The Orbital Children, aka Extra-Terrestrial Boys and Girls, is a short six episode series which can be seen on Netflix Streaming. It takes five kids, two born on the moon, and five adults, one in a giant fat bunny costume, and places them on what appears to be a space station orbiting earth. The station is hit by an intelligent comet which is on its way to destroy Earth, and somehow everyone has to survive.

I won’t get into the plot more than that because it is hard to explain the details. Heck, it’s hard to understand the details. It’s all about AI, chips in kid’s heads, illegal hacking, a terrorist organization, and a computer program trying to learn about people. That’s just the beginning.

The characters seem pretty basic, though the main character Touya does seem to grow a bit. A simplistic plot is made more complex than it needs to be. There are several things working against this series. And yet, I did enjoy watching it.

The Orbital Children is fast, funny, sad, suspenseful, and not without a few twists. It is worth a looksee.