Haven’t we seen all this before? Yes, we have, and we have seen it done better. So much for Sekirei.

Minato is a loser who just failed his college entrance exams for the second time. Suddenly he makes the acquaintance of Musubi, who not only has big boobs, but is also a big boob. Anyway, Musubi is a sekirei; that is, one of 108 female warriors with super powers. With a kiss, Minato becomes Musubi’s ashikabi; that is a sort of master who does – something.

Once Musubi joins with Minato, she goes naked. Soon Minato adds to his harem of sekireis, and most of those girls also get naked. Oh, and there is a game going on masterminded by an evil mastermind. Only one sekirei will be left standing. Predictable? You bet!

And it is this predictability which makes the series boring. We have seen all this before. Sekirei is somewhat reminiscent of the Fate: Zero franchise, only for the most part Fate: Zero was done well. Also while Fate: Zero is dark, Sekirei goes for the comedy. Only the jokes fall flat.

OK. So we have fan service, blood, and idiot characters. What more could the view want for Sekirei? How about being a bit more entertaining? Just for the record, I could only make it through half of season one.