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Thread: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

  1. #476
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    @Ranshiin @~Shobu~ @Cross Avantgarde and @ELR

    "Hmmmm" thought Shar as he stepped casually back from the group a ways. "This is much better. Much better" He allowed his senses to expand and sharpen and he began taking in the details of the terrain, the sounds of the wind along with the voices, the letters on paper, showing through the back in the sunlight. "Much better".

    But he kept an ear up. But this was more his style. Just paying enough attention to criticize and avoid the worst trouble. Not worrying about getting people to do what was needed. Shar suspect Shi'ran was on the right track anyway.

    Though eventually he felt the need to chime in "I'm pretty flexible as long as we aquire the item. However I'd really prefer students stay together with myself and Voth if they're exploring or stay here at basecamp with Ysar for safety reasons."

    He then mused for a moment " Although I guess if the students were to sign some sort of waver, I'm not one to tell people what they can't do... In any case please continue."

    At that he took another step back, and sort of looked away to avoid having someone speak directly to him instead of the students.

    For his part Voth loomed over Skyla. His pale face becoming more defined as he says "TEA. And a sturdy stool!"

    OOC: Oop, gotta run.

  2. #477
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    @Ranshiin Oh no, I have not forgotten about the hoverboard/jetboard, and where they are headed Skimro has something to pick up, the newest model of a jetboard, he was going to use it for parts, but he still does not know Shi'ran wants a newer model. Since it was brought up, Skimro can leave a note in his mind to speak to Shi'ran about it. Just noting, was not forgotten.
    Could always have him discuss about a joint leadership! Basically making suggestions, Shar mentioned the kids having a learning experiance, to Hanze, that means the whole shabang. And even when the leader(s) is/are decided, that does not mean the advice stops. The task is simple, work as a team to obtain the robot, the question is, how to go about doing so?
    @sunnyside lol I think I like Shar lots, could see him laying in the sun with a bone next to him.
    @Cross Avantegarde

    He chuckled, then stretched, relaxing his muscles. "Only pushing because that pup said you guys had to learn. My personal opinion?" He leaned in closer to Shi'ran, his words whispered some what. "I'd go to the bazaar first with the whole group. Can have portion of us make base camp close by there AND figure out any clues of its whereabouts. Can decide the rest after that depending on the news." Standing straight again, his voice returned to normal. "But that is just my opinion."

    He looked over at the wanderlust and magitech kids and started pondering. 'Not much muscle. Wonder what Sefton had been thinking.'

    Skimro turned before he made it all the way to the comms and eyed the dragons board. He saw potential parts on it that needed fixed, an ancient one. He pondered on the type of trade he would need to do for it. Maybe he would strike up a conversation about it on their walk later.

    With that noted down, he turned and sat down, pulling tools out, work had to be done and quick.

    Pushing the bags to the side, she stood up and bowed. "Yes, sir." She dug in her pouch and grabbed a small pouch and went through Sone's pack and got out a cup. Setting it down, she pulled the newest one from off the fire and put her hand close to it to make sure the heat was still there before dipping the cup into it and dropping the bag in.

    Setting the cup into the Netherkin's hands, she bowed once more. "I shall see if I can find that stool you asked for." She hurriedly walked towards the door, her nerves high.

    They had not brought any chairs or stools with them, and she was unsure if there was one inside but she entered in and peered into the darkness, swallowing hard. Her father had warned something may be in here, but she was a 'slave' so she had to do as she was asked.

    Wavers? He looked over at Shar. "Forgot that it would be 'best' for students not to do the worst bunches of the work. Dangerous portions." He chuckled. "No worries, once the kids decide on who-" though it looked like the two had already deemed the dragon as leader without his consent, "-then we can discuss on wavers and I will need to discuss with which one of the students will also be accepting the end bargain when we are finished."

    His attention went back to the kids. "Though I have a good feeling on who I would pick."

    His eyes drifted over to the Magitech Skimro seemed to know for only a second then eyed the dragon again. Then he looked over at the girl.

    "Let me know your end decision when you come to it, together."
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    I am no more hated than I am loved.
    And I am no more heartfilled than I am heartless.
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  3. #478
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers


    Kershaw nods "At least it starts off as coffee, I think you could still call it coffee. It's a bit hard to get the beans since food production is prioritized but I just love 'em and so do enough people. And the Bushi get to make crap tons of tea, which is lame. I mean...."

    At that Kershaw seems to really that she's droning on refocuses on Sam.

    "Coffee is good for you! Um. Sometimes it takes a little getting used to, but I think you'll really like it! Try it, Try it!"

    At that she holds her hands near her face in little fists and actually hops a little bit.

  4. #479
    ~Kya!~ animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality has a reputation beyond repute animereality's Avatar
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    07-28-2015 01:16 PM
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    First post! Here we go! )


    It was the nightmares that awoke her. The sky was light with late morning, still exhausted yet the absence of fear would't let her rest, wouldn't let her return to sleep. Fear was an emotion Holic was familiar with, however it was not often she often expressed. As a Netherkin she suffered what she generically called a 'mental block' where she knew she had some kind of emotion to free, but it wouldn't come out.

    It wasn't an absence of emotion, but the inability to feel it. Her mind fuzzed out, her vision softened with a darkness and her hearing went hollow. Like a numbness it would drive her into a catatonic state if she didn't release this emotion in time.

