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Thread: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

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    Default Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    So recently there has been a push online to get Disney to make Elsa a lesbian in an upcoming sequel. Aside from all the perverts trying to hook Elsa up with her own sister in their fanfics, many have regarded Elsa's coming to terms with her powers as a metaphor for coming out and the main theme for the movie "Let It Go" has become one of many anthems for the LGBTQ community.

    So on Monday fans took to social media, using the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend and asking Disney to include a gay character in the Frozen sequel. It all seems to have begun when Alexis Isabel, who is a high school student and contributing writer for MTV, urged Disney fans and supporters of the gay community to support and rally behind the idea of Elsa being a lesbian.

    Granted not everyone is too keen on the idea of making Elsa a lesbian, some feel it's making the film too political and others have flat out threatened to boycott the film.

    How do you feel about this? Should Elsa have a girlfriend? Should the LGBTQ community leave her alone? Do you simply not care?

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Recently? Try 13 seconds after they walked out of the movie theater. Dude most people don't even remember the name of the guy Anna did end up with. By all rights, he was completely superfluous and frankly if they had made Anna just a friend to Elsa, nobody would question the kind of relationship they have.

    But since they're sisters, there are some other possibilities. In the books there's a Summer Queen too... who makes Elsa's snow... well you get the idea. I think it's called "A Warm Welcome"

    In Once Upon A Time they did a sequel to Frozen and lately they have Mulan, Dorothy, and Ruby as openly lesbian.

    Elsa could still date Mulan, Merida from brave, and as I understand it, Emma is now single again. Though most people hope she ends up with Regina, the Wicked Queen.

    if this sort of thing interests you, you may want to read this
    Last edited by Clayton_n; 05-05-2016 at 07:04 PM.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    I wouldn't touch that book with a 10' pole...

    And did you mean Kristoff?

    Either way, how long people have been thinking Elsa is a lesbian isn't the topic. The current main push for Disney to do this (ie: the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend tag) is only recent, stemming from this past Monday and not 13 seconds after people walked out of the movie theater after seeing Frozen (which was released in 2013).

    That said, I highly doubt that the "Summer Queen" and Elsa hook up in a relationship in the actual book published by Random House and Disney. Most likely it's only a friendship that perverts happen to take way too far in fanfics and imaginings.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Quote Originally Posted by DeathBlade/13.666 View Post
    I wouldn't touch that book with a 10' pole...

    And did you mean Kristoff?

    Either way, how long people have been thinking Elsa is a lesbian isn't the topic. The current main push for Disney to do this (ie: the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend tag) is only recent, stemming from this past Monday and not 13 seconds after people walked out of the movie theater after seeing Frozen (which was released in 2013).

    That said, I highly doubt that the "Summer Queen" and Elsa hook up in a relationship in the actual book published by Random House and Disney. Most likely it's only a friendship that perverts happen to take way too far in fanfics and imaginings.
    I love that you had to ask.

    For the record, nobody has suggested anything perverted. I seriously doubt any Disney princess will do anything with another girl on screen that they wouldn't do with a guy.

    So what girlfriend do you think Elsa should have?

    I think if it's not the summer Queen, then Merida has the best chance. it'd make a good crossover.

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 05-05-2016 at 08:12 PM.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    I dunno... Here's an idea. How about instead of the endless speculation and mindless dribble as to whom Elsa should have a relationship with, especially when trying to pair her with characters outside of her main storyline that already have their own without her in them, we let the person(s) that created her, her story, and everything about her choose her relationship and the person or persons there within?

    Otherwise, to just about anyone watching said relationship take place in the film, it would seem disconnected and only something to please some fans. In which there are plenty of fanfics out there for that.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Quote Originally Posted by DeathBlade/13.666 View Post
    I dunno... Here's an idea. How about instead of the endless speculation and mindless dribble as to whom Elsa should have a relationship with, especially when trying to pair her with characters outside of her main storyline that already have their own without her in them, we let the person(s) that created her, her story, and everything about her choose her relationship and the person or persons there within?

    Otherwise, to just about anyone watching said relationship take place in the film, it would seem disconnected and only something to please some fans. In which there are plenty of fanfics out there for that.

    Just out of curiosity... have you actually BEEN on one of these message boards before? because speculating on who ends up with who... it's kind of what we do around here. it's called "Shipping" and "Slash" and quite a variety of other names.

    Why did you even make this thread?

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 05-12-2016 at 07:09 PM.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Yes I have, and guess what. This is not one of those message boards.

