What advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago? What words of motivation, or harsh realities would you unveil to them? Tell me AF.
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What advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago? What words of motivation, or harsh realities would you unveil to them? Tell me AF.
Stay in school, play sports, eat better and exercise more.
As the great warrior-poet Ice Cube once said, "If the day does not require an AK, it is good".
I was a heavy-set child, I ended up losing 100 lbs and being uber thin, then I got put on a medication for schizophrenia which made me gain most of the weight back. I'd tell myself not to start taking my medication or eating a lot in the beginning. What else...perhaps learning to play guitar earlier, etc
"Talk to more people... Don't be shy, you'll like talking later on so you might as well start now and gain more connections for later. Also talk more with your grandfather! Take pictures with him too, you won't have any recent pictures together; only pictures of when you were a kid."
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I wouldn't tell myself anything, because then I wouldn't have those problems now, so then I wouldn't be able to give my younger self advice, so then I would still be as I am now, etc. Causing a time paradox wouldn't be fun.
My mood on a daily basis
hmmmm... i was 12 at the time.
Yo, lil me!
When you meet rose, just walk away. She may be the first girl to let you grab some boob, and she may also be the first to give you dome. But in 2 years she will also go completely apes**t for reasons i still don't understand and chase you through the mall with a very large knife (true story). Just go for Christie. She looks better, she likes you, and (as it turn out) is even more open minding and eager to experiment.
In 3 years, when you're deciding between a Built 92 Prelude and a Stock 87 Bronco, get the bronco. It'll be more fun.
Most importantly, When you're 19 and NAU offers you the full scholarship, don't tell them to eff off and then join the Navy. Stay in school and take advantage of that opportunity. Should you decide to still join the navy, don't join the nuke program. Whatever you do, DO NOT JOIN THE NUCLEAR PROGRAM!
oh, and when your sister throws that pie in your face while you're playing dark souls and you lose to that boss again, just chill. You'll beat him on your next attempt.
Besides that, Tanya, Erin, Brianna, Trysten, Jessica, the other Jessica, the third Jessica, Amy, Shannon, and Erica are all DTF. Hit em all and make me proud to call you me.
Hmmm... Been a whileSit back some time and simply ask yourself, [Link]->"Do you even lift, bro?"<-[Link]
Dear Johnny,
Do NOT join the army. You will be prompted to join because of Call of Duty, basically all the wrong reasons to make on such an important decision. Only good thing you'll get out of it, is being faster than everyone else for some reason. The timing was off and college is a much better choice in your situation. Spend more time with your friends, because they will drift away from your life. If you don't listen to me Johnny, you will end up with social anxiety disorder and want nothing more out of life.
I haven't really changed in 10 years though.
hmm.. Dear Fourteen Year Old Me:
look forward to a lonely existence where you are rejected by every woman you ever approach (except for one who breaks your heart), not having any friends and feeling completely isolated from the rest of humanity. so basically, keep doing what you're doing. sincerely, me.
p.s. get that left testicle checked out before the cancer spreads into your lower abdomen. and talk to an addictionologist, the painkillers will only make things worse in the long run.
Last edited by Sympathy; 08-19-2014 at 05:51 AM.
It's a cute question but at the same time, If I told myself not to make the mistakes I made when I was a kid or not feel the hurt or pain of a relationship by avoiding it, then how will I ever learn in the first place? I remember there was a time when I was the school counselor for my school. I was so enveloped in other kids problems and talking to them about it but.... there was one thing I could never talk to them about: relationships. I had never been on a date and my lips were still very virgin that senior year. Every time I tried to talk to them about it I always got the same thing; "You just don't understand, Curtis. You haven't been with anyone and you wouldn't understand the pain and joys that come with it."
That same year I started dating and then I got it. Relationships are complicated and amazing but they are a two edged sword. They can lift you up and throw you down but I would have never understood that without being hurt.
Thus is life. "If life is not beautiful without the pain, Well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again. Well as life gets longer, awful feels softer. And it feels pretty soft to me"- modest mouse. Lyrics that really spoke to me that you need to get hurt sometimes if you want to learn and grow.
So would I tell myself something ten years ago? No. I would say go out there and get hurt but don't hold grudges against the people that do hurt you on the way. Forgive, don't forget, and let go.
Last edited by International 4-8818; 08-19-2014 at 11:50 AM.
I'd have told myself to take college more seriously and to hang out with my friends more instead of hiding in the corner browsing AF and Godfart. I let myself down, and I've lost contact with most of those friends too.
I'd also have told myself to hang out with my grandparents more. Really.
Hindsight is a cruel thing. Maybe I wouldn't have been in the situation I am now where everything is pretty good home and money-wise, but I probably would have been happier.
Last edited by Ranshiin; 08-19-2014 at 11:50 AM.
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
Don't get a Facebook until you're like 27, okay? Also, you should get that mullet-bs away
Originally Posted by horrendous
- Don't date that guy. Just don't do it.
- Stop caring about what insignificant people think of you
- You're going to be alone for a long time, just get used to it.
You know that 'Evangelion' show all the nerds talk about? You should watch it. Seriously. And if possible, spend more time with Uncle Wezz. And yes, 'just one time' DOES matter so be smarter about it....
Be happy, go after your dreams and don't let others ruin your goals.
~Hugging is a heart touching each other.~
Workout sooner and probably a list of situations to handle differently.
Get a job early and move out.
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Dunno truth be told what I'd tell myself....
Would I tell myself to deal with the people who bullied me?
Would I say to go and do something else instead of playing video games?
Would I suggest to ask someone I liked out from that time?
Would I suggest the idea to get some small time work and go from there?
Then again having these things have helped to shape me who I am today and I wonder if I'd still be the same person now if I did change the past? Truthfully speaking no I wouldn't change them for the simple matter that they happened for a reason, and if they didn't happen then, then they'd only occur somewhere else further down the road of life.
Do not ride your bicycle on 24th June 2004.
I rarely post, yo.
10 years ago.....
I would have been 15.
1.) You can never capture the heart of a gay man, let him go and save your self some serious heart break.
2.) Go into social services, ...its not ideal, but the abuse at home is going to get a lot worse , this will save you some permanent broken bones. You'll end up in social services anyway.
3.) Be careful who you trust.
4.) Blood is no thicker than water.
don't be such a pussy, young Tony. stand up for yourself when people start bitching at you for no reason. trust me, you get better results than standing there and taking it.
Sleep 8 hours every night and eat healthy food.
Hey look, Japan made a movie about me!
"Kill a man, one is a murderer. Kill a million, a conqueror. Kill them all, a god."
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