    It took everything she had to kick the covers off and throw herself out of bed, stumbling blindly out of her room and into the next. Her sink was already filled with water, a preparation she performed every night before she slept. Gripping the cracked basin she plunged her head in, up to her ears and for a moment was still. But the longer she was submerged the more her lungs burned for a release. She bellowed a rage of bubbles, exhaling her breath with no chance of taking any air in. It hurt, but it helped, that wall blocking her emotions off crumbling, letting her feel the fear, the panic, the distress of her nightmares.

    But good god it hurt.

    The burning in her lungs cramping her diaphragm, almost as though a vice was twisting down on her torso. The blackness of her vision faded to gray and white spots, the hollow of her hearing melted, leaving the roar of he blood and the thunder of her heartbeat in her ears. She was on the cusp of unconsciousness, but moments before she' pass out, Holic pushed herself away from the sink, twisting to collapse on her side and vomit up the water.

    She gasped a breath, coughing again, panting with her heavy-lidded eyes staring at the tiles of her bathroom wall.

    Holic would lay there until her breathing returned to normal, finding the cool of the tile comforting against her cheek. She found everything about the tower comforting, its drafty hallways and old walls, the dark, shadowy spots that no light, lamp or flame could penetrate.

    Ans the spirits that lingered there, she found them comforting too... well, some of them anyway.

    The screams and crashing noises from other places in the tower got her stirring, sitting up, getting up and returning to her modest room. Holic picked up a towel and rubbed her damp face with it, squeezing the excess water from her dark hair. She dressed unceremoniously in a white button-down shirt and jeans. She pulled on her broken-in boots and thick, tatty cardigan, raking fingers through her hair a few times as she left her room and made her way down the hallway.

    She took her route at a slow, easy pace, pausing as she passed a window to take a peek outside. An unusual number of undead were shambling around, and it seemed the Netherkin Tower had the pleasure of visitors. She recognized a few faces but not enough to greet anyone. Still, may as well venture out.

    Vanishing from the window she took a shortcut, letting herself into a vacant room and stepped into the shadow of its wardrobe, only to step out from behind the larder door in the kitchen.

    She took a moment to rummage through the food, be it for everyone or personally labeled. Peeling the label of an individually wrapped pastry she finally broke free of the tower to step into the light, squinting until she steps took her under the shade of the surrounding trees.

    The acidic stink of vomit made her nose curl a little, changing direction which brought her closer to the small group of two males, a female and a skeletal creature conversing, playing music and seeming to be having a good time. It didn't seem like an event Holic would flourish in, so she kept a distance, watching curiously yet cautiously, chewing away on her breakfast.

  5. #480
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    OOC: @ELR @~Shobu~ @sunnyside @Ranshiin

    Smiling at Phoenix’s sincerely cordial treatment of Skimro, Jasper noted her humility. Some people didn’t seem to discern the same amount of skill and virtue in themselves as others do, and these people are very often humble, like Phoenix. They would be in good hands, it was agreed, with Shi’ran at the helm, so all was well.

    It was impossible for Jasper to resist the urge to wince and frown when Voth gave his brash and rude command for Skyla to bring him tea. The urgency with which she acquiesced made Jasper all the more frustrated, and once again he pondered over the collar she wore, which seemed more obvious by the minute.

    Jasper was uneasy under Hanze’s brief gaze, but since Shi’ran didn’t seem to mind if he led or not, Jasper felt that he wasn’t overstepping his bounds with his next statement, despite the fact that this may have been what he was doing after all.

    “Alright, I think that settles things,” Jasper said with a small smile. “Shi’ran will lead us. And, I think Shar’s suggestion that we stay together should be followed. So, I’m going with Shi’ran as well.”

    He looked at Phoenix, hoping strongly that she would choose to do the same. At any rate, if she did choose otherwise Jasper might be able to find something of worth while he was gone that he could tinker with and, if possible, present her with something unique. It was a fleeting guess—who knew what they would find in search of the robot?
    Last edited by Cross Avantgarde; 07-28-2015 at 08:20 PM. Reason: Mistakenly included dialogue that was actually a thought

  6. #481
    how 2 u sociul plz? Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    @Cross Avantgarde @sunnyside @ELR @~Shobu~

    @ELR well, you’ll be surprised to know that Shi’ran might not really need the ‘experience’. He's just ... lazy.

    I also apologise in advance for his attitude >.>

    Pup. Shi’ran didn’t even know whether to frown or smirk at that way that Hanze described Shar and in the end the dragon-Therian just cocked his head to the side and nothing on his side was said about it. At the man then leaning in closer his head straightened back up and he fell to listening to the suggestion.

    ”Hm.” He hummed in thought, pausing whilst Hanze then quietly opined about Jasper and Phoenix. Of course, he couldn’t read other peoples’ minds and saw a man just looking at somebody else. The matter Shar brought up got his attention though, and Hanze’s it seemed … waivers? He recalled Sefton being clear that it was going to be dangerous …… no, the school’s president had been very vocal about keeping the students ‘safe’. Pfeh. When Hanze suggested he go talk to Jasper and Phoenix about the leadership matter the dragon-Therian just nodded, yet as he turned to go across to them he was cut off by Jasper – who had been listening to the conversation – who expressed that it was apparent that he (Shi’ran) be the leader.