    And I made the thread, I didn't just come to it. So how about we get back on track with the topic of "Lesbian Elsa: Good Idea/Bad Idea"? Instead of whining about your stupid ships.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_n View Post
    Just out of curiosity... have you actually BEEN on one of these message boards before?

    Why did you even come into this thread?
    You do realize he MADE the thread right?

    Anyways... I'm going to post a quote from one of my friends. She's super familiar with Elsa. Almost to the point that she may BE Elsa in some fashion.

    "while i am 100% in support of LGBT rights and fully believe that love is love and anyone should be able to get married, regardless of gender, i don't like this. and let me explain. just because elsa didn't find a significant other in the first movie does not mean she needs one in the second, or third, or whatever. and although unlike anna she does not find a lover she does find love. frozen redefined what classic disney "true love" meant and i think that's why it did so well. and while there's nothing wrong with elsa also finding love the same way anna did, we can see she is happy and content by the end of the movie. perhaps she doesn't NEED anything else? personally i don't think frozen needs a sequel (but disney is going to make BANK so of course they're going to) but why do we need the element of romance in the sequel? it already happened in the first and its possible for happy endings without romance. why not continue to show boys, girls, even adults that romance is not equivalent to happiness? we are all taught that finding romance is some sort of goal in life. and while it is beautiful and its perfectly fine to make that your goal, it's not meant for everyone. i think disney has an amazing opportunity here to show everyone that it IS possible to be happy and loved without a romantic partner. also just because she does not find a king in the first movie does not mean she's looking for a queen. elsa could be straight for all we know. then again she might not be. but straight or not she seems to be doing fine on her own. i'll admit it would be cool to see disney introduce its first animated lesbian couple but in my personal opinion i would love to see elsa continue to be herself, by herself."

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    @Clayton_n ,dude..he made the thread-_____-;
    I'm all for the LGBT community but just because Elsa didn't find her significant other in the first movie, it doesn't necessarily mean that
    she should now.There is life outside of romance you know.Maybe Disney will choose to explore those possibilities.

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Sorry meant "make". Same thing happens when I write. Fixed it.

    When you made this thread, you had to know people who support the idea would offer dissenting opinions. And if people didn't like the idea of Elsa having a girlfriend, you probably wouldn't be mentioning this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaishu View Post
    @Clayton_n ,dude..he made the thread-_____-;
    I'm all for the LGBT community but just because Elsa didn't find her significant other in the first movie, it doesn't necessarily mean that
    she should now.There is life outside of romance you know.Maybe Disney will choose to explore those possibilities.

    You may be right. It's been nearly 100 years. They're about due.
    And I'm sure everyone's parents will live to the end of the movie.
    I mean Disney is a family oriented company and they can't kill off a kid's loving parents in every... oh wait.

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 05-05-2016 at 08:50 PM.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_n View Post
    Fixed it.
    apparently that's not the only thing that needs fixing..
    Also, this thread is open for discussion and I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are entitled to your's so deal with it.

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    I didn't complain about your opinion.I just find it unlikely to happen.

    In any case, I see no problem with Elsa getting a girlfriend. Name one non-homophobic reason why it wouldn't happen or anything in the movie and merchandise that implies she's not a lesbian. Especially in light of Disney actually having lesbian couples in many of their shows. In fact they own ABC which is where Ellen came out.

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 05-20-2016 at 03:18 PM.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaishu View Post
    There is life outside of romance you know.Maybe Disney will choose to explore those possibilities.
    Honestly, I felt both Brave, Finding Nemo, Toy Story(1-3) to a degree, and Frozen were Disney's exploration of such.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clayton_n View Post
    And when you made this thread, you had to know people who support the idea would offer dissenting opinions. And if people didn't like the idea of Elsa having a girlfriend, you probably wouldn't be mentioning this.
    I made the thread because...
    1) It's something different from the usual threads in Western, being that it's more than just about a singular show, movie, franchise, character, etc.
    2) It's still a new and relevant hot button topic for people.

