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    Default anchor by BIGHEAD

    I'd like some help understand this song released by BIGHEAD to commemorate the 10th Kagamine anniversary:

    The words themselves seem relatively straightforward but so much depend on how you interpret them so I'd like to give an interpretation of the lyrics as I go. All feedback/suggestions/alternative interpretations welcome. I'm numbering portions as reference numbers.

    (1) 赤い花 / 模造(うつ)してく / 香りはないけど
    akai hana / utsushiteku / kaori wa nai kedo
    "I'm making images of red flowers, though they have no scent"
    Vocaloids live in a virtual world so they can present word pictures of flowers in their songs but they have no physical reality.

    (2) 君の手も / トレースして / リアルじゃないフィール
    kimi no te mo / torēsu shite / riaru ja nai fīru
    "I also trace your hand but it doesn't feel real" --or-- "Your hand also traces one but it doesn't feel real"
    I think it's the same idea. At first I took the first interpretation, but now I think maybe the second fits better. What does anyone think?

    (3) それくらいのbyteが僕にちょうどいい
    sore kurai no byte ga boku ni chōdo ii
    "That many bytes is just right for me"
    Virtual characters like Rin and Len will think of things in terms of data rather than real world counterparts.

    (4) 温もりも知らない 僕の手じゃ / AR映え する ご馳走(ちそう)
    nukumori mo shiranai boku no te ja / ēārubae suru gochisō
    "Though I don't understand warmth my hand makes an AR treat"
    Vocaloids don't really know what warmth is, but they sing about in ways that listeners enjoy.

    (5) 無知の味
    muchi no aji
    "The taste of ignorance"
    Creation of something people can experience sung by software that is unaware of what it's doing.

    (6) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / どうせいいさ
    kore de ii n da / kore de ii n da / dōse ii sa
    "it's fine as it is, it's not like I can do anything about it but I don't mind" (anyone think of a concise way to translate どうせ?"
    Music with Vocaloid singers is acceptable (I think that's the idea, but I'm open to suggestions).

    (7) 僕が行ったって / 着いてくる星はいない
    boku ga ittatte / tsuite kuru hoshi wa inai
    "Even if i go, there's no star that'll arrive"
    Note that 星 refers to a human or something personified by the use of いない, so I interpret it to mean star in the sense of lead performer. Even if people stop using Vocaloids, there's nothing else to take their place.

    (8) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / それでいいかい?
    kore de ii n da / kore de ii n da / sore de ii kai?
    "It's fine as it is, is it all right with you?"
    Asking listeners for confirmation that as Vocaloids they are still acceptable.

    (9) 僕がアンカーで / トスすべきバトンもないから
    boku ga ankā de / tosu subeki baton mo nai kara
    "For I'm the anchor and there's no baton to toss"
    I had to look up "anchor" in both Japanese and English dictionaries, but given the reference to baton and to running in the next verse, I think it means the last person in a relay. I'm really not sure what BIGHEAD is getting at here, but maybe it's suggesting that Rin and Len can't be replaced like in (7) or that it's up to them to take Vocaloid to first place? (9) seems to be the reason for asking the question in (8).

    (10) はしること / いつの日か / 序列ついてた
    hashiru koto / itsu no hi ka / joretsu tsuiteta
    "As for running / at some point / the ranking's been done" (?)
    I'm struggling to put the sentence together meaningfully. Is it referring to popularity of Rin and Len?

    (11) 好きだった / 絵の具箱 / 家にも無いな
    suki datta / enogubako / ie ni mo nai na
    "The box of paints that I liked isn't even in the house"
    Sorry this is too metaphorical for my mathematically minded brain ... How many colours in the set? Watercolour or oil paints? Maybe Rin got in trouble for painting the walls like I did when I was a kid and hers got taken away.

    (12) 競ってる方が / 痴人でいられる
    kisotte'ru hō ga / chijin de irareru
    "The one who competes can stay stupid"
    Is this related to the ranking? Is it competing between Vocaloids, or between Vocaloid and human singers? Maybe it means that Vocaloid and human singers are not meant to be compared?