    …… The Therian peered back at Jasper with a sort of expression that bordered between a deadpan glare and something best described as a cynical threat, but the expression was all bark; Shi’ran said nothing at Jasper himself and after a few further moments he turned back to Hanze with his eyes rolling and his shoulders shrugging. That was enough, he thought, and he therefore just spoke up outright;

    ”Okay, you know what? It’s apparent-enough that out of us three that the Dog brought in Sefton’s name, I should be the leader. I’m not going to argue it; I consider it settled, because otherwise we’re just going to be going around in circles and I don’t care to be standing around here prattling all day.

    And as for any waivers, I’ve already said that I want to be involved and if that means I have to sign a waiver to explore any ruins or dangerous places then fine, consider me waived. You can talk to those two about whether they’re prepared for that or not …”
    He paused, narrowed his eyes at Hanze. In a tone that was intended and thus heard only by him – in a similar vein to earlier where Hanze had spoken only to him – he then made an addition. ”Though, I do suggest you try and persuade them. I honestly don’t care if you do, but I think they need to learn how to show some balls, y’know? But you and Shar have the last say on that.”

    Pause. Shi’ran leaned back away from Hanze and then he lifted his face up skyward and leaned back, in order to roll his neck and pop the bones and loosen the muscle and whatnot of his neck and upper back. After that he let out a small sigh and he turned away from Hanze, looked around at Leopald and the guy with the guitar, at Skyla and the Netherkin bodyguard, and then across at the fat Magitek kid, then Phoenix and then finally Jasper. ”I vote that we get moving; we should all get going to this bazaar as a group and not waste any more time standing around here chatting idly.” He said with a tone that was loud-enough only to convey abrupt statement – after all, he had been discerned to be the leader, and thus he gave his opinion as such. ”Since Hanze and his buddies should know where it is, I think we should get going once we have everything gathered together and these things about ‘waivers’ are sorted out, and they should lead the way.”

    What a bunch of idiots. Why is it always me who has to tell people what to do? Pfah … though I’d rather tell than be told.

    “… The longer we take getting there the more difficult locating these scavengers will be; we can figure out whether we need to split up or not once we know where the scavengers might be.”

    He didn’t say anything else; he stepped off to the side and excused himself from the main ‘circle’ of the group, which incidentally was in Skimro’s direction. He found himself a portion of shade against a wall of the dilapidated building and he sank down to a sitting-position against it, Hoverboard set down at his side. He breathed in, let out a rough ‘huff’ of a sigh and then fell to silently observing, examining, everyone else there.
    : The Game. You just lost it. :

    My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.

  7. #482
    Isolated ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR has a reputation beyond repute ELR's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    @sunnyside @~Shobu~ @Cross Avantgarde @Ranshiin Actually, I feel rude, I could not help but laugh left and right. LOVE reading things from Shi'ran's point of view.

    Slowly, he sipped some into his mouth, it was bitter, and pungent, almost insipid. He swallowed mechanically.

    "That is..." He wished he could say something good about the drink, but his words could not come out with a lie, and his words also stopped from an after taste. A rancid taste. "Not what I expected.." His lips would not form a smile, just twisted and turned in odd ways, he set the cup down and jogged over to the sink and rinsed his mouth, the water was not much better but it got the taste out of his mouth.

    "Going to be honest." He wiped his mouth and turned to face Kershaw. "Not such a great drink, I will skip out on your delicacy." Now, if they were in his room, he could make them eggs and orange juice. Knowing this girl, she would be displeased by them. "Thank you for allowing me to.. erm... Try it, though." He realized the taste was still there, he just had to ignore it. "What were you working on?"

    He smiled at their decision, he liked the dragon, reminded him of someone. His work was done so he left the kids in Shar's hands for whatever the waiver they had to sign.

    His attention went to Skimro, who was busy at work. He had something of importance. "Yo, we need to speak!"

    She closed her eyes and stepped forward a few steps, then knocked into something, forcing her eyes to open up.

    It was fallen boards from the floor above. Stepping around them, she headed towards the back where some light was filling in. The whole house was totally run down, the atmosphere was extremely creepy. Her heart was pounding so hard that it felt as though it could jump out of her chest.

    Finally, she made it to the slightly lit room and see it being a kitchen, stools tossed across the room, the smell of something rotted filled the air, cabinets hanging barely upon the wall.

    "Just test the chairs and get out. Just test the chairs and get out. Just-"

    Jumping at the sound of Hanze, Skimro turned to look at him and awaited. " How well do you know that runt magitek? "

    Skimro cocked his head and thought for a second on how to answer that. "We grew up together, trust him to have my back anywhere, any time." His excitement entered his voice. "He even helped me take apart a modern day jetboard when we were younger!"

    "Then I have something for you to do. I need you to talk to him about delivering the 'package' we discussed before."

    Skimro jumped off of the ground, his voice was loud. "You're actually doing it!? Why!?" He dropped his voice, and his tools, his eyes stayed level to Hanze's eyes, he pushed his goggles up to keep them in place. "Have you told her?"

