I just finished re-watching Durarara. I probably should have re-watched it several months back before I watched DurararaX2. Now I will have to re-watch X2, but I don’t mind.

I don’t have the time now to do a full review. Maybe later I will add some thoughts. All I will say here is that I now remember small details which I had forgotten. For example, I forgot about Masaomi’s relationship with Saki. Ok, that was not a small detail.

How about Izaya talking to Simon in perfect Russian? I don’t really remember that in the English dub, but it is in the Japanese version.

I also forgot how utterly dark the series gets during the second half of season 2. Yes, I remembered some darkness, but mostly I remembered the eccentric characters, though I do remember key to season 2 is how Masaomi’s, Enri’s and Mikado’s friendship is put to the test.

Does anyone besides me feel that Walker and Erica would make a nice couple? Obviously they are not interested in romance, but only friendship. Maybe in DurararaX3!!

Anyone want to discuss Durarara before my memory goes again?