Tales from Earthsea gets off to an odd start. Young Prince Arren murders his father and steal’s his sword. Running away from home, his life is saved by a mage named Sparrowhawk, and perhaps his soul by a farmwoman named Tenar, and the girl she cares for named Theru. Only can the world be saved from the evil mage Cob?

The story is choppy at places, and a few questions are ignored. But visually and artistically, this film is a beautiful as any to come out of Studio Ghibli. The first directorial effort by Goro Miyazaki (Mayao’s son) has sensational artwork and great animation, at least good enough for me to willingly overlook any faults in the story.

Tales from Earthsea has a slight environmental lesson hidden in it. But that is not unusual for Studio Ghibli. Thought a must-see for Studio Ghibli fans, other lovers of anime will get something out of Tales from Earthsea.