    Hanze looked away. "
    No.. I have not... And, yes, I am. If they catch up with us then what do you think they will do to her? Huh? " His eyes went back to Skimro. " I am thinking of her safety, of her future. Her mother would not want this type of life for her. She would KILL me if she realized I did not protect her properly from the harshlands. "

    Taking a deep breathe, Skimro knew what Hanze was saying was true, though death would not be how she would handle him. "I'll.. talk t-to him." He felt guilty.
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  8. #483
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    Sam gets the feeling that Kershaw isn't really listening to him. She's quite intent though, staring into his eyes or lips...and far too closely, getting into his personal space. She mumbles something like "Mmmm hmmm" in agreement with whatever he's saying, which doesn't increase Sam's confidence that she's actually listening.

    But then the world starts to swirl and change.

    Suddenly Sam is a little girl, running through fields of the schoolgrounds above. Feeling wonderful, she runs in the warm sunlight while barefoot in the grass.

    Then he's a snake, eating the biggest egg Sam has ever seen. And then another. Lumps in his body ten times as thick as he is.

    Then things are just black and swirly, Sam is there, and also not there. Sam is spinning, but it's fun, like being on a ride at a fair, but safe, because there is not height or ground or, well, anything.

    Eventually the swirls start fading and the room starts coming back into focus. Sam realizes he's lying on Kershaw's bed and that his eyes are held open with clothespins. Kershaw is hovering above looking intently into them. As soon as she notices Sam stirring, she quickly removes the clothespins and scurries over to a nearby chair and picks up a clipboard and pen.

    "How was it? Was it the greatest thing ever?!?! You have to tell me everything!"

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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    Sliver walked to the door of the school and slammed them open " Miss Me!!" She yelled her gang behind her smileing crazed smiles " mind if I have any friend with me here??" She asked the teacher behind the desk in the front of the school hands on the desk covered in blood with an blood stained smile

    (Sorry my family moved an while ago and we had to set up wifi DX

    p.S Miss old home)
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    Last edited by Scourgesdaughter; 07-30-2015 at 07:33 AM.
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers


    As Mizuki heard what Juggernaut said, she decided to help her out. After all, she was part if the Bushi. It would help to get to know her more.

    (Mizuki) "Hey that's good to hear. Do you need any help with the party? I would love to help."

  11. #486
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    @Ranshiin @~Shobu~ @Cross Avantgarde and @ELR

    Shar strained his sense to hear things near and far. But the silence got a bit long. He sighed. He didn't want to always have to come back to the world and keep interacting. And the less he had to stress about that the sooner he could get back to giving others a hard time, and he had a few debts on that front by now.

    He felt if he always butted in that they'd start always waiting on him to say something. But...perhaps he'd confused them with that waiver bit. He was used to saying things like that...but that was when Sefton is around.

    "Much as I love a good pact, I'm afraid I don't have the ability to make a proper pact as such. Though we could always write something on paper. Really I don't think it's an issue so long as we're reasonably together and I can testify to due dilligence at keeping you reasonably safe.

    Speaking of which I like the idea of getting to the bazaar, and soon. We are trying to actually get the robot. We're somewhat close, an hour out, far enough to be able to land the ship without being noticed. We could walk in and be low key, or fly in and be a bit more obvious.

    Though either way you should know I'm not having the ship stay there. That's too good a way to be out a ship. "

    @Luka Megurine and @Clockwork Bird

    Suddenly, the four constructs perk up and look in the same direction. Soundlessly the rush out of the building.

    Juanita looks at them go and says "That means Silver must be back. They're connected to her"


    While the school is massive and has many building, the teacher in this class is a little hard to pin down, culture wise. He nicely fitted robe could put her with a number of cultures. The students are a mix , and there are twenty of them.

    Everyone stops talking and stares at the group. There's an awkward pause and people look worried. Eventually the teacher composes herself and says "I'm...I'm afraid the class is full. Perhpas you should try somewhere else?"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Light Buster View Post

    As Mizuki heard what Juggernaut said, she decided to help her out. After all, she was part if the Bushi. It would help to get to know her more.

    (Mizuki) "Hey that's good to hear. Do you need any help with the party? I would love to help."
    OOC: I think she was lost in thought or something cause she hasn't answered Juggernaut's question at "all!

    "Thanks I could use the help, now lets get these drinks quickly over to the club area and into the fridge for cooling. Also you haven't answered my question yet." As shi started to walk a beeping came from hir crystal. "We have a commotion in such & such a place. Security come ASAP!""
    Last edited by Black-Cat0001; 08-01-2015 at 02:48 AM.

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    OCC: Sorry for not being around. Life sometimes gets the better of me

    Elise perks up her ears and looks around. The other wolves clearly can see or hear something she couldnt, and she didnt like that.

    "What do you mean, connected?" She said slowly, trying to analyse the situation. "Who is back?" Silver... No that name didnt ring any bells. "Who is Silver? Is she the girl I saw in the woods?" She sniffs the air and looks at Eira. "Should we follow them?"
    All credit to Shirosenpai from Otaku Central

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    Sliver nodded at the teacher "every well but first may I tell my gangs names ??" She said she lined her group up she walked up two an huge black and white haired man with scares and an belt rainbow with teeth and claws around his neck"meet bone my second in command " she said Bone glared at the students sliver walked two an twins one with white hair the other black both with blue and green belts around the necks bigger but smaller than sliver and bone "Frost and Snake " Sliver said Sliver was know next to an giger girl with green eyes with an black belt necklace "meet my sister Brick" Sliver said "don't touch please they bite" Sliver giggled evilly before walked get out of the room into the hall way
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    OOC: @Ranshiin @~Shobu~ @sunnyside
    @ELR : Unless you think it’s best for Jasper to hear it, I’m going to have him be oblivious to Hanze’s words to Skimro, as I think they’re spoken off to the side. If not, just let me know and I’ll have Jasper respond directly to hearing it.

