Well most people aren't good enough in a year to get a present from Santa. What do you think your chances are that you actually deserve to get into heaven?
Personally even that repentance stuff seems like a trap. "Cop to my sins and take what I've got coming? No thank you. Quick, Jesus, hold these while I talk to your dad."
In most religions about 99.9999999% of all people go to Hell (dogs meanwhile all get in). It's not forever unless you're a real jackass, but more of a way to pay for your crimes before you go on to your next life. You only get into paradise if you are either 100% perfect or if you have something really special and impressive about you (like being a god). And haven't done anything to get booted out.
So what do you suppose your chances are?
Do you actually know what would get you into Heaven? Like would it be better to be in church praying on Sunday or feeding homeless people? Have you actually ever prayed for anyone in hell to be forgiven?
I mean I'm sure they just let anyone in. Just because Lucifer, who by all the stories was the pinnacle of virtue and goodness and light fell doesn't mean you've ever done anything in your whole life the denizens of paradise might have a problem with, right?
If you do get in, what exactly do you think eternity would be like there? Considering what you have to do to get in.
What if it's NOT exactly like you think? Or worse, what if it IS?