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Thread: [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

  1. #1
    Junior Member John Hark is on a distinguished road John Hark's Avatar
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    Default [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

    Hi, my name is John and i just registered here today hoping for someone to help me translate a vocal song called Amitie's Theme from Puyo Puyo Vocal Tracks(Vocalized soundtrack game character theme) to an English lyrics, apparently, this song doesn't have much popularity and unfortunately i couldn't find the lyrics anywhere, the song itself does not have any written words but rather an Audio CD, and i'm not good at writing Romaji letters, That's why i'll show you the video below to hear the song(which i think will be harder for you than Reading), i know i'm asking too much but this is the only Formus i can ask for it, i will appreciate your work and you don't have to translate everything 100% accurate/literally, as far as you can get is fine, here's the video:
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    Note: you don't have to translate Puyo :)
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

    The lyrics have been written down, and I was able to find them quite easily on Japanese Google. I might try to translate it a bit later. Here are the lyrics, in case some other translator wants to pick it up.

    Her Dream is To Be a Fantastic Sorceress

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つ つなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ
    ぷよを つなげて けそうー

    ちょっと おちこむことなんて だれでもあるよ
    夢を追いかけていると 時にはそうなるよ

    だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ
    かなえられるよーって (じぶんに)言い聞かそう

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つつなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ ぷよぷよ

    ただひたすら ぷよぷよを ぷよぷよを けしていると
    なぜか えがおになるよ
    いつだって わすれないで えがおがたいせつ だってことを
    どりょくすれば かなうよ ゆめをかーーなーえーーようー

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つ つなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ
    ぷよを つなげて けそうー

    ちょっと おちこむことなんて だれでもあるよ
    夢を追いかけていると 時にはそうなるよ

    だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ
    かなえられるよーって (じぶんに)言い聞かそう

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つつなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ ぷよぷよ

    ただひたすら ぷよぷよを ぷよぷよを けしていると
    なぜか えがおになるよ
    いつだって わすれないで えがおがたいせつ だってことを
    どりょくすれば かなうよ ゆめをかーーなーえーーようー

    ららららん らららん らららんららら
    ららららん ららららん らんらん ららら
    どりょくすればかなうよ ゆめをかーーなーえーーようー

    つーらいこともあるけれど まけないでー
    だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ

    ぷよぷよ ぷよっ☆

  3. #3
    Junior Member John Hark is on a distinguished road John Hark's Avatar
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    Default Re: [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

    Quote Originally Posted by Grain View Post
    The lyrics have been written down, and I was able to find them quite easily on Japanese Google. I might try to translate it a bit later. Here are the lyrics, in case some other translator wants to pick it up.

    Her Dream is To Be a Fantastic Sorceress

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つ つなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ
    ぷよを つなげて けそうー

    ちょっと おちこむことなんて だれでもあるよ
    夢を追いかけていると 時にはそうなるよ

    だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ
    かなえられるよーって (じぶんに)言い聞かそう

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つつなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ ぷよぷよ

    ただひたすら ぷよぷよを ぷよぷよを けしていると
    なぜか えがおになるよ
    いつだって わすれないで えがおがたいせつ だってことを
    どりょくすれば かなうよ ゆめをかーーなーえーーようー

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つ つなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ
    ぷよを つなげて けそうー

    ちょっと おちこむことなんて だれでもあるよ
    夢を追いかけていると 時にはそうなるよ

    だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ
    かなえられるよーって (じぶんに)言い聞かそう

    ぷよぷよ つなげて けそうよ
    そう 4つつなげて
    ぷよぷよ ぷよ ぷよぷよ ぷよぷよ

    ただひたすら ぷよぷよを ぷよぷよを けしていると
    なぜか えがおになるよ
    いつだって わすれないで えがおがたいせつ だってことを
    どりょくすれば かなうよ ゆめをかーーなーえーーようー

    ららららん らららん らららんららら
    ららららん ららららん らんらん ららら
    どりょくすればかなうよ ゆめをかーーなーえーーようー

    つーらいこともあるけれど まけないでー
    だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ だいじょうぶ

    ぷよぷよ ぷよっ☆
    Wow!! you're Amazing Grain!!! you did a great job bringing the whole lyrics by just typing it in Japanese Google! and yeah goes without saying Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart . now i can benefit from this alone but still i'm no good at translating things, even Google Translate can't do any better though if anyone here can translate the whole thing i would really really appreciate it and thanks again
    Last edited by John Hark; 08-25-2014 at 02:29 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo
    Puyo wo tsunagete kesou—

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo.
    Let's connect and pop the puyos!

    Chotto ochikomu koto nante dare demo aru yo
    Yume wo oikaketeiru to toki ni wa sou naru yo

    Everyone has things that make them feel a bit down.
    If you're chasing your dreams, it happens sometimes.

    Daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu
    Kanaerareru yo tte iikasou

    It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
    Let's tell them, "You can make your dreams come true."

    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo puyopuyo

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo PuyoPuyo!

    Tada hitasura puyopuyo wo puyopuyo wo keshiteiru to
    Nazeka egao ni naru yo
    Itsudatte wasurenaide egao ga taisetsu datte koto wo
    Doryoku sureba kanau yo yume wo ka—na—e—you—

    Somehow, just diligently popping the PuyoPuyos, the PuyoPuyos
    Makes you smile.
    Never forget that smiles are important things.
    If you try hard, your dream will come true. Let's make our dreams come true!!!