    IC: Shi’ran and Shar both thought that it was a good idea to go ahead and move together towards the bazaar. From what Shar said, it would not be necessary to sign a waiver as long as they travelled together. The question was whether they should walk or fly there, the issue of conspicuousness being at the heart of the matter.

    Jasper noticed that Hanze was talking to Skimro in tones that seemed somewhat urgent, or important. Skimro seemed a little let down or perhaps troubled, Jasper thought.

    Shi’ran had gone off a small ways, so Jasper had to raise his voice just a bit to ensure that he would be heard. “So, what do you think, Shi’ran? On foot, or by flight?” Perhaps he should be asking Shar, but as Shi’ran was the leader, it seemed appropriate to ask him.

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    Juggernaut handed/thrust the contents into Mizuki's arms and sped off full run towards the said location hir lower running as fast as a cheetah. Shi said sorry to those shi surprised but continued and leapt over a moving upright two person hands transported couch.
    Last edited by Black-Cat0001; 08-04-2015 at 06:02 PM.

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    OOC: @Cross Avantgarde @Ranshiin @sunnyside @ELR

    "I have no problem following your lead, Shi'ran," she said with a smile. Shi'ran's attitude towards her may have lightened a bit, but she still didn't get any friendly signals from him. He was an honest creature so regardless of his brashness, she could follow him without complaint. She turned back to Jasper. "I couldn't leave your side yet anyway. I'd be too worried if we split up now."

    Shar wanted them to decide on which mode of transportation they would take into the bizarre to find this robot. She wasn't exactly sure what a robot was. When in the cities, she had heard the word float about but it wasn't ever something she'd gotten a clear answer on. Either way, it seemed that Jasper and Shi'ran knew what they were searching for, so she would inquire about it later.

    Skimro's excitement caught her attention. She was sensing some varying emotions coming from him as he spoke to Hanze. She couldn't hear exactly what they were talking about but the last wave she felt was guilt. She was the type to never doubt a person unless they gave her a reason to. It wasn't reason enough, but she didn't feel very welcomed by this Hanze person from the moment they stepped off the ship. And what was with that girl and having a collar around her neck? She glanced back at the depreciating house in which the one called Skyla had disappeared. It was far so it was faint, but she could somewhat sense the fear coming from inside. Would she have overstepped her some sort of boundaries if she went in there to see if she was alright? Sometimes people found her using her empathy as an invasion of privacy. She didn't want to offend these people whom she barely knew. Self-restraint was a foreign concept to her, but so was a learning environment such as this. She had to be cautious.

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    @Cross Avantgarde @sunnyside @ELR @~Shobu~

    He had expected to be left alone for five/ten minutes but had barely sat when Shar spoke up rather loudly (so everyone heard him) about the matter of the ‘waiver’ and the matter of the ship. By ‘waiver’ he’d meant a pact? What? It took a moment for the Therian to remember that Shar was, well … the familiar of a Pactmaker. Should’ve made sense. He blamed the terminology and his limited experience with them and it made him scowl a bit from his shaded spot against the building.

    ”Pact? Waiver? If you knew you couldn’t really do anything then why did you bring it up?” He thus retorted rather loudly so Shar would hear. Stupid Dog. He then told himself, confined to his thoughts, and took that moment to compose himself. Yes, he had to remember – now wasn’t the time to be an smart aleck. Not now. ”Look, I … ugh, I already told you. Whether it’s safe or not I’m doing whatever I need to do to get this thing your master Sefton wants. Doesn’t matter to me what Jasper and Phoenix do.

    And the ship? …”
    Pause. Red-orange eyes turned in the direction of the ship, almost out-of-view around the side of the building and the dunes of sand and dirt that had almost buried it. Even Jasper wondered … gah. ”… If you’re not going to leave the ship here no matter what, then we might as well all use it to travel to the bazaar. Or at least as close as you think is reasonable. Unless these scavengers are explicitly expecting a Cloudclipper to arrive and know that there will be people sent to barter their robot off of them on said Cloudclipper, then there shouldn’t be anything suspicious if it gets seen?

    Well, unless someone sees it and decides that they want to steal it, but hey – that’s your prerogative for not wanting to leave it here, isn’t it? We’ll use the ship to get as close as you think is reasonable, then we’ll walk the rest of the way.”

    Shar would probably get bothered by his attitude but … he really didn’t want to be the leader despite being the only one with the backbone to do it. Phoenix and Jasper had … well, maybe Shar or Hanze would talk to them like he’d suggested to Hanze to do to try and get them to think for themselves. ”So if you guys could hurry up and get everything packed up so we can get going? Like I said, the longer we’re around here the more time these scavengers have to disappear… and I’m pretty sure Sefton would be pissed if we went back to him empty-handed.” He then called out to try and persuade them. Probably not the best way to go around it, whatever.

