Years ago, I was wanting to translate this song based on The Thousand Nights and the One Night. However, the lyrics featured that neat trick that a lot of doujin songs do wherein they change the words but don't reflect it in the lyrics sheet. =_= orz
Many of the words were Arabic, and Akkun was very generous in helping me confirm all of that, but I can't ask him anymore. I'd like to finally finish this song, but I can't submit it when I am unable to confirm the actual sound of the lyrics being sung. It's not right.
As an example, we worked out :
鬼神 → Ifrit ( عفريت )
歓迎しよう → Marhaba Ahlan ( مرحبا أهلاً )
千夜一夜 → Alf Layla wa Layla ( ألف ليلة و ليلة )
女鬼神 → Ifrita ( عفريتا )
どうぞこちらへ → Ahlan wa Sahlan ( أهلا وسهلا )
To best be helped in this, I feel that I will need to borrow the ear of another, so please listen to the song if you can and help me confirm what is being sung.
Now... that's the difficult part. I can't find a soundfile anywhere online to show you as a sample, so I felt it prudent to create my own. Here is a sample of the track featuring the three parts in question, with a few seconds between each piece. It spans for only 30 seconds in length.
Here are the parts that I wasn't able to discern :
暁待つ燈火 → ????
The "待つ燈火" part is said in Japanese, but the "暁" isn't said as あかつき like it is previously in an earlier line of the song.
Akkun said that it sounded like "مارود" ("maroodo"), not that that's something that makes any sense in Arabic. But, you know... Japanese accents.
Does anyone know a word that could sound like this and mean something akin to 暁?
The next issue is with the line "この続きはまた明くる夜の帳の先で".
I honestly hear "先び" which of course makes no sense, so I'm guessing it's "先に" but I'd still like it confirmed if I'm changing a line.
終焉へと 二人きり(?) めくるめく夜(ライラ) → ????
So, "二人きり" is the word here in this one that doesn't match what's sung.... but to be honest, I can't be sure that this one isn't another phrase in Japanese. The problem is that the singer whispers the line, so I can't hear it very well.
It's perfectly possible that the word "二人きり" was switched for something else, especially seeing as earlier, "また明日も" was written on the lyric sheet but she is clearing singing the line "今宵も明日も". They leave in old versions of the lyrics. It happens.
I thought that I might be hearing "砂落ちて/散って".... but who knows. I'm really bad at hearing words amongst other sounds - even in English.
Anyway, here are the kanji lyrics directly from the lyric booklet, with additions by myself in brackets to clear some things up.