In seeing multiple translations of the Bump of Chicken song Hello, world!, including the commercial one by Funimation, the phrase ご自分だけがヒーロー is translated as "I am the only hero" (Funimation) or "myself is the only hero" (here on AL), and I've yet to see a translation which doesn't reference I/me/myself.
My question has to do with the idea that ご自分 is normally used to mean "you" (formal - often used in instructions), and not "I" because of ご. What should the translation of this phrase be?
While I haven't had the chance to translate the song in its entirety for myself yet, it seems like with the change the meaning of the song goes from being about a person who the whole world is always watching, to being about a person who's just outside the spotlight of this "Hero" the world is always watching and that person can't just pretend to not be there anymore and is shouting "Hey, I'm here!" to the world, which to me is a more Japanese musical theme for a J-pop song.