    He fell back to his own thoughts after that, watched Phoenix talk with Jasper, Hanze talk with the fat Magitek kid … the Netherkin? Where had the girl gone that he’d asked for water from? He hadn’t seen her leave. Had she gone inside the old building for something? Huh … maybe someone ought to go find her to get her ready to leave. He even thought, perish the thoughts, of going looking for her himself…

    Then another thought hit him … it distracted him near-instantly from Skyla’s disappearance. The ship? There were like … a dozen people there, now. Would it even be able to …?

    ”Wait, Dog? Question … is that Cloudclipper going to even be able to fly with all of us on it? I mean, it barely managed with just us lot in it, not with Sefton’s friends too …”

    Perhaps it would be that Shar and Y’sar would fly the ship to safety and everyone else would be walking …
    : The Game. You just lost it. :

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    Jumping out of bed and slightly away from Kershaw, his vision was still wabbly, did she drug him?

    "What the hell was in that?" He gripped at the wall and stood up the best he could, he avoided looking at her.

    "It was like a twist of nightmare and reality." His mind went to a moment when he was dressed like a woman and prancing around. His cheeks went pink in embarrassment. Telling her was not an option.

    @Ranshiin How about using the ship as the communication base? Total of 4 people: communicator, 2 guards for defense, and a runner in case there is trouble? We can include Shar as a defense, Hanze as the other, and Leopold as runner, with communication as Skimro? @sunnyside @Cross Avantgarde Nah, you did fine, was leaving it up to you if you heard snippets or just saw tones. @~Shobu~ Hey, if you want her to check then go for it, will not stop you.

    She found one that did not wobble when sat upon. Picking it up, she turned around to leave and dropped it from what she saw, covering her mouth so she could not scream very loud, she did not want everyone running in, if the others knew she was not a slave then she would have to leave.

    On the wall was the words 'leave while you can' written in what looked like dried blood, and a handful of bodies laid up against the wall, some topple over, others ripped apart, the sight made tears arise in her eyes. She wanted to throw up.

    Picking up his bag, he walked over to the group, whistling hard so Sone and Leopold could hear.

    "So, looks like the ship is small, and from what it sounds like, not stable. Want my opinion 'boss'?" The last part of the sentence came out slightly forced, he was not used to calling others boss. HE was boss.

    Two more tweaks and the communicator was back online. He quickly packed it up and stuffed all his stuff in his bag, some of the papers were crushed but he had no time to think about that. He quickly marched over to Jasper with his big bag on his back. "Hey, can I... t-talk with you a-about something im-m-mportant?" His eyes could not look at either the woman-Fefe he think she said her name was- or Jasper. "Will o-only take a m-minute. Will b-be done b-before they are."

    She gripped the chair and closed her eyes and walked out of the room, breathing minimally, and wiped her eyes dry. She was not going to ruin everything just because of something dead.

    But her mind wet back to her fathers warning of something being in here.

    Picking up the chair she almost dashed out of the building, tripping over something on her way out, the chair thudding just outside of the door.

    Play time was over and Leopold was sad about that. He was enjoying playing with Sone. But they heard the whistle and put them away and started back towards the group. Maybe they would have time to jam again later.
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    OOC: @ELR @Cross Avantgarde @Ranshiin @sunnyside

    Shi'ran was really pushing that they move forward with the task at hand. She agreed. The longer they stayed put, if this robot was so important, it could already be hunted down by these scavengers. Skimro then came over. You didn't need to be empathetic to know that he was nervous about something. He couldn't even meet her eyes. Lucky for him, Skyla's fear hit a pitch. She didn't know what he had wanted to Jasper about, but it was obvious he didn't want to say it with her around.

    "You two have your chat. I'll be back in a jiff." She said, pretending not to notice Skimro's stuttering. She jogged towards the building. Shi'ran probably would have yelled at her for stalling if he wasn't preoccupied with speaking to Shar.

    As she she drew closer to the building, she heard a crash and a chair came tumbling out of the door. Worried, she then broke into a sprint. The girl's name was Skyla, if she remembered correctly. She was so briefly introduced that it nearly escaped Phoenix's attention.

    "Skyla! Are you alright?" She called, leaping over the chair. The outside of the building was nothing compared to the inside. Not only was it deteriorating, it was a scene you'd find in horror novels. It was dark so she couldn't see exactly what Skyla had tripped over. She walked in and held her hand out. "Here, let me help you up."

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    @ELR @~Shobu~

    @ELR the ship isn’t mine, so I don’t really care. It’s up to you or sunny how to deal with that thing, Shi’ran doesn’t care either, he’d be as happy walking for an hour to the city ruins and taking up camp somewhere as he would using the ship as a camp-site. To be honest though the ship is quite small and cramped, so he’d probably lean more towards the former. Hence this post that’s directed just towards Hanze and ‘the commotion’;

    Whilst waiting for an answer from Shar about the problem with the ship’s size and capability Hanze spoke up to get his attention on it; Shi’ran wanted to just nap for ten minutes, bah … were Wanderlusters always so unpredictable and spontaneous? Maybe he was overreacting …… Hanze’s tone didn’t sit with him very well, though, and he ended up giving an answer that was more blunt than was intended;

    ”… Please don’t call me ‘boss’ … I’m only taking initiative because the Dog is demanding I do so.” He frowned too at Hanze; evidently the man was as displeased with calling him that as he was with being called it. ”But, sure … what’s your opinion?”

