this black beams will rise from below and white beams will rain from above, this can also be used only once per battle

    Pyramid: Lily will form a Pyramid shaped shield around her summoner and deflect the attacks back at the enemy(s), this only lasts 10 seconds
    Last edited by FaroDomisai; 12-07-2006 at 06:21 PM.

  12. #12
    natural tomboy red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm's Avatar
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    06-03-2007 09:12 AM
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    Kasch? Is that the name of a type of bird? Because I never heard of the word Kasch before. Closest thing I know with my German skills (oh how I despise german grammar, but they are our neighbours after all) would be schwarzer Vogelritter.
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    Neverwinter Gnostic Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer's Avatar
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    Yeah its an adjectival form meaning "like a black bird".
    The tragedy of life comes not from pain, despair, sorrow, or even death; but the constant annihilating amnesia that begs us to forget we live.

  14. #14
    The Poet Sword Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke has a reputation beyond repute Tetsanosuke's Avatar
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    Looks like a sweet one, mind if I hop on?
    EDIT: I wasn't sure if special attacks were lke finishing moves, so I added other attacks to my TPMs.

    Name: Kurasume Kazuhiko
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Student (Class 3-A)
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story: 2
    Maximum Summoning Time: 1 hour
    Appearance: About 5'12, 175 pounds.

    Personality: A very subtle and quiet person, depressed even. He'd rather stand and watch the socializing or sit alone in tranquility then actually hang around. He finds comfort from the link between him and Azoth'na, even summoning her to just be with her at times. He doesn't care about his own life as much as his TPMs. But he knows right and wrong, and will let go of his daze to help those in need at times.

    Bio:Born in Kyoto Japan, he lost his parents to a Summoner fight in the middle of a Yakuza raid on the police station near his house. He watched as his parents were sluaghtered by a large wolf like TPM, he was only five years old them but he can remember that day like it was yesterday and he often does. He was raised from home to home, each home he lost to some unfortunate occurance like a sudden illness of the foster parents or accidents. One of these homes had an oldsword master who tuaght him sword fighting, though he died like the rest.

    When he was nine years old he found his potential as a summoner when he summoned Aznagoth when he was being roughed up by Yakuza. It took 6 summoners to beat the creture back, leaving several blocks of Kyoto in ruins. Eversince then he was put through the Schools for summoners, and on his first day he found Azoth'na and she was like a mother to him whenever she was summoned.

    Now he's just living his life in class A-3, making it by day by day with his serious sapphire blue eyes taking in his supposed "Pitiful" existence.

    TPMs: (2 To begin with)

    Name: Aznagoth
    Summoner: Kazuhiko
    Gender: Male
    Group: Chimera
    Archetype: A-
    Power(s): This massive dragon is strong enough to destroy buildings, and can blow an inferno of flames. Aznagoth can also fire seperate bursts of flames like fireballs and magma shots.
    Special Attack(s): It's Special Attacks consist of two attacks as such :

    Burning Tail: With a blaze of everlasting fire Aznagoth swings his tail in a wide arch cutting/smashing anything in it's way.
    Astral Collision: Aznagoth charges forth with spewing the flames of hell from under his scales, making himself into massive fireball. It's kinda easy to know what comes next.
    The Fortress of Fire: His only defensive move, he raised immense walls of flames around him and his summoner with an ungodly roar to the heavens.
    The Rings of Ifreet: This is when Aznagoth creates giant red rings of intense burning energy around a certain area, then summons an inferno of flames from below. Quite the wide ranged attack

    Forever Desolace: Aznagoth charges all of his energy into one large beam of fiery power and blasts it at his foes from his massive mouth. This attack at full power can shake the world.


    Aznagoth is a Dragon of intense fury and power, summoning this massive powerhouse takes a long while but when it is released it is hard to beat. Kazuhiko only summons this beast (He has only summoned it once before mind you) when his anger burns like the flames of oblivion. This creature is nothing to shake a stick at.

    Name: Azoth'na (Called Azna by Kazu)
    Summoner: Kazuhiko
    Gender: Female
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: U+
    Power(s): To create lightning from it's body, form lighting into holdable things (For Kazu) and manipulate the purple energies of Lightning itself.
    Special Attack(s): She has two:

    The Bite of Lightning: by holding her many tentacles together she gathers electricity into a clamp, them snaps it onto a foe like the jaws of a beast. This sends quite a shock to their system.
    Tears of Celest: this ability allows her to quite literaly shoot lightning bolts from her eyes. Simple enough.
    Zankre: A blast of pure lightning energy in ball form.
    Lightning Spike: Sending her tentacles into the ground, she strikes from below at her foes with great speed.
    Endless Blades: Azoth'na releases her thousands of tentacles and fills them with the power of lightning, she then lashes out at her victims furiously wrapping them up and cutting them to shreds.