    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo
    Puyo wo tsunagete kesou—

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo.
    Let's connect and pop the puyos!

    Chotto ochikomu koto nante dare demo aru yo
    Yume wo oikaketeiru to toki ni wa sou naru yo

    Everyone has things that make them feel a bit down.
    If you're chasing your dreams, it happens sometimes.

    Daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu
    Kanaerareru yo tte iikasou

    It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
    Let's tell them, "You can make your dreams come true."

    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo puyopuyo

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo PuyoPuyo!

    Tada hitasura puyopuyo wo puyopuyo wo keshiteiru to
    Nazeka egao ni naru yo
    Itsudatte wasurenaide egao ga taisetsu datte koto wo
    Doryoku sureba kanau yo yume wo ka—na—e—you—

    Somehow, just diligently popping the PuyoPuyos, the PuyoPuyos
    Makes you smile.
    Never forget that smiles are important things.
    If you try hard, your dream will come true. Let's make our dreams come true!!!

    Rarararan Rararan Rararanrarara
    Rarararan Rarararan Ranran Rarara
    Doryoku sureba kanau yo yume wo ka—na—e—you—

    Rarararan Rararan Rararanrarara
    Rarararan Rarararan Ranran Rarara
    If you try hard, your dream will come true. Let's make our dreams come true!!!

    Tsu—rai koto mo aru keredo makenaide—
    Daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu
    Jibun wo shinjite

    Though there are painful things, don't give up.
    It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
    Believe in yourself.

    PuyoPuyo Puyo☆

    PuyoPuyo Puyo☆
    Last edited by Grain; 08-25-2014 at 02:28 PM.

  5. #5
    Junior Member John Hark is on a distinguished road John Hark's Avatar
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    Default Re: [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

    Quote Originally Posted by Grain View Post
    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo
    Puyo wo tsunagete kesou—

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo.
    Let's connect and pop the puyos!

    Chotto ochikomu koto nante dare demo aru yo
    Yume wo oikaketeiru to toki ni wa sou naru yo

    Everyone has things that make them feel a bit down.
    If you're chasing your dreams, it happens sometimes.

    Daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu
    Kanaerareru yo tte iikasou

    It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
    Let's tell them, "You can make your dreams come true."

    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo puyopuyo

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo PuyoPuyo!

    Tada hitasura puyopuyo wo puyopuyo wo keshiteiru to
    Nazeka egao ni naru yo
    Itsudatte wasurenaide egao ga taisetsu datte koto wo
    Doryoku sureba kanau yo yume wo ka—na—e—you—

    Somehow, just diligently popping the PuyoPuyos, the PuyoPuyos
    Makes you smile.
    Never forget that smiles are important things.
    If you try hard, your dream will come true. Let's make our dreams come true!!!

    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo
    Puyo wo tsunagete kesou—

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo.
    Let's connect and pop the puyos!

    Chotto ochikomu koto nante dare demo aru yo
    Yume wo oikaketeiru to toki ni wa sou naru yo

    Everyone has things that make them feel a bit down.
    If you're chasing your dreams, it happens sometimes.

    Daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu
    Kanaerareru yo tte iikasou

    It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
    Let's tell them, "You can make your dreams come true."

    Puyopuyo tsunagete kesou yo
    Sou yottsu tsunagete
    Puyopuyo puyo puyopuyo puyopuyo

    PuyoPuyo, Let's connect and pop them!
    Yes, connect four.
    PuyoPuyo Puyo PuyoPuyo PuyoPuyo!

    Tada hitasura puyopuyo wo puyopuyo wo keshiteiru to
    Nazeka egao ni naru yo
    Itsudatte wasurenaide egao ga taisetsu datte koto wo
    Doryoku sureba kanau yo yume wo ka—na—e—you—

    Somehow, just diligently popping the PuyoPuyos, the PuyoPuyos
    Makes you smile.
    Never forget that smiles are important things.
    If you try hard, your dream will come true. Let's make our dreams come true!!!

    Rarararan Rararan Rararanrarara
    Rarararan Rarararan Ranran Rarara
    Doryoku sureba kanau yo yume wo ka—na—e—you—

    Rarararan Rararan Rararanrarara
    Rarararan Rarararan Ranran Rarara
    If you try hard, your dream will come true. Let's make our dreams come true!!!

    Tsu—rai koto mo aru keredo makenaide—
    Daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu
    Jibun wo shinjite

    Though there are painful things, don't give up.
    It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
    Believe in yourself.

    PuyoPuyo Puyo☆

    PuyoPuyo Puyo☆
    Grain!!! you never cease to amaze me! That's astonishing! you didn't just translate it but made it 100% accurate, synchronized and easy to understand. Thanks again! from now on you'll be my best friend! i'm sorry i made you tired, i think i was a bit selfish but you made me more than glad, keep up your good work buddy

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    AnimeLyrics Submitter Lv 2
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    Default Re: [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

    You're welcome. The song was very simple. It's the fastest translation I've ever done.

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    Default Re: [REQ] Puyo Puyo Vocals: Amitie's Theme

    Quote Originally Posted by Grain View Post
    You're welcome. The song was very simple. It's the fastest translation I've ever done.
    LOL, yeah i could see that and i admire your skills, i take it you were a student in japanese language school, you must be proud :P

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