    There was then a loud clattering from inside the abandoned building; a chair toppled out from inside and both caught his attention. Probably caught Hanze’s too, he didn’t care, but it equal-parts intrigued and confused him? Someone was--… it had to be that collared girl. Though not particularly startled he did nonetheless pull himself up from sitting to standing; he did that simply out of a means of self-defence. He didn’t know what was going on and thus it was better he be stood in the event that he needed to move.

    ”… The hell was that?” He asked, moments before seeing Phoenix take initiative in dashing inside to go see what had happened. Well … he let her do that, then. Not like he’d have gone in to check himself if she hadn’t.
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    @ELR @~Shobu~ @sunnyside @Ranshiin

    Moving out soon made sense, as Shi’ran had explained. Strangely enough, Jasper had not even thought to consider how many people the Cloudclipper could carry. It seemed that they might be travelling on foot after all, but the option was certainly more covert than approaching by air. Maybe it was the best way, after all. Jasper smiled a bit at hearing Hanze’s forced “boss” being directed at Shi’ran.

    Phoenix’s comment about not leaving his side made Jasper hate the idea of separating from her all the more. He hoped they stayed together as long as possible. Jasper was unaware of how empathetic Phoenix was, despite the fact that she had been picking up on emotions from others for so long. He didn’t know she was troubled by what she was sensing from the building, or how obvious his own enchantment with her was.

    Skimro came up to Jasper and seemed anxious to talk to him. “Yeah, of course. You can talk to me anytime. What’s up?” Phoenix granted them privacy, and Jasper started to realize just how keen she was at picking up others’ emotions and feelings. She probably knew that Skimro wanted to talk in private before he even spoke.

    Phoenix went to the building in which Skyla had disappeared, and Jasper was almost sure that he heard a noise come from the building before Phoenix went off to go inside. His suspicion was correct, given Shi’ran’s comment. Obviously, he’d heard it as well. There were no screams, so it seemed all was well. Even so, Jasper focused a great deal of attention on the building so as to ensure that nothing happened without him noticing—hopefully.

    Feeling that perhaps it was just the sound of something falling over and that Phoenix would’ve called out if Skyla needed help, Jasper smiled at Skimro and said, “Is something wrong, Skimro? You look worried.”

    It was odd to be asking such a question. Just before they exited the ship, Jasper himself was worried at what they might find in this place.

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    He jumped off of the bed and tumbled down, he was still disorientated. "What was that?" He had issues focusing his eyes. He never wanted to drink coffee again. EVER!

    And him dressed as a girl? It seemed like a nightmare all in on itself.

    Then there was the fact his mind was going faster than usual, it was hurting his head. Compounds, bindings of equilibrium of some type of material his brain could not comprehend, kinetics, and it went on and on in the background.

    "Whatever coffee is, I never want it again." Physically, he was shaking slightly.

    @Ranshiin @~Shobu~ @Cross Avantgarde @sunnyside

    She took her hand and hugged the girl, she had forgotten her name, but her mind went elsewhere. 'If there is dead, then the dead is there. If the dead is there, then there is dead who can speak. If the dead speak, I am a goner.' Her heart was leaping in her throat as she thought this, the thought of accidentally telepathically allowing Phoenix to hear it did not once occur to her. Not once did she think that Phoenix could figure out not only her culture but possibly even that the collar was fake.

    Her body trembled from her fear, but her mind slowly came to sense that she had to stop being scared, she had to play her role of a slave. She pulled back an kept her eyes closed, her lower lip would not stop quivering though. "Th-thank you..." She stepped carefully around her and picked up the chair. "No one had ever came to help me before, I really do appreciate it. Unless it was for their benefit, that is." She opened her eyes, looking her directly in the eye, begging in her head not to see anything that was not suppose to be there. The only thing there she did see was her mother who looked concern and then the girl who helped her.

    She worried about nothing. She felt silly for having done so.

    She turned and exited the building and sat the chair down close to Voth, then removed the tea bag from the cup and handed it to him. "Here you go, I hope you enjoy." She quickly walked away, almost walking into the girl. "Sorry.." She lowered her head even lower.

    He nodded to Phoenix as she left and looked directly at Jasper, pulling him to the side, far enough that no one could hear him whisper. "So, here is what I owe you." He pulled out the container of promethium, many labels warning on use, caution of risks of use. This was the one thing he always wanted to have. "It is slightly more than what you asked for but when I found it, I just spent all I had to get it, plus, the guy who had it thought it was some other organic substance." He puffed out his chest in victory.

    But then seeing Hanze reminded him he had something of great importance to tell him about. "So... On to business." He took a deep breathe and lowered his eyes. "It is about Skyla." He swallowed hard. "Boss wants to find her a safe place to hide. We have been chased by a group of Netherkin that wish him dead, and if she is with us then she would be killed in the process as well."

    He started wrapping his hands around each other, his nerves were high, this was not his to tell, why did he have to go and tell him her history? "When she was younger, her whole family was killed, she saw the aftermath, her mother sacrificed herself to keep her safe." Scuffing his foot, he added the most important part. "She is not a full blooded Celestial."

