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Thread: Urban Legends

  1. #1
    Senior Member Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n's Avatar
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    02-06-2025 03:34 PM
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    Default Urban Legends

    So anyone got any decent urban legends? Preferably something we haven't heard before like the Spiders int he hairdo or the Vanishing hitchhiker.

    Examples might be the slit-mouthed woman or Tomino's Hell from japan, a poem that is said to kill you if you say it out loud.

    Tomino’s Hell1

    Elder sister vomits blood,


    younger sister’s breathing fire
    while sweet little Tomino
    just spits up the jewels.2

    All alone does Tomino
    go falling into that hell,
    a hell of utter darkness,
    without even flowers.

    Is Tomino’s big sister
    the one who whips him?
    The purpose of the scourging
    hangs dark in his mind.3

    Lashing and thrashing him, ah!
    But never quite shattering.
    One sure path to Avici,4
    the eternal hell.

    Into that blackest of hells
    guide him now, I pray—
    to the golden sheep,
    to the nightingale.

    How much did he put
    in that leather pouch
    to prepare for his trek to
    the eternal hell?

    Spring is coming
    to the valley, to the wood,
    to the spiraling chasms
    of the blackest hell.

    The nightingale in her cage,
    the sheep aboard the wagon,
    and tears well up in the eyes
    of sweet little Tomino.5

    Sing, o nightingale,
    in the vast, misty forest—
    he screams he only misses
    his little sister.

    His wailing desperation
    echoes throughout hell—
    a fox peony
    opens its golden petals.

    Down past the seven mountains
    and seven rivers of hell—
    the solitary journey
    of sweet little Tomino.

    If in this hell they be found,
    may they then come to me, please,
    those sharp spikes of punishment
    from Needle Mountain.6

    Not just on some empty whim
    Is flesh pierced with blood-red pins:
    they serve as hellish signposts
    for sweet little Tomino.7

    —translated by David Bowles
    June 29, 2014
    Original Japanese:

    Tomino no Jigoku
    ane wa chi wo haku, imoto wa hihaku,
    可愛いトミノは 宝玉(たま)を吐く。
    kawaii tomino wa tama wo haku
    hitori jigoku ni ochiyuku tomino,
    jigoku kurayami hana mo naki.
    muchi de tataku wa tomino no ane ka,
    鞭の朱総(しゅぶさ)が 気にかかる。
    muchi no shuso ga ki ni kakaru.
    tatake yatataki yare tatakazu totemo,
    mugen jigoku wa hitotsu michi.
    kurai jigoku e anai wo tanomu,
    kane no hitsu ni, uguisu ni.
    kawa no fukuro ni yaikura hodoireyo,
    mugen jigoku no tabishitaku.
    春が 来て候(そろ)林に谿(たに)に、
    haru ga kitesoru hayashi ni tani ni,
    kurai jigoku tanina namagari.
    kagoni yauguisu, kuruma ni yahitsuji,
    kawaii tomino no me niya namida.
    nakeyo, uguisu, hayashi no ame ni
    妹恋しと 声かぎり。
    imouto koishi to koe ga giri.
    nakeba kodama ga jigoku ni hibiki,
    kitsunebotan no hana ga saku.
    jigoku nanayama nanatani meguru,
    kawaii tomino no hitoritabi.
    地獄ござらばもて 来てたもれ、
    jigoku gozaraba mote kite tamore,
    hari no oyama no tomebari wo.
    akai tomehari date niwa sasanu,
    kawaii tomino no mejirushi ni.

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 12-07-2020 at 06:28 PM.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    At midnight, if you go on-line to the Hell Girl website and type in someone's name, Hell Girl will take revenge for you.

    OK. Not original. But it's the best I can do at the spur of the moment.

    She's got the cutest red eyes.

  3. #3
    They should have named it Doom4 or something DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    I got rural legends. But most urban legends tied to the nearest big city here are usually linked with serial killers and masonic ritual sacrifices in age-old buildings and tunnels. Which did you wanna hear?

