I've been having a look at nekomimi switch and comparing my translation with EJ's.

in v1 (repeated also in v12) we have
atsui kodō kizandara
If we engrave this hot beat (EJ)
if we're going to spend time with each other in the heat (me)
futari de gorogoro shimasho
And just roll around together (EJ)
and roll on the ground together (me)

I think they're both off. kizamu in this case means to beat a rhythm. Atsui can mean hot in the sense of passionate and kodou is often used to indicate heartbeat.

Gorogoro denotes rumbling which can be associated with a heavy rolling object, but can also connote "purring". Since the previous line is about cat ears, I think it can easily suggest the latter.

Putting it together, it's suggesting physical contact involving heavy breathing, hearts beating together, and, were they cats, feeling so pleasant that they would purr.

I haven't thought about how to phrase it yet, but can someone else offer an opinion?