I got through season one of a series whose level of intensity has left me uninterested in watching season two. So much for Negima!?: Magister Negi Magi. And what’s with all the punctuation in the title?

So here’s the premise. Not the plot, just the premise. Negi is a 10-year-old boy who just finished the wizard academy. His final preparation is to be sent to Japan where he would work as a teacher in a school for young teenaged girls. Makes sense? I don’t think it is supposed to.

Anyway, Negi can’t use his magic publicly, or else he will lose his powers and be turned into an animal. When the girls start catching Negi using his magic, to cover up he must make them his partners. When the partnership contract is invoked, the student or students turn into what are essentially magical girls. And naturally they get naked while undergoing their transformation, so there is a lot of underage jail bait fan service. Add in a vampire, an evil fairy, and some guy with a woman’s voice who says he is the Black Rose Baron, but who seems to have no relation to the story, and you have one hell of a mess.

This anime goes all over the place in avoiding a coherent story-line. I guess they are too busy trying to be clever. Give them an “A” for effort, but an “F” in execution. I was totally bored. And I had such high hopes knowing how popular this series is supposed to be. Curious.