    It's never safe to turn off your computer - Silent Strike

  4. #4
    Senior Member Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n's Avatar
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    02-06-2025 03:34 PM
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM! View Post
    I got rural legends. But most urban legends tied to the nearest big city here are usually linked with serial killers and masonic ritual sacrifices in age-old buildings and tunnels. Which did you wanna hear?
    All of the above.
    heard about eight foot tall?

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 12-07-2020 at 07:12 PM.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

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    Senior Member Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n's Avatar
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    02-06-2025 03:34 PM
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Has anyone here played the Korean Elevator Game? Did it work?
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_n View Post
    Has anyone here played the Korean Elevator Game? Did it work?

    What is the Korean Elevator Game?

    I've played the Washington DC Metro System Elevator Game. They didn't work, so I had to take the escalator or the stairs.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n has a reputation beyond repute Clayton_n's Avatar
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    02-06-2025 03:34 PM
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by PictureGuy View Post
    What is the Korean Elevator Game?

    I've played the Washington DC Metro System Elevator Game. They didn't work, so I had to take the escalator or the stairs.
    You didn't even TRY looking it up did you?

    Needed To Play:
    -One player. (There are conflicting reports on if this can be played with others. One set of instructions we found says that you can, but to keep in mind that if anyone quits mid-ride, you have to start from the beginning.)
    -A 10 story building with at least one elevator.

    How To Play:
    Getting To The Other World
    1. Enter the elevator alone. (Or with your friends, but no one else.) Do not get out on any of the floors. If any outsiders get on the elevator, you’ll need to start over.
    2. Proceed to the fourth floor.
    3. Descend to the second floor.
    4. Proceed to the sixth floor.
    5. Return to the second floor.
    6. Ascend to the tenth floor.
    7. Return to the fifth floor.
    When you reach the fifth floor, it’s then that people report encountering a young woman. You’re instructed not to look at or interact with her. She may or may not try talking to you, asking for help or antagonizing you.
    8. Press the button for the first floor. Two things might happen.
    – If the elevator descends to the first floor, exit immediately and do not look back or speak.
    – If the elevator starts to go up, you’ve been allowed into the Other World. When you reach the tenth floor, things might look slightly different. No one else will be there. The power might be out. Some players claim to look out windows and see only a red cross in the distance. If you choose to exit the elevator, you should ignore the woman’s attempts to question or stop you.

    Admittedly is seems one of those creepy undead girls from Asia is now a famous magician...

    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

  8. #8
    They should have named it Doom4 or something DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    They say that if a snake lives up to 7 years without beeing seen by human eyes, it turns into a drake.

    Do not venture alone into the woods by night, chances are you will encounter the "mother of the woods". If she doesn't kill you, she could lay a nasty jynx on you that'll ruin your life.
    And many more...

    Local urban:

    They say that the Superga church bell tower is 12 stories high, but there is a secret, 13th story, not accessible to turists, where the local masons gather in specific dates and often perform human sacrifice rituals.
    Also, under Milan, they say reptillians run around in tunnels, getting close to the surface to absorb negative psychic energy from distressed people and hobos' pains.

    Under New York there are at least 2 cloning labs.

    In Washington DC, under Planet Ping Pong Pizza, there are children ready for traficking. Also they have a "kill room".

    It's never safe to turn off your computer - Silent Strike

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM! View Post
    In Washington DC, under Planet Ping Pong Pizza, there are children ready for traficking. Also they have a "kill room".
    This is more than an urban legend. It was a conspiracy theory circulated by right-wing extremists, such as QAnon. The full story is that a child sex trafficking scheme was being operated in Planet Ping Pong's basement by Hillary Clinton and her allies. The "proof" was that Clinton staffers were often seen eating lunch there.