    (13) 原型(おりじん)も知らない / 僕の目じゃ
    orijin mo shiranai / boku no me ja
    I can't tell my original prototype with my eyes
    A Vocaloid is not in a position to understand what it is or where it came from. (It just obediently follows instructions.)

    (14) 本当なのか / 測れない / キスの味
    hontō na no ka / hakarenai / kisu no aji
    "is it real? I cannot fathom the taste of a kiss" --or-- "I cannot measure whether it's real, the taste of a kiss"
    It's sung like the second translation, but I think the first is probably intended. Either way, it's again about how Rin and Len sing love songs but as computer data are unable to ascertain its reality, measure it, or experience it.

    (15) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / どうせいいさ
    See (6). Even if they can't talk, they can sing and that's OK.

    (16) 僕が知ったって / トークする余白もない
    boku ga shittatte / tōku suru yohaku mo nai
    "Even if I knew how there's no leeway for me to talk"
    Rin and Len are very difficult to get them to talk naturally. Maybe it means that sing their job is singing, there isn't much chance to talk anyway.

    (17) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / それでいいかい?
    See (8). Again it's saying that Rin and Len are fine with how it is (they're don't have the faculty of complaining) and it's asking for listeners' confirmation.

    (18) 僕はアンカーで / タッチする小鳥もいないから
    boku wa ankā de / tatchi suru kotori mo inai kara
    "For I am the anchor and there's no little bird to touch"
    I have no idea what birdie it's talking about. Thankfully it's Japanese, not Greek, because it might mean something rude. Does anchor have the same meaning here as befor

    Well that's my thoughts so far. I really hope someone has some ideas ... よろしくおねがいしま〜す!

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    Default Re: anchor by BIGHEAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Raichu View Post
    I'd like some help understand this song released by BIGHEAD to commemorate the 10th Kagamine anniversary:

    The words themselves seem relatively straightforward but so much depend on how you interpret them so I'd like to give an interpretation of the lyrics as I go. All feedback/suggestions/alternative interpretations welcome. I'm numbering portions as reference numbers.
    I will try my best, though I am still pretty new at this!

    (1) 赤い花 / 模造(うつ)してく / 香りはないけど
    akai hana / utsushiteku / kaori wa nai kedo
    "I'm making images of red flowers, though they have no scent"
    Vocaloids live in a virtual world so they can present word pictures of flowers in their songs but they have no physical reality.

    (2) 君の手も / トレースして / リアルじゃないフィール
    kimi no te mo / torēsu shite / riaru ja nai fīru
    "I also trace your hand but it doesn't feel real" --or-- "Your hand also traces one but it doesn't feel real"
    I think it's the same idea. At first I took the first interpretation, but now I think maybe the second fits better. What does anyone think?
    I think your second interpretation makes more sense. Could the けど in (1) be connecting (1) and (2)? Something like,

    "Although there is no scent to the flowers I am imitating,
    those that your hand also is tracing don't feel real."

    (3) それくらいのbyteが僕にちょうどいい
    sore kurai no byte ga boku ni chōdo ii
    "That many bytes is just right for me"
    Virtual characters like Rin and Len will think of things in terms of data rather than real world counterparts.

    (4) 温もりも知らない 僕の手じゃ / AR映え する ご馳走(ちそう)
    nukumori mo shiranai boku no te ja / ēārubae suru gochisō
    "Though I don't understand warmth my hand makes an AR treat"
    Vocaloids don't really know what warmth is, but they sing about in ways that listeners enjoy.

    (5) 無知の味
    muchi no aji
    "The taste of ignorance"
    Creation of something people can experience sung by software that is unaware of what it's doing.
    Sounds like a great translation so far!

    (6) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / どうせいいさ
    kore de ii n da / kore de ii n da / dōse ii sa
    "it's fine as it is, it's not like I can do anything about it but I don't mind" (anyone think of a concise way to translate どうせ?"
    Music with Vocaloid singers is acceptable (I think that's the idea, but I'm open to suggestions).
    I believe it is mainly used for the phrase, "in any case," so maybe

    "it's fine as it is, it's not like I can do anything about it, so in any case it is fine!"

