Throttling me against the wall, I never would have guessed.
Pegged you for someone who would harm me? Never.
Disillusioned by you I certainly was.
How could I have known the you who nurtured me,
Brought me into this world, loved, cared, and protected!
No, I never would have known.

And now here we are.
Your hands tight around my neck, keeping vital life from me.
My lungs gasping greedily, and vainly, for precious air.
What you don't know is my auspicious lust for life.
So now I'm clawing at you, biting, grasping at thin air.
Oh, I'll fight you. Fight you until I'm blood drenched.

But then, you've let me go. Sweet air at last!
This raises the question as to why?
Could you read my mind and see that naturally golden hair?
Was it the twin set of steely blue eyes that still twinkle with laughter?
You're not around, and it's not like I could see in this smog anyway.
OH! Your hands are around my neck once more, squeezing so fiercely!

Cold, dead, translucent, grey hands like smoke.
Not choking life from me, but dreams and hope.