    But here's the thing... I did write it for dissenting opinions. BUT, "I think Elsa should date Merida if she can't get with the Summer Queen", "let's talk about ships because other message boards talk about ships", "Please check out my book if you're interested in lesbians", and boardline spamming images and videos in every post DO NOT CONSTITUTE as dissenting opinions. They're considered driving the topic from the original topic.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    @Clayton_n I think it's likelier than some of your many infamous theories I've come across..-__-

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Nothing about Elsa from Frozen told me she was a lesbian, but if she is!! Hooray!! A reason to make Frozen II.
    My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Well it's not like most of the Disney princes were great catches. Thieves, monsters, guys who kissed corpses at random funerals, a prince whose kiss of true love to the girl he was engaged to at birth failed probably because he hit on random peasant girls in the woods and got replaced with the wicked fairy, guys who had no problem with girls changing everything about themselves... Merida and Venelope Von Schweetz probably made out the best.

    Anyway I saw this on the news and SNL the other night.

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 05-12-2016 at 06:34 PM.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Tbh I think it's stupid to push for something like that. Let the writers do what they want with their character. Besides, I need a girlfriend more than Elsa does anyway. #GiveZombieAGirlfriend

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Totally getting behind that hashtag. Lol #GiveZombieAGirlfriend
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    It would be nice if Disney did decide to give Elsa a gf and show that they are in support of the LGBT community, but knowing Disney, I seriously doubt it. I think there would be more backlash from super diehard religious parents about the whole ordeal than anything else. I though I remembered reading online about the possibility of an actual Disney movie with a homosexual male lead, but that could have just been bulls**t.

    I will fully support the #GiveZombieAGirlfriend though, cuz even zombies need love.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    LGBT movement is fine and all, but I really don't think there's need to pull it out so often. Especially in a children's movie. It's not like there aren't enough adults still opposing queer gender, giving the kids further idea about it would not bring wanted consequences.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dunn x Dolo View Post
    It would be nice if Disney did decide to give Elsa a gf and show that they are in support of the LGBT community, but knowing Disney, I seriously doubt it.

    I will fully support the #GiveZombieAGirlfriend though, cuz even zombies need love.
    Someone hasn't been watching Once Upon a Time

    Also Disney has done far more objectionable things recently.

    So this could happen

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 05-12-2016 at 05:50 PM.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    By the way wasn't "Brave" their "I don't need a man" princess movie?

    Last edited by Clayton_n; 06-02-2016 at 08:33 PM.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    No, Brave was more about the independence of a single person being greater than a tradition that dictates people be together, as well as mostly being about the bond between mother and daughter. You could say it was an "I don't need a man" movie, but in the correct context of the film's messages it'd also be an "I don't need a woman either" movie.
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Still she never got married or seemed even remotely interested in her prospects. So the "Confident Single Female" princess is done. Now we need the lesbian princess.

    Also the Japanese princess... but as I understand it the next one is Polynesian. And it looks like she's single too. Unless she runs into Hi'iaka, which could be fun. And before you say anything, Lilo is an ambassador, not a princess.

    The spotlight glows white on my sequel tonight
    Not a man to be seen
    A kingdom of lesbians,
    And it looks like I'm the queen.

    The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
    Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows the homophobes tried!

    Don't let kids in, don't let them see
    Be the straight girl you always have to be
    Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know!
    Well, now they know!

    Let it go, let it go
    Can't hold it back anymore
    Let it go, let it go
    Open the closet door!

    I don't care
    What they're going to say
    Let the storm rage on,
    Two girls kissing never bothered me anyway!

    It's funny how some common sense
    Makes their complaints seem small
    And the fears that control them
    Don't bother me at all!

    It's time to see what I can do
    To test the limits and break through
    No right, no wrong, no rules for me!
    I'm free!

    Let it go, let it go
    I am one with the wind and sky
    Let it go, let it go
    I don't need a guy!

    Here I stand
    And here I'm gay!
    Let the haters rage on!

    My love flurries through the air into the ground
    Pictures of me with chicks are spiraling on Google searches all around
    And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
    I'm never going back,
    Kissing girls is a blast!

    Let it go, let it go
    The Internet said it all along!
    Let it go, let it go
    That single girl is gone!

    Here I stand
    In the light of day
    My girlfriend and I will get it on,
    Little kids don't care if I'm gay!
    Last edited by Clayton_n; 06-02-2016 at 09:23 PM.
    Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.

    Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from

  31. #25
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    Default Re: Give Elsa a Girlfriend?

    Lilo is a princess to me. >/ That said, I can't wait to see Moana. But still. It's not what the topic is about. We're talking about Elsa, not every little princess you can think of to ship with someone.
    Good ol' Dogs never Die, they just keepin on livin' till their time comes.

    I was born in AF Chat, molded by it, I didn't see AnimeForum until a few years after I decided to register my username.

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