Boy meets girl. Girl is an oni. Boy helps girl search for her mother. They meet people. Snow gods try to eat them. That pretty much sums up My Oni Girl.
I really expected a bit more. The film is directed by Tomotaka Shiboyama, who also directed the series Silver Spoon, and the movie A Whisker Away. I enjoyed those anime, but My Oni Girl does not live up to his previous work.
Schoolboy Hiigari comes to the aid of Tsumugi, who happens to be an oni. He takes her home to his parents, and then they set out on a journey. Everything leads up to a climax that is both predictable and confusing. How can that be? I’m still trying to figure that one out. Let’s say that within the last half hour you can figure out where Tsumugi’s mom has gone before she does.
There is a lesson to be learn here about being honest with yourself and embracing your own feelings, but in the context of a weak story I really didn't care.
I did like the artwork, but much of the animation is just average. Some background figures don’t move at all, which is fine for a TV series, since those are usually done under a schedule more demanding than a movie. But again, I did expect a bit more.
I imagine the targeted audience for My Oni Girl is the 12-16 year old range. But I am not so sure kids will stay interested for the entire run. Obviously, not one of my favorites.