This is the moment that I die.
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This is the moment that I die.
RIP Hydrus you sexy bastard
[Vote Lynch Folter]
You know that ZombieWolf is innocent, you say? Do tell.
Battle Of Butlers
[Agni] tried to use [Right Hand of Kali] on [???], but failed!
Awesome GIF by me. <3
I see all, I know all.
♦A Diamond Book♦
because Itotallyhate the color red...
Hydrus was too sexy to die I guess.
Also lol, is Sebastian [???] or is that write-up just a really good way of trying to throw us off? @-@
God mode activate.
I'm wondering if Nodoka is trying to keep everyone's character secret. I'm assuming Agni is Hydra (and they presumed they would be named in the process of using an action), or Hydra thought they would get killed OR Hydra is mafia and thought they would be exposed? Its cool though, at least someone knows one other is innocent!
The write-up is always as true as true can be, that's all I will say
Also I need sleep now, if anyone has questions I'll try to get to them in the morning. If you have day actions or vigkills or something those will have to wait until i have the time to write a write-up for the actions (which i don't in the mornings. Ever)
Awesome GIF by me. <3
I see all, I know all.
♦A Diamond Book♦
because Itotallyhate the color red...
Shinigami mode activate?
Or are you just a certain snazzy butler?
I'm going to get my vote in now in case I fall asleep like last night.
[Vote Lynch ZombieWolf2508] My suspicions for you have grown even stronger. I may change this though if more information comes up...but right seem most mafia-esque.
Either Sebastian was the target or Sebastian stopped the action. Either way, Agni probably has a good idea on who's innocent, so that's nice.
[vote lynch Mimiruchan]
@RyuTama this is who you wanted me to vote for, yes?
My mood on a daily basis
@Cielbk As much of an honor as it is to be there atop your list, I feel inclined to ask why.
My mood on a daily basis
Well when i look back, u teamed up with @RyuTama out of the blue when the game had just started and it got me thinking for a while...i may be wrong but that is all i have for now....though i might change my mind later on.
home for school and damn... some stuff hapened. as always story is awesome. I will put in my vote to be sure for now I can change this later. :[Vote Lynch @ZombieWolf2508 ] cause you give me some bad vibes and you were saved by that last minute vote change on day 1. of course I could be totally wrong also requescat in pace eano. we will avenge you.
My mood on a daily basis
If I see people ganging up on ZombieWolf with votes I may believe that he's a lone role, meaning that he doesn't have allies to get him out of a pickle. This can't be said about others, now can it?
Really there isn't much to go on at all. Apart that vote change done by folter which is hardly substantial....
Not sure if I want to go for the bandwagon.....
Previously Darkfire Knight....
Wait wha? So...RyuTama told you to vote for me? I thought you were with Folter but I think this is pulling out team Mafia.
RyuTama why have you gone to the dark side?! ;_; I'm confused. Are you guys chatting out of game somewhere? Does that meanFolter is innocent or are you trying to make Folter look innocent?
Last edited by mimiruchan; 02-25-2016 at 02:13 PM.
lolz and yup pretty much zombie. I'm the kind of player who works with instinct, even if I mess things up most of the time. I mean when you try to anylize in wolf it's too easy to get lost so I just go with my feelings.
Previously Darkfire Knight....
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