    (7) 僕が行ったって / 着いてくる星はいない
    boku ga ittatte / tsuite kuru hoshi wa inai
    "Even if i go, there's no star that'll arrive"
    Note that 星 refers to a human or something personified by the use of いない, so I interpret it to mean star in the sense of lead performer. Even if people stop using Vocaloids, there's nothing else to take their place.

    (8) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / それでいいかい?
    kore de ii n da / kore de ii n da / sore de ii kai?
    "It's fine as it is, is it all right with you?"
    Asking listeners for confirmation that as Vocaloids they are still acceptable.
    Sounds good so far.

    (9) 僕がアンカーで / トスすべきバトンもないから
    boku ga ankā de / tosu subeki baton mo nai kara
    "For I'm the anchor and there's no baton to toss"
    I had to look up "anchor" in both Japanese and English dictionaries, but given the reference to baton and to running in the next verse, I think it means the last person in a relay. I'm really not sure what BIGHEAD is getting at here, but maybe it's suggesting that Rin and Len can't be replaced like in (7) or that it's up to them to take Vocaloid to first place? (9) seems to be the reason for asking the question in (8).
    Mmmm. It sounds to me like they are saying:

    "Because, even though I am the anchor, I don't have the baton that should have been tossed."

    It sounds to me like they felt secure in their place amongst the vocaloids at the beginning and everything was fine. However, they are now feeling that even though they are supposed to be the ones to finish the race they were never given the baton.

    (10) はしること / いつの日か / 序列ついてた
    hashiru koto / itsu no hi ka / joretsu tsuiteta
    "As for running / at some point / the ranking's been done" (?)
    I'm struggling to put the sentence together meaningfully. Is it referring to popularity of Rin and Len?
    I think they are saying

    "Someday the race will be ranked"

    I take that to mean that in they will learn their place/ranking one day in future.

    (11) 好きだった / 絵の具箱 / 家にも無いな
    suki datta / enogubako / ie ni mo nai na
    "The box of paints that I liked isn't even in the house"
    Sorry this is too metaphorical for my mathematically minded brain ... How many colours in the set? Watercolour or oil paints? Maybe Rin got in trouble for painting the walls like I did when I was a kid and hers got taken away.
    It sounds to me that they are upset because nothing feels like it is where is supposed to be. Not even the bin with the painting they used to like, nor their place in the world.

    (12) 競ってる方が / 痴人でいられる
    kisotte'ru hō ga / chijin de irareru
    "The one who competes can stay stupid"
    Is this related to the ranking? Is it competing between Vocaloids, or between Vocaloid and human singers? Maybe it means that Vocaloid and human singers are not meant to be compared?
    I would have thought it was saying then "when it comes to the contest you are allowed to be a fool." I would interpret that to mean that anyone is allowed to compete, and despite that they are being excluded?

    (13) 原型(おりじん)も知らない / 僕の目じゃ
    orijin mo shiranai / boku no me ja
    I can't tell my original prototype with my eyes
    A Vocaloid is not in a position to understand what it is or where it came from. (It just obediently follows instructions.)

    (14) 本当なのか / 測れない / キスの味
    hontō na no ka / hakarenai / kisu no aji
    "is it real? I cannot fathom the taste of a kiss" --or-- "I cannot measure whether it's real, the taste of a kiss"
    It's sung like the second translation, but I think the first is probably intended. Either way, it's again about how Rin and Len sing love songs but as computer data are unable to ascertain its reality, measure it, or experience it.
    I am probably wrong but I think part of (13) goes with (14). Maybe something like this:

    "I don't know my pattern's origin.
    In context of my eyes
    is it real?
    I am unable to surmise
    the taste of a kiss"

    I probably shouldn't translate these lyrics quite that literally but I feel like it gives me a better Idea of what they are singing. It seems like these lines are about how everything around Rin is uncertain. She/he doesn't know their origin and feels like they can't even be sure if what they see is real, and they have no idea what a kiss tastes like.