    Celestial Ragnarok: Her most powerful attack, she summons lightning from the "In Dreaming" and from the every source nearby and unleashes it into a bursting shockwave of clashing lighting strikes. This attack can be centered, but a total risk of her etheral form disappearing in the process.

    Description: Anzoth'na is a lightning abomination, by abomination she looks like a rotting female body (blue skin) with tentacles that can shoot from her back and her palms. These tentacles are usually infussed with her lightning making them glow with purple energy.

    She is a slight bit taller then Kazu and has long dull blue hair, she has a long scar down each of her cheeks even through her eyes, so her pupils look like they are split into two. She wheres a ripped and torn dark blue dress, once so elegant it would have brighted the eyes of passers by. She was once a beauty of the "In Dreaming" and had many admirers, but eversince she was murdered brutally her soul yearned on and kepted her body going.

    She was attrached to Kazu because he had lost his parents to the icy cold grip of death, and she felt he would be good company to her beacause of the negative feelings they share.
    Last edited by Tetsanosuke; 12-06-2006 at 08:10 PM.

    Perhaps the world was never meant to make perfect sense.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan is a glorious beacon of light Natu Utan's Avatar
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    02-17-2008 04:19 PM
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    For Humans:

    Name (Family name first, this is Japan): Kazuna, Rumiko



    Occupation:Teacher, TPM fighting.

    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any):Firetried

    Maximum Summoning Time: 150 minutes


    Personality: Rumiko, is one of the nicer teachers here at the school. He understands that alot of the newer students get lost, and feel helpless. Rumiko trys and helps whenver he can, always talking in a calm voice. Never yelling. He can almost always be seen with Firetried by his side. He loved his TPM with all his heart. The only thing that ever showed him any compassion.

    Bio:Rumiko was expelled from North marion expert summoning school in the United States, for attacking his principle, and almost killing her with Firetried in his Freshman year. After that he was sent to this school, which he stayed at and Graduated being Valavictorian. After a few years of practicing with Firetried, he decided to teach at this school when he was 24. And as been ever since.

    For TPMs:

    Name:Firetried Ash (Li)

    Summoner:Kazuna, Rumiko

    Gender: Female


    Archetype: -C

    Power(s): Li, can control and summon ice and water at the summoners will. ALL ICE summoned is 0 degrees Kelvin.

    Special Attack(s):

    A thousand needles of Death: A 1000 ice needles appear from the other world, or from the Moisture around the two beings, and surround the enemy. They then charge in on him/her.

    No escape prison: A large ball of water ejects from Li's mouth, surrounding the opponet. Trapping them in a large sphere of water. As it turns to ice and slowly crushes the opponet.

    Ice combination: In this, Rumiko and Firetried combine together, to form one large ice being in the shape of a wolf. With enhanced skills and powers.

    Description: Li is a lazy one who does not like to do what she is told to do. But will when she feels like it. She can be very playful, and loves her summoner. When angered, not even Rumiko can stop her fury.

    OOC: I hope this is Okay =D
    Last edited by Natu Utan; 12-08-2006 at 05:41 PM.

  16. #16
    Robot Inflicted Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence is infamous around these parts Insolence's Avatar
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    01-02-2007 08:38 PM
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    For Humans:

    Name: Altera, Kayne
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Student (Class 1C)
    TPM at the beginning of the story: Fyxanf
    Maximum Summoning Time: 35 minutes
    Appearance: Long guy with red hair, not very commen in japan. He has a small tattoo under his right eye that looks like a lightning bolt
    Personality: Bid arogant, and a bid agresive. He mostly hits first ask questions later. If he asks them at all that is. He does is a loyall typ, if you get Kayne to be your friend then prepair to be stuck with him for a very long time.
    Bio: Altera, Kayne has a Japaneas father and a european mother. He lives in Japan but looks like an european in every way with his long red hair and his almost 2 meters body length. He had a good childhood and is one of the very rare people that made first contact with his TPM true a dream. or better said one of his nightmares

    For TPMs:

