Greetings. I've been meaning to translate songs for a while now and just got around to translating the theme song for the game "The Alchemist Code" / "誰ガ為のアルケミスト". I did the Japanese tests a few days ago but haven't heard back yet. Is there something else I need to do?
I of course picked a difficult first song, as it uses a lot of archaic Japanese, which is not my strong point, so if anyone has any opinions on improving please let me know.
君よ ハルカ続く
遠い 道半ばに
忘るなかれ 我の罪
誰ガ為に 夢 全ての意志 駆逐する
例えば 世界を蒼き色 染め上げても
誰ガ為に 君 正義の 刃 ふりかざしてゆく
何一つ疑いもなく 進んで行く
花よ うつろうとき
甘く かぐわしきは
この世の果て 君の愛
舞い降りる風か弱き 言の葉運び
最果ての 大地 駆ける その姿憂う
満天に 星 きらめき そのすべてに祈らん
この命の灯 尽きるまで
乾いた口を 潤すように
あなたの 心の瞳 今 何映す
わたしの 心の瞳 今 何を映す
最期まで 見届ける 覚悟 決めたものだけが
きっと もっと
誰ガ為に 夢 全ての 意志 駆逐する
例えば 世界を蒼き色 染め上げても
誰ガ為に 君 正義の刃 振りかざしてゆく
何一つ疑いもなく 進んで行く
That eternal power
Which can never be opposed
Should not both Light and Dark
Be contained by the gods?
You will continue far
And while you are on that distant path
You must not forget one's sins
For whom do dreams destroy all volition?
In the instance of the world being dyed a pale colour
For whom do you wield your blade of justice
Pushing forward without a single doubt?
While frightened by the impermanence
Of the torn apart afterimage
The unsullied kindness will surely
Return the splash upon thy breast
Oh flowers, when you change with the passage of time
That sweet fragrance
Your love at the end of the world
The wind swoops down, carrying leaves of fragile words
To the farthest reaches of the land they soar, their appearance deplorable
I pray to the shining stars in the sky
Until the light of this life is extinguished
While knowing that, before long
Their destinies will become one
Continuing to seek for peace
At the source of the stars of conflict
So as to moisten a parched mouth
Filled with words of love and justice
What is now reflected in your mind's eye?
What is now reflected in my mind's eye?
Only those prepared to watch till the very end
Will surely, even more...
For whom do dreams destroy all volition?
In the instance of the world being dyed a pale colour
For whom do you wield your blade of justice
Pushing forward without a single doubt?