Just to spice up on a new topic, what game did you first play when you were a wee, wee little child? You can also mention the first game you bought as well, if it came out of your own pocket that is, lol
Happy, happy postings!
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Just to spice up on a new topic, what game did you first play when you were a wee, wee little child? You can also mention the first game you bought as well, if it came out of your own pocket that is, lol
Happy, happy postings!
Pursuing My Dreams... Fulfilling My Heart... Desiring My Fantasies... - AlyssaAG Member since 2002, Minitokyo's Lightwing Extraordinaire.
The first game that I have ever played was either Super Mario Brothers, Dr. Mario, or Tetris.
There is no absolute right and wrong. People judge as right what they personally consider pleasant, and judge as wrong what they personally consider unpleasant. Convincing others of what is right cannot be equated with teaching the Truth. It is just teaching others to agree with you. It is not about putting an end to error, but putting an end to opinions contrary to your own perceptions.~Lao Tzu
First game I played was Secret of Mana! Great, great times.. ;3
This is Rhapsodiak saying, "I love you."
hmm can't remember first game i played... but i remember the first game i bought was pokemon for gameboy
Sore Wa Himitsu desu
First game, huh... let's see, I'd have to say... Mega Man 2. At least, I think so... it was either 2 or 4.
Gosh, now that I brought it up, I'm not sure what game I first played either. I remember being very little but my mom said I was really smart because I was playing Gauntlet on Atari. I also remembered my mommy playing Dr. Mario a lot, and the very first game I like and probably remembered officially playing was Super Mario 3. I played it when I was around 4 or 5, and I beat the game 8 times, thanks to me-flute! I did find it tough beating the World 7 - Castle, and I didn't go back to playing until I was around 7, and decided to try every level out. Then I figured out a way to finally beat that castle! Yay! Isn't that the coolest, or what? Rad racer and even Lolo *cries* ~ Lolo, such sweet memories ^_^
Pursuing My Dreams... Fulfilling My Heart... Desiring My Fantasies... - AlyssaAG Member since 2002, Minitokyo's Lightwing Extraordinaire.
I always skipped world 7... not to mention worlds 3-6... Just got the two flutes and poof! I was at world 8.
Mega man 3 was my fav. actually. I played it a lot in the NES console, not to mention, Tales of Phantasia as my first PS1 game and Bubble Bobble *squeals and hugs over the romantic game*Originally Posted by rick_forrest
Pursuing My Dreams... Fulfilling My Heart... Desiring My Fantasies... - AlyssaAG Member since 2002, Minitokyo's Lightwing Extraordinaire.
I didn't like MM3 very much, mainly because of that stupid Cyclops boss. I liked MM2 and MM6 the most... those were the absolute best. I almost beat MM2 once, I had Wily down to two bars of health, even had an E-pack... but I forgot to use it! NO!!! *cries* I still can't believe I was so stupid...
Super mario island(title?) 2 for gameboy
'I wish she'd guri-guri me like that'
'Yes! Guri-guri-ing all over the place. I'm jealous!'
That's thinking waaaaay back, but I'm pretty sure it was Sonic the Hedgehog (the first one).
Those Sonic games were awesome... I used to own several of them.
You mean you haven't beaten it yet?Originally Posted by rick_forrest
Don't tell me your joking!! ^_~
Pursuing My Dreams... Fulfilling My Heart... Desiring My Fantasies... - AlyssaAG Member since 2002, Minitokyo's Lightwing Extraordinaire.
I might as well have beaten it... but I was too depressed after that stupid blunder to try again. That was MM2... I never could beat Cyclops in either MM1 or MM3, I couldn't beat Ringman in MM4, never played MM5, and I could get to Wily in MM6. Those are the only NES MM games I played.
For Megaman 3?!?!?!? Oh my gosh, shame, shame! Shame on you! I've beaten that guy like 5,000,000 times! Argh!!! lol - j/k, you know I still <3 ya there huns ^_~Originally Posted by rick_forrest
Pursuing My Dreams... Fulfilling My Heart... Desiring My Fantasies... - AlyssaAG Member since 2002, Minitokyo's Lightwing Extraordinaire.
lol, it was that stupid "come apart" thing he did that always killed me. You know, when he turned into a bunch of cubes and flew across the screen and rebuilt himself? Gah, I hated him...
Star Wars rebelion, wonder if anyone even knows it?
I remember playing Gameboy Games a lot. Tetris, Dr. mario, and Mario World (or whatever it was called)
Since my sister was in the hospital so much, we would take it with us and sit there and play.
My first played game was called ASTRO, a astroid shooting game...
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It was a mario game on the OLD nintendo video game system. IT was off the hook. Lmao I still wanna play it. I also use to play this duck game with the nintendo game system because it came with err a gun and stuff like that. It was great...but err...but people from all over kept coming to my house just to play that shooting game and I grew to not like it very much. o_O
+++Its A Bit Cold+++
Air Wolf on nentendo, the first game i bought was.... (i skipped a decade) goldeneye on N64
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well the first game i played was...:tries to think: OH YEAH! Mario Kart for the N64
The first Mario Brothers game.. well aside from the first DK if you count that one. You know, the one for Nintendo.
Suzuna - the inactive wonder!
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First Game I played was Mario bros.. along with the duck shooting game I had a gun.. after that I had Robocop for the NES
i played that once it was fun......then i was kidnapped by iranians and hid in a cave Afghanistan.....
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