    Name: Fyxanf (Kayne calls her Fy)
    Summoner: Altera, Kayne
    Gender: Female
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: -A
    Power(s): Lightning
    Special Attack(s): Lightningbold, Lightningspeed
    Description: Fyxanf looks like a small female child(about 9 years) with two Lightningbolts crossed behind her back. she weares a silly looking yellow ballarina dress, her eyes are scary empty black holes where sometimes a spark of electricity is visable. She acts and talks like a grown woman, her arogance makes that of Kayne look cute. She somehow fell in love with Kayne and will do anything he asks and help him in anyway. When she is summoned and a girl even looks longer then two seconds at Kayne she is insulted and tries to do something against the girl. so yes Fyxanf is very very yellous.

    I hope you will approve me =)
    Last edited by Insolence; 12-05-2006 at 07:00 PM.

  17. #17
    The Illusive Man Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac has a reputation beyond repute Fionn Mac's Avatar
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    Name: Doyle Declan (He's Irish but I'll follow the family name first requirement)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Student (Class 3-A)(Exchange Student)
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any): Braun
    Maximum Summoning Time: 1 hour
    Appearance: About 6'5 in height

    Personality: Declan is serious and focused. Although he is very kind and understanding, he strays away from the usual "cheery"-Irishman tag. He is often quiet and reserved as he worries about his family back in Ireland.

    Bio: Declan grew up on the tough streets of Belfast. His father like many men, was strong and worked on the docks and made a modest living for his family. Sadly his father became ill and Declan did his best to help his father work the physically laboring work. Eventually he ended up working at the docks for his father who was too weak to work. After many tearful lonely days at the docks, Declan realized his pile of boxes kept magically appearing stocked and loaded, Only he was the only one around his area, except for an old stone statue of an old Irish warrior. He finally realized his summoning ability could animate the golem type companion. He had found his companion Braun, who named himself after the Celtic sun god, vowing to protect him and befriend him for life.
    Declan's family didn't have the money to send him to a esteemed school, but he was accepted by the North District school in Japan. Declan vowed to return stronger so he and Braun could work more as one, and take over for his father for good.

    For TPMs:

    Name: Braun

    Summoner: Declan
    Gender: Male
    Group: Animate (Golem)
    Archetype: +D
    Power(s): Powerful defense specializing in earth/stone manipulation. Great physical strength, lacking speed but makes up for it by a well rounded defense.

    Special Attack(s):
    Shield of Moher- a strong rock shield that raises high as the cliffs of Moher.
    Fionn's Hammer- Braun uses his rock hammer to create a rift in the ground, drawing the pressure up from the earth.
    Giants Causeway- Braun's most powerful attack so far. It uproots the very earth, sending stone pillars that eventually encase the opponent and crash down. Takes a massive amount of power, andi is dangerous for Declan to use.

    Description: Braun is wise and protective of Delcan. He encourages his summoner to be as strong as he can, and never doubt himself. Braun is like a brother to him and their bond is solid as stone...(no puns intended *sigh*)
    Last edited by Fionn Mac; 01-12-2007 at 10:41 PM.

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    Name: Horrian Danforth(Dan for short)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Student
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any): Shaggoth, Cethali
    Maximum Summoning Time: 45 and 6 minutes, respectively(see TPM bios)
    Appearance: Dan is right at 6' and skinny, but naturally so(compare to anorexic). He's pale, spending the majority of his time inside. His eyes are wide and brown, but covered by black-rimmed glasses. His hair is short and tar-colored. He usually wears a grey jacket except in the hottest months.
    Personality: More interested in reading than socializing, he's always been sort of an outcast. Though he's good at starting conversations, he usually can't keep them going by himself.
    Bio: Dan had, for the most part, a normal childhood. He didn't know he was a Summoner till his mother broke into a screaming fit when she saw Shaggoth plodding around Dan's room while he was sleeping. Not wanting to lose their child to some far-off academy, they kept Shoggoth secret from the world, which would have worked. Except that one day, Cethali was summoned.

    Dan and his parents were on a small touring boat at the base of a cliff one summer, when part of the cliff suddenly eroded away. As the rock fell, Cethali suddenly appeared over the boat and batted the rock back up the cliff. Then he picked the boat up and threw it to the top of the cliff.

    Unable to hide his nature any longer, Dan was uprooted and sent to the cheapest academy, North District Summoners School.