    One dumb hick from North Carolina believed the story to the extent that he drove to Washington, heavily armed, and entered the restaurant demanding, at gunpoint, to be taken to the basement so he could save the children. The place was filled with families, including small children, happily eating pizza, when staff told them there was a gunman and would they please evacuate.

    Well, our hero hick soon discovered there was no basement in Planet Ping Pong, and outside of the children of customers, no kids. Once he realized he had been duped, and after District police surrounded the building, he surrendered. The moron is now doing time in prison.

    So more than an urban legend, the child sex trafficking ring was a lie which put innocent people in danger.

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    The backrooms. You can clip through reality and find yourself in the backrooms.

  11. #11
    They should have named it Doom4 or something DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by PictureGuy View Post
    This is more than an urban legend. It was a conspiracy theory circulated by right-wing extremists, such as QAnon. The full story is that a child sex trafficking scheme was being operated in Planet Ping Pong's basement by Hillary Clinton and her allies. The "proof" was that Clinton staffers were often seen eating lunch there.

    One dumb hick from North Carolina believed the story to the extent that he drove to Washington, heavily armed, and entered the restaurant demanding, at gunpoint, to be taken to the basement so he could save the children. The place was filled with families, including small children, happily eating pizza, when staff told them there was a gunman and would they please evacuate.

    Well, our hero hick soon discovered there was no basement in Planet Ping Pong, and outside of the children of customers, no kids. Once he realized he had been duped, and after District police surrounded the building, he surrendered. The moron is now doing time in prison.

    So more than an urban legend, the child sex trafficking ring was a lie which put innocent people in danger.
    He shloud've at leat shoot the owner, for all his trouble and frustration.

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM! View Post
    He shloud've at leat shoot the owner, for all his trouble and frustration.
    Not funny.

  14. #13
    They should have named it Doom4 or something DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by PictureGuy View Post
    Not funny.
    Not to you, maybe, little suckup sob.

    It's never safe to turn off your computer - Silent Strike

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM! View Post
    Not to you, maybe, little suckup sob.
    Not to anyone, except for some classless twits.

  17. #15
    They should have named it Doom4 or something DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Oh, look at you, you think you're special. To me you're just as such a summup of garbage as that Clayton_n. The thing is, i can't even tell the difference between the two of you; you've done nothing to remark yourselves other than being a bunch of bs spewers over the threads. A d you seem to even circlejerk around with one another, including that pedo, Kaitou Ace.
    Oh, were you the one posting all those old media inside jokes and then linking some lame, boring series from where it came?
    Well, I found them to be un-entertaining and a waste of time. You make me sick, go take a whif of fresh air, because you don't to get out much.

    It's never safe to turn off your computer - Silent Strike

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM! View Post
    Oh, look at you, you think you're special. To me you're just as such a summup of garbage as that Clayton_n. The thing is, i can't even tell the difference between the two of you; you've done nothing to remark yourselves other than being a bunch of bs spewers over the threads. A d you seem to even circlejerk around with one another, including that pedo, Kaitou Ace.
    Oh, were you the one posting all those old media inside jokes and then linking some lame, boring series from where it came?
    Well, I found them to be un-entertaining and a waste of time. You make me sick, go take a whif of fresh air, because you don't to get out much.
    Oooo. So now the insults start because you haven't the brains to come up with anything else.

    And what have you contributed? Waiting.

    And murder is not funny.

    I will block you so I don't have to read your sick postings.
    Last edited by PictureGuy; 03-11-2022 at 04:34 PM.

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by PictureGuy View Post
    And murder is not funny.

    Actually... that's a matter of opinion

    Nice to see some arguing in here though. Welcome back DOOM! You start some fun fights.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    ^ I'm talking about real life. A braindead hillbilly walks heavily armed into a pizza parlor where there are families with children eating. That is nothing to joke about.

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    I guess this one counts as an urban legend. It takes place in Washington DC, which is urban, and I consider it a legend.

