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Thread: Tarot: Anybody Practice or Collect?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G's Avatar
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    Cool Tarot: Anybody Practice or Collect?

    Hi there! I'm an avid fan of Tarot and have been since 2011. There were years beforehand where I "dabbled" in the idea of divination and gave up completely on it. Twenty-eleven was the year I decided to jump headlong into it and have made it an every day practice since then. Sure, I use Oracle cards in conjunction with Tarot - but Tarot is bae(at least in my opinion).

    Does anybody practice or collect Tarot decks? Or other forms of cartomancy(divination through the use of cards)? We can do Oracle, Lenormand, Tarot, Angel, Japanese Hanafuku(did I say it right?), Loteria, playing cards or any other kind of cards?

    I currently own the traditional RWS(Rider-Waite Smith), the Radiant Rider-Waite, Tarot Mucha, the Mystical Manga Tarot, the Celestial Tarot, the Sherlock Holmes Tarot, the Goddess Tarot... I don't think I'm missing anything but I'll put an Edit if need be.

    As far as Oracle, I own Queen of the Moon, Moonology, and Find Your Light.

    I also have a pendulum named Georga to do readings with - but he's not cartomancy, so.
    Last edited by Operator 7G; 04-16-2019 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Paragraph spacing too wide.

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    Default Re: Tarot: Anybody Practice or Collect?

    I'm not really into it much but I know a few people who are. I think it's a cool hobby but as a pretty-much-atheist I just can't find any merit to anything I consider supernatural. It's fun and I'll let people practice their craft on me as long as it's free (I certainly wouldn't pay to see a psychic or fortune teller) but I wouldn't place bets on their predictions if that makes sense.

    If you want I'm open to a reading but just know I also take your reading with a grain of salt.

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    Default Re: Tarot: Anybody Practice or Collect?

    My Uncle was big into Tarot, he practiced it frequently and also collected a few sets here and there. I have one that I got on my own, which is from the Vampirella franchise. It's got really pretty art for the cards.
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    They should have named it Doom4 or something DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Tarot: Anybody Practice or Collect?

    Used to chisel runes into gemstones and imbue them, but didn't go so far as using them for reading. I saw some cards on sale these last years, but i don't dabble in divination anymore, it's too many variants of interpretation make me go crazy. Good Luck with your readings, however, and watch out for the baddies

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    Junior Member Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G is a splendid one to behold Operator 7G's Avatar
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    04-19-2019 05:36 PM
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    Default Re: Tarot: Anybody Practice or Collect?

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM! View Post
    Used to chisel runes into gemstones and imbue them, but didn't go so far as using them for reading. I saw some cards on sale these last years, but i don't dabble in divination anymore, it's too many variants of interpretation make me go crazy. Good Luck with your readings, however, and watch out for the baddies

    The thing I learned about divination... At least, from a Tarot perspective, is that you get a single card and have five different people read it. Each person is going to have a different interpretation of that card. Are any of them wrong? No. Why? Because they each applied to the situation they were reading for. I wouldn't worry about interpretations written in books or in media and worry about your own associations of the symbols.

    And yeah, baddies are annoying. It breaks my heart that a Tarot reader would manipulate their client to think that bad things are gonna happen unless they get some odd ritual done for an exorbitant amount of money. That's baloney! Makes us genuine readers look bad.
    (¸.•´Operator 7G¸.•*¨)


  7. #6
    They should have named it Doom4 or something DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM! has a reputation beyond repute DOOM!'s Avatar
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    01-30-2025 09:44 AM
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    Default Re: Tarot: Anybody Practice or Collect?

    Quote Originally Posted by Operator 7G View Post
    The thing I learned about divination... At least, from a Tarot perspective, is that you get a single card and have five different people read it. Each person is going to have a different interpretation of that card. Are any of them wrong? No. Why? Because they each applied to the situation they were reading for. I wouldn't worry about interpretations written in books or in media and worry about your own associations of the symbols.

    And yeah, baddies are annoying. It breaks my heart that a Tarot reader would manipulate their client to think that bad things are gonna happen unless they get some odd ritual done for an exorbitant amount of money. That's baloney! Makes us genuine readers look bad.
    It's not just the bad predictions, it's the bad spirits that come with/towards the spirits of divination, interferring with mortal affairs like they shouldn't, but they may get pass if the parcticioner unwittingly allows them. Already the divination is an infingement, let alone it's tampered playoff, should the case be so.

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