    Name: Shaggoth
    Summoner: Dan
    Gender: Genderless
    Group: Animate
    Archetype: D-
    Power(s): Water
    Special Attack(s):
    Divide: Shaggoth splits itself into up to 4 independent Shoggoths.
    Reflex: Shaggoth opens a hole in itself to allow an attack to pass through.
    Bullet: Gathering hydrokenitic energy in itself, it launches it's body at the enemy to batter and smother them.
    Torn Asunder: Shaggoth wraps itself around an appendage of the enemy and begins to pull apart until the joint is seperated or torn off.
    Description: Shaggoth appears to be a large blob that spends most of it's time as a traslucent-grey blob with a tar-dark mass swirling inside of it. Though it usually keeps itself in an ovular shape and about three feet high, it can more than quadruple it's size without losing consitency. As a liquid, it can seep through cracks and collapse itself into a puddle. Though it seems to enjoy being petted by Dan, sometimes rolling under his outstretched hand like some cats do, it absolutely hates being touched by anyone else, attacking them sometimes. Shaggoth is a very phsyical fighter, having virtually no elemental skills. Also, it is airtight, allowing it to smother enemies. It can make sounds, however those sounds are only seven differently pitched pipings.

    Name: Cethali
    Summoner: Dan
    Gender: Male
    Group: Nightmare
    Archetype: A-
    Power(s): Darkness
    Special Attack(s):
    Taken:A dark cloud of noxious vapors surrounds the target, lifts it into the air, then hurls it at the ground.
    Royal Feast: Cethali sweeps up his with his feelers, drains some of their vitality, then simply drops them.
    Quakewave: Cethali flies straight up, then plummets like a rock, landing on all four feet and causing a massive shockwave.
    Seventh Head: So named because seven designs on Cethali's body that resemble his head(one on each leg and arm, one more in the center of his chest) begin to glow, then Cethali releases a devastating beam of pure malice and destruction from his mouth.
    Description: Cethali a massive dragon-like Nightmare, with four stout legs supporting his thick chest. His right arm is dominated by a bone blade that has it's base at the elbow and can swivel back and forth. His left arm is tipped in a massive, sharply clawed grip. His head is dragon like, but opens sideways under a bony plate, giving it a triple-jawed appearance. Lining the lower jaws is a row of feeler/tentacles that grow longer towards the back of his skull. His eyes are pitch black with three mulit-color pupils. On his back are two long, leathery wings that manage to work despite having tears and holes. All of this is covered in scales that give the impression of rust and blood. Personality wise, he's pure fury. He'll attack anything that moves, and several things that don't. He's summoned subconciously, which only adds to the randomness about him. However, due to his power, he can only be summoned for up to six minutes.
    Last edited by Opinionated; 12-05-2006 at 11:14 PM.

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  19. #19
    DSE's Stalker! I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker has a reputation beyond repute I am your stalker's Avatar
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    Name:Hardy, Heather
    Occupation:student (class 3-A)
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any):Reaper, Changeling, Shapless
    Maximum Summoning Time:1 hour 30 min.
    Personality: Dark and distant. She likes to be with her self,but she will talk to anyone that talks to her. Heather is not "gentle" with her attacks and, is brutle.
    Bio:She is from america and is in Japan to learn more about her abilities. She uses a book she writes in to describe her attacks with her TPMs.
    She was ill treated in america makeing her hate man kind.

    Summoner:Heather Hardy
    Power(s):Sharp attacks with an unknown weapon
    Special Attack(s):When opponent is in panick and despair it kills its opponent.
    Description:Reaper is a cloked creature and dark looking.

    Summoner:Heather Hardy
    Power(s):A fog that chockes its opponents
    Special Attack(s):It sets fear, hopeless, and despair
    Description:A fog that has no shape or form.

    Summoner:Heather Hardy
    Special Attack(s):defender's Arm
    Description:A human shape creature.
    Last edited by I am your stalker; 12-05-2006 at 06:04 PM.

