Hello everyone. I'm the moderator for the Anime and Manga News & Review section, as a matter of fact, I've been the mod for the past year.
Note: Aside from these rules, it is imperative that you comply to the Site Rules and Terms of Service. You agreed to these rules while registering and must follow them.
For the past year, the Anime and Manga News & Review section's main focus was to redirect users to the news articles and reviews written on Anime Globe dot com. However, this sub-section (User Reviews) will allow users to post their own reviews, just like the main section originally did, prior it's shift to Anime Globe.
Reviews Only
This section is meant for reviews only. Any threads that promote discussions will be moved to their respective section or deleted. If you wish to have discussions with your fellow reviewers, you may use this thread here.
No Longer A "One Series One Thread" Section
The Anime & Manga Reviews section will no longer be a "one series one thread" like it previously was, so this means that I will no longer maintain or update an Index List. In other words, you are now allowed to make an individual thread for your review. With that being said, please read the following before writing your review.
Reviewing Guidelines
We don't have forum tags at the moment, so when making a thread for your review, it is encouraged that you label them. (TV Series, Manga, OVA, or Movie)
As writers and reviewers, we all have different styles when writing reviews. While the following isn't required, they are encouraged. Remember that you want your review to be helpful as possible.Additional Rules
- Plot Synopsis/Summary
- Story
- Characters
- Art style/Animation
- Voice Acting & Soundtrack (Excluded for manga reviews)
- Your review must be at least two or three paragraphs.
- Avoid including spoilers. If you must include a spoiler, please use the [spoiler][/spoiler] tags. However, I still encourage users not to include spoilers in their reviews.
- DON’T TAKE REVIEWS FROM OTHER SITES. We only need your own opinion. This is called plagiarism and will result in serious consequences.
- Avoid profanity. While it may just be a User Review, try to be professional about it.
- Please avoid linking torrents/unauthorized streams in your reviews. However, you're allowed to link Crunchyroll, Hulu, Netflix, FUNimation, Aniplex, or any other legal distributors.
- English only.
If we like your review, we'll publish it on Anime Globe dot com.
Any inquiries, make sure to send me or @Solomore a private message.