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Thread: Post a Scary Story

  1. #1
    Senior Member Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n's Avatar
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    02-10-2025 03:51 PM
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    Default Post a Scary Story

    Write and post a scary story. Or review one that's already up.

    A Terrible Wife And A Horrible Mother
    By, Clayton Overstreet

    Kayla’s son Toby started going crazy one day. He swore that there was something in mirrors that was trying to get out and get him. “They crawl out and take your place and push you back into the mirror. You can tell because there’s something wrong with them. Just little things, but you can notice if you check.” He would scream and fight if anyone tried to get him to go into the bathroom until his parents took the mirror out. Even then he went in with electrical tape and covered all the shiny surfaces like the faucet. When he went to school he was caught peeing outside several times refusing to enter any bathroom or class with a mirror.
    Finally they had to send him to an upstate mental facility where, less than two days in, he had to be put into isolation. If anyone brought a mirror close he would become panicked and even violent. They had to put him in a straight jacket and keep him in a rubber room.
    Soon his father Ted became frustrated as Toby refused to even speak to him and stopped going in to the building, but Kayla would visit at least once a week. However when she came every time he would just glare at her with his ice-blue eyes and say, “You are a terrible wife and a horrible mother.”
    One day she just broke into tears and shouted back. “Why? What makes you think I’m so awful? Honey, you’re scaring everyone. You are here because we’re worried about you. I don’t know what I did to make you like this, but please tell me and maybe the doctors could help you. I am just trying to do what’s best for you.”
    He told her calmly, “You didn’t do anything to cause this mom. This isn’t your fault. Actually I feel very safe in here and I do not want to leave. But you are still a terrible wife and a horrible mother.”
    “Why?” She pleaded. “I just want to understand.”
    He leaned in and whispered in her ear.
    A few moments later she ran out of the hospital and saw her husband waiting for her by the car. Ted opened the door for her and got into the driver’s seat. He noticed a far away look on her eyes as Kayla kept staring at the road. “Something wrong sweetie?”
    “No, I’m fine.” But as they went she seemed to get more and more agitated.
    When they got home Kayla walked inside and stopped to stare at the wall where so many of their family photos were hung up. It seemed like every time she saw those ice blue eyes of her son they got colder and colder, looking back at her from the pictures accusingly. She looked at them and began shaking and sobbing. It got worse until her husband came up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. Kayla turned and through her tears she looked up into his comforting brown eyes as he stroked her hair.
    “Honey, what’s wrong?”
    She wanted to answer, but the words choked in her throat. She just kept staring up at him, shaking and with tears streaming down her cheeks. Finally she croaked, “I really am a terrible wife and a horrible mother.”
    He looked confused. “Why?”
    She almost answered but again was unable to say anything. Kayla felt a scream building. She was cracking and soon she was going to start shrieking and never, ever stop. All the while that last sentence her son had said before she left the facility repeating in her mind over and over again.
    “Weren’t dad’s eyes the same color as mine?”

    Sometimes when I am alone and nobody else is here,
    I go into the bathroom and have a staring contest with my mirror.
    It kills time when I get bored,
    I have done it again and again,
    But it still makes me feel uneasy,
    Every time I win.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

  2. #2
    Senior Member Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier has a reputation beyond repute Digimon_Sommelier's Avatar
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    02-17-2025 05:52 AM
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    Default Re: Post a Scary Story

    It feels weird to see my aunt's daughter Kayla involved in a scary story. I hope she knows she's famous now at AnimeForum~
    Last edited by Digimon_Sommelier; 07-31-2024 at 02:57 PM.
    My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .

  3. #3
    Senior Member Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n's Avatar
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    02-10-2025 03:51 PM
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    Default Re: Post a Scary Story

    It'd be better if, as the thread implies, YOU POSTEDF A SCARY STORY!

    Clapping In The Dark

    Hector heard the story of El Cuco, the Mexican bogeyman, from his grandmother who would crawl from the closet or under the bed when it was dark and drag away children to eat them. After that he insisted on sleeping with a nightlight. If the bulb burned out he would freak out and insist on keeping all the lights on or sleeping in his parent’s bed. His parents found this a tad embarrassing and one day his dad said, “Aren’t you a little old for this?” Hector tried sleeping without it, but would wake up in the dark and just have a total panic attack.
    “I have an idea,” his mother said. “Why don’t we get him one of those clapping light switches? Then he can get used to the dark, but just slap his hands together if he cannot handle it.”
    Hector agreed to try it and soon he was sleeping through the night in the dark. Sometimes he would wake up and clap his hands twice and the light would turn on. After a quick look around Hector smiled and clapped his hands again, the light going out, and he would sink back into a peaceful sleep.
    One night he heard a loud thump and sat up in bed, clapping his hands. He looked around and the room, as always, was empty. It must have been a passing car or maybe a cat messing with the trashcans outside.
    He raised his hands and was just about to clap when, from under his bed, came two loud slapping sounds and the lights went out.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

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