    Which leads to the next lines in which they are trying to reassure themselves.

    "Like this, it is good. Like this it is fine. In any case it is good you know!"

    (15) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / どうせいいさ
    See (6). Even if they can't talk, they can sing and that's OK.

    (16) 僕が知ったって / トークする余白もない
    boku ga shittatte / tōku suru yohaku mo nai
    "Even if I knew how there's no leeway for me to talk"
    Rin and Len are very difficult to get them to talk naturally. Maybe it means that sing their job is singing, there isn't much chance to talk anyway.

    (17) これでいいんだ / これでいいんだ / それでいいかい?
    See (8). Again it's saying that Rin and Len are fine with how it is (they're don't have the faculty of complaining) and it's asking for listeners' confirmation.

    (18) 僕はアンカーで / タッチする小鳥もいないから
    boku wa ankā de / tatchi suru kotori mo inai kara
    "For I am the anchor and there's no little bird to touch"
    I have no idea what birdie it's talking about. Thankfully it's Japanese, not Greek, because it might mean something rude. Does anchor have the same meaning here as before

    Well that's my thoughts so far. I really hope someone has some ideas ... よろしくおねがいしま〜す!
    I think that it referring to a boat anchor here. Doing some googling I found this suggesting that the image of an anchor with a bird on it is a symbol of safe harbor.

    So maybe what it is saying is that they can't find peace of mind.

    Anyway, those are just my thoughts. I am pretty new at this and you probably know better than I do. But, who knows? Maybe I might stumble onto something that helps?
    Last edited by Lost247365; 12-04-2018 at 08:38 PM.


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    Default Re: anchor by BIGHEAD

    Still turning this over in my head, so it's hard for me to go through the lines in sequence, but some overarching ideas I have:

    -I basically agree with your interpretations for the verses before the first chorus. For section (2) with the tracing, the first interpretation still seems more likely to me, just as emphasis/extension of the sentiment in verse 1.

    -I think the concept of Rin/Len as the anchor, at the most basic level, is that their role is to receive the baton, not hand it off; they can pick up ideas/emotions (the "baton") and take them home, but they don't generate full ideas of their own to toss to others. That being said, I'm not confident about the significance/symbolism of the word 星 in the first chorus (7), and I have no idea about 小鳥 in (18).

    -Sections (10) to (12) feel the trickiest. Mostly going off (12), I want to say lyrics are getting at something about how things get less active with time and competing keeps the mind occupied enough to not worry about things, but I feel like there's still something missing in my understanding, so I'm not very confident.

    -When I listen to (8)+(9) and (17)+(18), I personally get the feeling that each 僕はアンカーで is more strongly connected to the previous lines, with the last lines being distinct ideas as rationale. Not sure that's actually the way to read it, though (if my explanation even makes sense).
    Last edited by bambooXZX; 12-24-2018 at 10:31 AM.

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    Default Re: anchor by BIGHEAD

    Thanks for the comments.

    Thinking aloud here but the tone of the song is one of paradox: scentless flowers, artificial reality, a relay without a baton, running when the race is decided, singing without knowing how to talk, acceptance in the face of helplessness and ignorance. Basically, that's a description of the artificial world they inhabit.

    I think I figured out the lack of a paintbox ... maybe it's how they don't have the means to determine their own appearance. Without a real form, they only look like how others picture them.

    But the anchor passages still perplex me. Being the anchor in a relay means that if you're going to win, it's up to you. Does having no baton mean that they never received one either? The first thing it says in the next part of the song is that the ranking had been done, so maybe they think they're in a race but it's already a done deal.

    Basically I'll translate the lyrics as literally as I can, but I'll wait a bit longer in case someone comes up with any new insights.

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    Default Re: anchor by BIGHEAD

    Thanks again for the help everyone who contributed. BIGHEAD thanked me for the translation in a YouTube comment.

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    Default Re: anchor by BIGHEAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Raichu View Post
    Thanks again for the help everyone who contributed. BIGHEAD thanked me for the translation in a YouTube comment.
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