  20. #20
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    Name : Tenkyuu Yonaki
    Occupation: student in class 2-B
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any): Haku
    Maximum Summoning Time: 1 hour 1/2
    Appearance: Yonaki has midnight black hair that ends in either curls or just straight ends at her hips. With her dark sapphire blue eyes and ivory toned peach skin, she could resemble a porcleain doll with out the english style pompour dress. She stands about 5'6, a pretty tall height for her age and is usually wearing dark eye make up.
    Personality: Yonaki has a cool demour that once and a while opens up to explore the essences of life. When angry, she'll just give out her famous smile, a smile like a poisoned flower withering.
    Bio: Yonaki was borned from a falling rich family with a history of nobles in the blood line. When she was born, her mother thought she was a ugly child for the fact she had only cried silently at her birth without a smile, because of that her mother named her Yonaki or Crying at night. As Yonaki grew up, she rarely smiled around her house hold, but acted polite and silent as can be. Her smiling face belong to one man in her life, her father who she loved very much. The family feared the child would be a horrid heir and tried to sell her behind her father's back. When the father found out, he banished half the family for doing so. Sickened with his wife's evil ways to make him look at Yonaki badily, he divorced her and sent her back to her family. He sent her to the Northern district school for Summoners shortly after seeing her summon a tpm, Rorigek or Haku as she nicked name him earilier on, in her bedroom as he came to get her for there afternoon stroll.

    For TPMs:

    Name: Rorigek/Haku
    Summoner: Tenkyuu Yonaki.
    Gender: male
    Group: Chimeras
    Archetype: -U.
    Power(s): Fire.
    Special Attack(s): Red Shower, there working on prefecting "White Ray"
    Description: He looks like a large black sepant kind of dragon. He has crimson blood eyes. HIs scales are smooth and cool to the touch, even if surrounded by crimsom flames.
    Haku is somewhat loyal to Yonaki when together. Though he LOVES to play tricks when her back is turned, he is usually summoned during battle with a bad mood in place already.

    When it starts to rain on your parade, bring out the slip and slide

  21. #21
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    Name (Family name first, this is Japan): Roch'ksh Runyadu {translates into horse evil flame darkness}
    Age: 18
    Occupation:graduating student of class 4-D
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any): 2 Daystar, Shadow
    Maximum Summoning Time: 3 hours
    Appearance:His long black hair hangs down in front of his eyes most of the time. His clothes are almost all black the only thing thats not is a cross of pure red across the back of his jacket. Hes roughly 6'5" and about 200lbs and he doesnt seem to notice anyone with his sparkling blue eyes.
    Personality: Hes very queit keeps to himself the rumor on campus is that he picked a fight at his last school and got sent here for beating someone to a bloody pulp so people dont really pick fights with him even though he has been here for awhile
    Bio: At a young age his parents taught him how to defend himself, teaching him various forms of martial arts that he used to keep people off of him. but when he was about 7 years old his parents were killed and he was forced to live on the streets. So he began to put his skills to use working in big places to make a little cash as a street vendor and beating up people for cash at night. When he turned 12, he had a strange dream where there were two people talking to him that he didnt know and they seemed to know him well for about a month he kept getting this dream. Than one day in a fury of rage he let loose and summoned the two daystar and shadow. at that time he was forced to go to a school to keep him from hurting himself and others. And hes been in and out of schools ever since.

    For TPMs:

    Summoner:Roch'ksh Runyadu
    Gender: male
    Group: nightmare
    Power(s): flames
    Special Attack(s): Daystar Barrage it covers large areas of the arena in pure flame equal that of the suns heat but it also protects daystar shadow and Roch'ksh Runyadu

    Flameworms He creates a large mass of flameing worms which bury underground and strike like traps noone is sure where they will hit but they will hit and hit hard each time.
    Description: Daystar was a humanoid in the dreaming but he was dangerous even there for his flame was out of control till he meet shadow. hes highly aggrisive so much so that he will attack everything just to get to the target. Roch'ksh Runyadu dosnt like to summon him much but shadow wont come unless he comes so they are both summoned at the same time.

    Name: Shadow
    summoner: Roch'ksh Runyadu
    gender: female
    group: nightmare
    archetype: -D
    powers: darkness and ice
    special attacks: Shadow Sheild She creates a sheild around herself and the one that summoned her that will protect them from mostly daystars attacks

    Ice blades she creates a set of katana made of solid ice for Roch'ksh Runyadu so that he can attack with his summons at need they will actually protect him from one of daystars attacks but only one if he gets caught in it
    Description: Shadow is another one that could have been a powerfully nightmare but she only wanted to be left with daystar she is very calm but loves to keep people on their toes she has black hair and is very secertive but is very beautiful.
    When caught between heaven and hell, make them both suffer.

    Know one part of the name, obession begins. Know two parts, paronia sets in. Know three parts, madness decesnds. Know all, and only the Kami know what will happen.

