At this point, the COVID-19 virus has more spin-offs than a successful TV show. Now we have to deal with the omicronny *ahem* omaheim *ahem* omadon *ahem* o-mi-cron variant. This sux.
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At this point, the COVID-19 virus has more spin-offs than a successful TV show. Now we have to deal with the omicronny *ahem* omaheim *ahem* omadon *ahem* o-mi-cron variant. This sux.
My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .
Thanks to all those thoughtful people who refuse to get vaccinated, wear masks, or social distance, Covid not only spreads, but also mutates.
The good thing about Omicron is it is not as deadly as the other variants. Sort of like cancer in one lung is not as serious as cancer in both. Not that many people have died of Omicron, but people are still dying.
And if anyone tells you no one has died from Omicron, the source of that bit of information is a WHO report from early December. Checking the calendar, it is not early December any more, and people have since died.
Good news. I heard on the radio while driving home this evening that the US may have reached it's peak in the Omicron wave. Hope so. Covid has screwed up so much already.
OK. I'm finished venting.
Anyone else get the feeling that at this point it's like they're putting a flintstone's bandaid on a bullet wound? They're basically trying to distract us with all this mask and shot nonsense because there's nothing they can actually do.
According to Colbert the new power couple is the Flu Virus and Corona. Flurona. Ah, you should see them at restaurants...
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from
Well those who are vaccinated, while they may catch the virus, have a much lower chance of being hospitalized and dying. I have a relative who caught Covid after getting his booster. He was sick at home for three days, self-isolated for a few more, and now he is back at work. Of course, when you live in NYC and take the subway to work, it is hard not to get exposed. But the vaccine kept him from being hospitalized or worse.
I had a family member who caught Covid. He had the booster. He felt like he had a cold for a few days, and then was fine. He travels the New York City subway to work each day, so obviously he has a good chance of being exposed.
But like I said, he had the booster, and that helped protect him. Those who have had the vaccine have gotten ill, but the ones who are not vaccinated are the ones in the hospitals and the ones who are dying. So if all I get from Covid is a cough and a stuffy nose that goes away in 2-3 days, then the vaccine did it's job!
Everytime I see the name my mind goes straight to Futurama.
But yeah, new strains and variations are pretty common with viruses, the media just doesn't milk the others like they do Covid for whatever reason. The reason you need a flu shot every year is because it changes so often, for example.
Just get your shot and wash your hands and you'll probably be fine.
My mood on a daily basis
^ And wear your mask!
Look, this whole vaccine-cure thing... I'm pretty sure we're just screwed and the government's just trying to make it look like they can do something. A lot of the symptoms seem strangely similar to a head cold...
Even if it's true and the vaccine works, honestly this will just happen again. Until we bring the population WAAAAAAY down there's really no stopping this sort of thing.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from
Vaccines don't cure. They are to help keep you from becoming ill. You can't deny that the people requiring hospitalization and who are filling up the morgues are the unvaccinated. So far, the vaccine has delivered. Unfortunately in the US, over a third of the population has been convinced by certain politicians that they should not or do not need to get the shot. That's why the virus is still not under control.
I'm pretty sure a lot of them are ALSO vaccinated.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from
^ Not many, according to the data gathered by CDC.
Doesnt surprise me that the user who sexualizes everything and everyone is a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer.
My mood on a daily basis
Whoa. It's gettin' hot in here. Everyone calm down...
My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .
Last edited by Clayton_n; 02-17-2022 at 10:08 PM.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from
^ The vaccinated who get sick are very unlikely to be hospitalized, unless there are other factors involved, and unlikely to die. It is the unvaccinated who keep filling up the hospitals and morgues. Just read your morning paper and catch a news broadcast.
Hmmmm. A DBZ episode where an unvaccinated Goku gets Covid?
Actually Covid is just the government covering up that somebody has a Deathnote.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from
Has it been defeated?
My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .
Viruses are basically immortal.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from
At some point someone you know had to have caught a long mutated version of the Spanish flu of the 1920s. Even the H1N1 (aka "Swine Flu') of 2009 is still mutating and floating around.
The mask mandate is gone. We are screwed.
My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .
I figure that since over a third of the population in the US have been convinced by several self-serving (and vaccinated) politicians that they not only do not, but should not mask up or get the vaccine, we've been screwed for some time. It's those morons who keep this pandemic coming.
I've gone back to my former life, but I do mask up and am vaccinated. I do my best to play it smart.
Oh look, now there's a variant of the omicron variant.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from
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