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Thread: Need help in transliterating Funanori (Musekinin Kanchou Tylor)

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    09-10-2019 03:19 AM
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    Default Need help in transliterating Funanori (Musekinin Kanchou Tylor)

    Hi all

    Trying to transliterate this beauty.
    I'm no good with japanese, between JLPT5 and JLPT4 now.
    Found original kanji here
    I did recognized katakana words as french, since i know it a bit.
    But i'm doubting some other words.
    1. furigana for "Funanori"(舟乗り) seems to be wrong (funenori).
    2. a line お道化(どうけ)るなよ海 puzzles me. 戯けるなよ海 makes so much more sense
    3. How on earth 瘡 may sound like kizu? And again, 傷 will looks sooo right here.

    BTW, it is on Youtube

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    Default Re: Need help in transliterating Funanori (Musekinin Kanchou Tylor)

    "舟乗り" is usually written "船乗り", and I agree with you that the reading should be "funanori".
    お道化るなよ海 -> 戯けるなよ海 .... Probably?
    瘡 -> 傷 .... Who knows?

    So, a few points to be made here.

    1 ) It's unwise to rely on furigana. It's not always accurate.
    2 ) Finding lyrics on a trusted website is much better. Blogs are touchy and shouldn't be relied on. That being said... I realise that it would be difficult to find the lyrics to older anime on these kinds of sites.

    The way that I see it is that there are a few possible scenarios for these lyrics.
    a ) They ARE the actual lyrics transcribed by a fan, but parts have been mistyped
    b ) They are a complete guess as to what the lyrics are, in which it's a very dangerous position to be in when transliterating

    Really your best bet would be to hunt down a copy of the CD (or record in this case) that it features on and with any luck, an official version of the lyrics will be in the booklet.
    I realise that this is not easy for everyone to do, however.

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    09-10-2019 03:19 AM
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    Default Re: Need help in transliterating Funanori (Musekinin Kanchou Tylor)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hikarin View Post
    "舟乗り" is usually written "船乗り", and I agree with you that the reading should be "funanori".
    お道化るなよ海 -> 戯けるなよ海 .... Probably?
    瘡 -> 傷 .... Who knows?

    So, a few points to be made here.

    1 ) It's unwise to rely on furigana. It's not always accurate.
    2 ) Finding lyrics on a trusted website is much better. Blogs are touchy and shouldn't be relied on. That being said... I realise that it would be difficult to find the lyrics to older anime on these kinds of sites.

    The way that I see it is that there are a few possible scenarios for these lyrics.
    a ) They ARE the actual lyrics transcribed by a fan, but parts have been mistyped
    b ) They are a complete guess as to what the lyrics are, in which it's a very dangerous position to be in when transliterating

    Really your best bet would be to hunt down a copy of the CD (or record in this case) that it features on and with any luck, an official version of the lyrics will be in the booklet.
    I realise that this is not easy for everyone to do, however.
    Thank you for corrections and suggestions.
    Can you recommend some "trusted" websites?
    I'm planning to transliterate some Eriko Tamura lirycs from here Can this one be considered trusted?

    I don't think it is fan translated, since there is cases, where furigana totally match song, but kanji's are "poetical whatever", e.x. けがれを嘲笑(わらう)銀河(そら). And yes, old songs are tough to find. But i just love these 80-90th soundtracks.

    Buying is pretty difficult for me, since I'm from Russia. Abysmal post service is our trademark, not to mention it will be god-awful pricey in our local currency.
    I'll go with what I have for now. It is better to have some lyrics (that matches audio and make sense) that none at all.

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    Default Re: Need help in transliterating Funanori (Musekinin Kanchou Tylor)

    I don't consider Mojim trustworthy, myself, but the particular lyrics you want are also on Uta-Net, which is:

    Regarding Funanori, does anyone have a sense of how reliable Kget is? I'm not really familiar with them, but they do have the same lyrics that are in the blog post:

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need help in transliterating Funanori (Musekinin Kanchou Tylor)

    Quote Originally Posted by tsubasanut View Post
    Thank you for corrections and suggestions.
    Can you recommend some "trusted" websites?
    I'm planning to transliterate some Eriko Tamura lirycs from here Can this one be considered trusted?

    I don't think it is fan translated, since there is cases, where furigana totally match song, but kanji's are "poetical whatever", e.x. けがれを嘲笑(わらう)銀河(そら). And yes, old songs are tough to find. But i just love these 80-90th soundtracks.

    Buying is pretty difficult for me, since I'm from Russia. Abysmal post service is our trademark, not to mention it will be god-awful pricey in our local currency.
    I'll go with what I have for now. It is better to have some lyrics (that matches audio and make sense) that none at all.
    Sorry for the late reply. I could see that you had quoted me, but there was no post succeeding mine in the thread until blue posted.

    I think that Kasi-time, Uta-ten, Utamappu, and Uta-Net could be considered trusted websites. They're all licensed by JASRAC it seems, which is like a music copyright group in Japan.

    There's also a website that I used to frequent to obtain older lyrics. It would seem that they took their transcriptions directly from the album lyric booklets. I was very fond of them, but they closed down about three years ago.
    Still, most of the lyric pages have been saved to webarchive, so you can navigate around that to have a look. They even have lyrics to your show in question and its OVA, but unfortunately not Funanori itself.

    I know what you mean. I'm from Australia, so it's very expensive for me as well. =x Our dollar has been really bad for the past decade. We used to be equal with the US and Japan.


    I wasn't familiar with kget (at least I don't think so), but they DO list a JASRAC licence at the bottom of their main page, so I suppose there is some kind of legitimacy there?
    That being said, I don't know what a site has to do to get a JASRAC licence. I started reading on their website, but it was just blahblah legal jargon blahblahblah I lost attention five minutes ago, why am I still reading? I have taken none of this in. O_O

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    Have a lyrics request? Feel free to ask. Specialty - Vocaloid and other doujin music.
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