    He like this kid more and more, but who did he remind him of? "My suggestion is slightly complicated to keep up with, so if you like notes-" and he hoped he didn't, "-or just listen an absorb."

    He pulled out a map and flattened it out for them both to see, then pointed to a somewhat large building noticeable from the map. "So, this is the building we are at now." He moved his finger slightly northwest and stopped. "About here is the bazaar." Then he scooted his finger in the complete opposite direction and landed on a mountain side. "Right here is where the group should be with the robot." He left it open for the dragon to use.

    "My suggestion is this: Communication group stays on ship, that will relieve Shar of worries of it being taken over. Communication being one of the Magitechs-" he pointed at Skimro and Jasper, "-two muscles, possibly Shar and I, and then a runner. My fastest is Leopold, I would use him. If you make use Skimro for processing the communication device instead of yours, that leaves your whole group to stay together and with Voth. Suggestion: Bazaar, going there first means intel and chance for materials and cash that we will need for inside of the mountain, IF they are still inside there."

    Readjusting his bag, he looked directly into Shi'ran's eyes, he made sure he was relaying this correctly. "Though finding stuff fast is a great thing, being prepared is another. I have Sone go into places for information, he plays music, and sometimes dances, he tends to get a mixture of information and change for his entertainment, you would be surprised at how many of them are down in the dumps and wish for any type of entertainment other than downing drinks and such." He chuckled. "I also suggest, if going to the bazaar first, going in as small groups, minimal interaction with each other except through the devices. Skimro has those right now so as soon as you have a plan he will hand them out."
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    @Ranshiin @~Shobu~ @Cross Avantgarde and @ELR

    Shar paused a moment. Still bothered by having to deal with this. "Well, Dragon, the Cloudclipper is meant to comfortably hold twelve people. Weight isn't much of an issue for short hops like this. Also you do keep lugging that board around, if you think it can hold together for any distance You could always just head out in that and I fly the others. "

    Shar stares at the map. If they have an idea where in the wide ruins of Tierce the scavengers are than just going to the point could get all this taken care of quickly. But, Shar thought, they may have a point on getting informed some first and it seems like there are some weird dynamics in this group that might pose a problem. Without bothering to announce it Shar slipped back into Observation mode.

    Voth had simply been standing in a wide stance for a while. As the stool and tea are finally delivered he smiles down at them happily, though he doesn't say anything. He mostly just seems happy about having the thing delivered. After a few moments he seems to decide he ought to actually use the stool if it's been brought, so he slowly and carefully sits down. At the stuff on his back under his cloak shifting and bumping together as he does so.

  25. #500
    how 2 u sociul plz? Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin has a reputation beyond repute Ranshiin's Avatar
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    Default Re: RPG: The School of Seven Towers

    @ELR @sunnyside @~Shobu~

    Bemused, Shi’ran watched on as Skyla burst out of the abandoned building and seemed to be consoled by Phoenix … he stayed where he was and didn’t approach, since he didn’t really have any desire or need to do so. She looked like she had seen a ghost … huh. Wouldn’t have surprised him if someone had died in there.

    Hanze got his attention back and he was quick to disregard the matter in favour of giving the man his attention. Complicated? He’d be the judge of that, and he went as far as to wander across to where Hanze actually was in order to study this map that was used to show the area – he even crouched to kneel and examine it closer and to follow Hanze’s finger across the diagrams.

    … Ugh, this is so complicated and irksome! Shi’ran cursed in his thoughts, because he couldn’t understand why these people couldn’t have had a plan already set for him to follow. They could’ve been half-way to the bazaar by then had they not needed to pootle about figuring out who goes where! But perhaps there was a reason; perhaps it was because they had expected other people – because Phoenix and Jasper didn’t seem very reliable? That was just his opinion; he wasn’t belittling them.

    The dragon-Therian thought over the suggestion Hanze gave him whilst the noise around them told of everyone else getting ready – the guitar-playing guy seemed notably annoyed. He leaned back on his knees and mused rather audibly, with a finger on his chin rubbing at it. Finally, there came an answer. ”… You know what you’re talking about, so I’ll just go with your suggestion. Like I said, you should talk with Shar about persuading Jasper and the girl to go--… uh … Jasper is the Magitek kid your guy seems to know.” He paused to add that in, for clarification. ”I don’t know if they would be better-off staying on the ship or not. I ask though … why do you say ‘muscle’ and a ‘runner’? I presume in case the ship is attacked, or someone needs to find us if something goes wrong?”

    He just wanted to make sure he understood; Shar interjected about his attitude about the ship and his Hoverboard, and the Therian just turned his eyes towards the small canine and glared. ”If you want to deal with what Sefton makes of it if I get killed because of your negligence? Then sure, I’ll go off by myself into some place I’ve no knowledge of negotiating or of what to expect. He retorted with a quiet, dark and snarky tone, very blunt and honest too. He didn’t expect an answer; he wouldn’t take it any further if there was one, he had made his point and his eyes turned back to Hanze in order to obtain the final word about who would be going and whatnot.

    Him and Shar were the ones insisting on a buddy-system, after all.

    (( Shi'ran and Shar do not get along at all, heh ... ))
    : The Game. You just lost it. :

    My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.

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