    In 1859, the US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Philip Barton Key, son of Star Spangled Banner author Francis Scott Key, was shot to death in the street near the White House by Congressman Daniel Sickles. It seems the younger Key was having an affair with Sickles wife. Anyway, according to legend, from time to time Phil's spirit can still be seen walking the street where he was gunned down.

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    That whole George Washington "I cannot tell a lie" thing is completely bogus. He actually started American's first spy ring.

    5 Creepy University Urban Legends
    By Vyara Pancheva

    Updated July 8, 2021
    Have you ever heard stories about haunted universities or creepy libraries and even dungeons beneath? Do you believe in the legend of Bloody Mary or the Headless Horseman? What about strange disappearings and suicides on campus? All of the above are simply university urban legends – some are spooky, some are weird and most are almost entirely made up. Every university has its stock of tales and traditions, urban legends and ghost stories included. As Halloween approaches, get yourself in the mood with some of the world’s most widespread university urban legends:

    1. The Halloween massacre
    The Halloween massacre is one of the most famous college myths of all time. It is not certain how and when it actually started, but it has made its way into most American universities. For decades now, it has created panic and fear among thousands of students (and possibly even a few professors as well). The legend goes that a popular psychic has made a prediction that on a Halloween night a masked man (in some variations, he is dressed as Little Bo Peep) will enter the campus of a university that starts with the letter 'M' or 'W' and is located near a pond/lake/river, railroad track, or cemetery. He will then kill everybody there. This story has existed for many years now, but no massacre has happened yet. However, students from all around the country still fear it, especially at colleges such as the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin.
    2. The dead roommate
    Another grim college legend, which is repeated across many dorm rooms, is the one about the dead roommate. No one knows where it started or whether it has any basis in true events, but rumour has it that if a student’s roommate in college dies by accident, illness or suicide, s/he will get only straight As until the end of the year. This, of course, is complete fabrication. Those students might receive some consideration for the stressful circumstances, but they will most definitely not automatically get only excellent grades. (So don’t start getting any murderous ideas!) One of the US colleges where this belief is particularly popular is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
    3. Statues come to life
    Many universities around the world have some sort of statues or monuments in front of their main building. It might be a statue of the creator, benefactor, alumnus or an abstract symbol. A popular myth is that at night those statues come to life and move around the campus. The legend varies from institution to institution, but the pattern is the same. Some colleges might even have monuments of animals or different types of fantastic creatures. The University of Cincinnati, for example, has stone lions in front of its McMicken Hall, which some students believe they have heard growl at night. Some variations of the legend say that the statues only move when a virgin or a cheater walks past them. Others go even further and describe paintings and other objects coming to life as well. Students from Michigan State University, for instance, claim that the portrait of Mary Mayo moves its eyes and follows you through the room.
    4. Secret tunnels below the campus
    Lots of universities in the world are believed to have secret tunnels below their campuses. Through the years, students have made up various stories concerning hidden pathways leading to dungeons, ritual rooms and so on. This legend is again particularly popular in the US. Students from Michigan State University believe that there are creepy dungeons below the university. That is partially true, because there ARE tunnels running under the campus, but they are actually steam tunnels that were built to house campus utilities. No dungeons whatsoever have been found. Another version of the same belief exists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where some students there believe there is a secret room below the Foreign Language Building and that it holds a supercomputer, which is owned by the government. They also claim that there are secret tunnels below the buildings on the Quad, whose origin and purpose is unknown.
    5. Haunted universities
    Arguably the most popular college urban legends are about haunted universities. Almost every university in the world which is more than 100 years old has its own ghost. While some students proudly brag about that and make up all kinds of scary stories of ghostly encounters, there are some who are genuinely afraid. Even though different colleges have different legends concerning ghosts, the main patterns are very similar. There can only be so many types of ghosts, right?! Ones to watch out for include:
    Headless ghosts
    Probably initially inspired by Washington Irving’s Sleepy Hollow, legends about headless or bodiless ghosts are some of the most popular ones in stories of haunted universities. The most prestigious universities in the UK – Cambridge and Oxford – both have similar hauntings, which include famous Brits. Students in Cambridge believe they have seen the floating head of none other than Oliver Cromwell himself. He was beheaded and while his body was buried, his head rests at Cambridge’s Sidney Sussex College. It is said that Cromwell haunts the campus grounds, supposedly searching for the rest of his body. Oxford, on the other hand, is said to be haunted by the headless spirit of King Charles I. Students have reported seeing him around the grounds of Christ Church College.
    Ghosts of former professors
    Another famous urban legend, spread around many colleges around the world, is about ghosts of former university professors. Such a legend exists at Heidelberg University in Germany, for example. During the Nazi era, many Communist or Jewish professors at the university were sent to concentration camps. Lots of them have apparently returned to their old workplace to haunt its grounds for eternity. While students haven’t actually seen them, they have reported that the chalkboards in these professors’ old lecture halls “self-erase”, or have mysterious words written on them.
    A similar urban legend exists in the American University of Cincinnati. According to students and staff there, the ghost of a former classics professor who died in the 1960s haunts the Blegen rare book room. Students claim that they constantly feel like someone is watching them and keep hearing strange noises at night.