  22. #22
    Junior Member Ayumi_Saruwatari is on a distinguished road Ayumi_Saruwatari's Avatar
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    For Humans:

    Name (Family name first, this is Japan): Saruwatari, Ayumi
    TPM(s) at the beginning of the story (If any): Suki and Koori
    Maximum Summoning Time: 20 min
    Personality:Kind, Respectful, Clumsy, Goofy, Loyal, Hard working, Determined, and Lost.
    Bio:Ayumi's family is made up mostly by scientists who hated the fact that summoners existed bacause it was the one thing all their studying could not prove possible. When Ayumi first told her family about her ability they disconnected themselves from her except her mom who sent her to this school to become a great summoner. Ayumi's dream is to become a great summoner.

    For TPMs:

    Power(s):Blood and Devil Magic
    Special Attack(s):
    Bloody Hurricane
    Ghoul Ressurection
    Description:Alucard is Ayumi nightmares as she was a child that grew from her families experementing she witnessed as she was a child. Alucard feed off anyones fears including
    Ayumi's. Alucard protects Ayumi and also haunts her. Alucard has two forms his human and demon dog form.
    Apperance: Human:

    Power(s):Water and Ice
    Special Attack(s):
    Diamond Storm
    Tsunami Wave
    Description:Koori was born from Ayumi's love of the sea and snow. Just like the sea Koori is calm and thinks before she does anything. But sometimes like the snow she can be cruel and cold. Koori represents everything Ayumi was and have left behind.
    Last edited by Ayumi_Saruwatari; 12-07-2006 at 05:22 PM.

  23. #23
    natural tomboy red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm has a reputation beyond repute red storm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breaeden "Luzy" Swordwind View Post
    Yeah its an adjectival form meaning "like a black bird".
    Huh, never knew that. You learn something new everyday, its seems.

    Edit: Me thinks we scared away our GM with our enthousiasm :P
    Last edited by red storm; 12-05-2006 at 07:21 PM.
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    Why do you want to know, huh? You plan on stalking me or something? >.>
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    Hell,I hope not!This RPG looks like it can get really good,and I dont want this one to die before it comes alive.

    Name:Shiro Kimona
    Occupation:Student(Class 4-C)
    TPM at the beginning of the story:Sky Kerin
    Maximum Summoning Time:60 Minutes
    Appearance:(Wears blue jeans with a white T-Shirt,no band-aid,and doesnt smoke!XD.)
    Personality:Does not show true personality to others until he learns about them fully.When he does learn them,he is a kind caring student,although becomes totally in tune with TPM battles when called upon in one.
    Bio:Since he was young,his family has always noticed that he had a born skill with TPM's and connected with his first TPM,Sky,very quickly.When he became 15,he was sent to a summoner school to learn to perfect his skills as a battler.This is his 3rd year at the school and his skills have grown immensely since he started.


    Name:Sky Shuron
    Summoner:Shiro Kimona
    Power(s):His blade,able to concentrate energy into parts of body to emit blasts and other attacks.Also is able to control immensely hot flames in his body and control them as he wishes.
    Special Attack(s):Demon Wave/Winged Devastation/Lightning Crush/Electric Infliction
    Description:The first TPM,and so far the only,that Shiro has.Him being a A- type,he is very agressive and is one of the fiercest TPM's made due to his type.He was learned to control his hunger for battle when Shiro was younger.He and Shiro have created an unbreakable bond due to the hundreds of battles they have been in.Though he may not look the part,his main attacks are based on fire,lightning,and some darkness.
    Appearance:(He wears a long blue cloak,and his hair is slightly longer than in the picture)

    And my final TPM.....

    Name:Demoru Kazekanu


    Gender: Male



    Power(s):He has the ability to send immense waves of energy from each of his blades,and control fire/shadows using them as well.He is able to fly due to his wings,is able to form his blades together to make 1 stronger sword.

    Special Attack(s):Dark Flame Destruction/Hell Spite/Everlasting Damnation

    Description:Demoru is a new TPM to Shiro.Shiro has been working with Demoru for only 2 years,and the bond between him and Demoru is nowhere near as strong as with Sky.Shiro does not know everything about Demoru due to his confined attitude towards others.Demoru's attacks are almost all based on Darkness.(He also has 1 white and 1 black wing on his back,as in the picture,he only has 1 white wing.)
    Last edited by Kyuubi Naruto; 12-23-2006 at 08:53 AM.

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    Woops o_o

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