I often wonder why I bother with OVA's, as little as I watch them. They are usually ultra-short on plot. You figure that Urda: Third Reich even more so since it runs for only 30 minutes. But what is a quick look at a five episode anime, the plot for Urda does not suffer. Plus you still get all the action.

Erna since childhood was raised to be a killer by her guardian Grimhilde Kurtz. Years later, in 1943, Kurtz is now an officer in the German Nazi army, while Erna has defected to the allies. With her partner Janet, Erna finds Chris, a girl from the future. With Chris' partner Alan a prisoner of Kurtz', its a race to find the space vehicle that enabled the travelers to go into the past. Only the future is at stake. Add a surprise twist, and you have a pretty good short story.