Day Phase
- Players discuss the proceedings of the game and decide who to lynch.
- Every player must vote during this phase, using the formats [Vote Lynch XXX] and [Change Vote Lynch XXX]. Please remember to bold your vote.
- If a player fails to vote but has posted at least twice during the day phase, that will count as a self-vote.
- CONCERNING MODBLOCKS/KILLS: If you fail to post at least twice during the Day Phase, I will enforce the following penalties. (These may change depending on the circumstances, or if I'm in a particularly crappy mood.)
First offense: You will be mentioned and I will also send you a warning via PM.
Second offense: I will modblock you for the following cycle, disabling all active and passive abilities.
Third offense: You will be modkilled, eliminating you from the game, and I’ll never forgive you until probably a week later.
- Day Phases last about 24 hours. Phases may be extended or shortened depending on my IRL situations.
- Day actions are handled on a “first sent, first performed” basis. All actions must be sent to me via PM or QuickTopic if applicable.
Night Phase
- There is NO POSTING during the Night Phase, except for reaction posts and the like. People who try to continue in-game discussion will receive the same warnings and penalties as those concerning inactivity.
- Each Night Phase lasts about 24 hours. However I may extend or shorten it due to moderator excusable reasons/ IRL situations.
- Every night action that is not roleblocked will still be performed, even if the players of those actions are being killed.
- This is a closed-set up game. Roles will only be revealed as the game progresses.
- Leave the game discussion in the game thread. There will be NO OUTSIDE COMMUNICATION. The only exception applies to factions that receive a QT link along with role PMs. Players will suffer a horrendous modkill full of my disappointment and rage if I find out about any outside communication.
- If you are killed, you are allowed a reaction post concerning your death. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, continue to post hints or comments that may influence the votes and or actions of living players.
- PLEASE BE AS ACTIVE AS POSSIBLE! Remember that if you don’t post within 3 day phases (approximately 6 days), you will be modkilled. If you have a legitimate reason to be inactive, please inform me ahead of time.
- Role-hinting is strongly discouraged, at least for the first few phases. If I get your hint right away, you're doing it wrong.
- EDITING IS NOT ALLOWED, only for typos and the like. Please double post if you want to add a new sentence or quote.
- Spamming/trolling/arguing/flaming is allowed to an extent, but if it gets too bad I will intervene.