    Ghosts of students who committed suicide
    Possibly the most widespread versions of the ghost legends are those concerning students who committed suicide on campus grounds. I guess there is something eerie about suicidal students indeed, but most stories aren’t based on actual evidence. Supposedly, in the beginning of the 20th century, a young girl took her own life by drowning in a swimming pool at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The girl had just found out she was pregnant and in her panic committed suicide. Students believe that her spirit still roams the English Building of the university. Another similar myth exists at the Emmanuel College in Cambridge. A student who hanged himself many years ago apparently walks the corridors of the building.
    Ghosts of builders
    The last popular pattern among stories about haunted universities is the one about builders who died during the construction of the college in question. Since they gave their life for the university, they are said to never leave it. Students at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia have reported hearing sounds of construction and blood-curdling cries on the top floors of the university.
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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Alright! Now we're getting into the good stuff! Spirits and ghosts!

    The Marine Barracks in Washington, home to the Commandant of the Marine Corps and the US Marine Corps (the President's Own) Bank, is said to harbor many ghosts. Well it is the oldest Marine Corps instillation.

    I heard this story from a Master Sargent who heard it from a friend who witnessed the event. Second level hearsay has to be true! �� Anyway, one night several band members went to the instrument room to practice. Once finished they put their instruments away. As they were leaving the building, they heard noises from the storage room. Going to investigate, they found all the instruments move to different locations. There was no one else in the building but these band members.

    Military instillations are very popular with ghosts.

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    So are battlefields
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_n View Post
    So are battlefields
    Yup. There are lots of Civil War battlefields around here with stories. Mount St. Mary's University in Maryland, just south of the Pennsylvania border, was apparently the emergency burial site for the dead of both the Union and Confederate army. Supposedly, at least one poor soul is unhappy about the site and has been seen roaming the grounds.

    But my favorite story is of Ft. McNair in Washington DC, not far from Nationals Park. It was built on what used to be the DC Penitentiary were the Lincoln conspirators were hung. Some of those stationed on the facility claim that on some nights you can hear the conspirators moaning their fate.

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    There is an urban legend that the owners of WWE have a witch doctor, who has gone around doing voodoo to others since 2013, especially the owner of New World Wrestling Federation, Inc. ( or NWWF for short.) What a silly myth!
    My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .

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    Default Re: Urban Legends

    Quote Originally Posted by Digimon__Sommelier View Post
    There is an urban legend that the owners of WWE have a witch doctor, who has gone around doing voodoo to others since 2013, especially the owner of New World Wrestling Federation, Inc. ( or NWWF for short.) What a silly myth!
    It's all fake anyway.

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