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Astral_Mage - Younger Brother/Confetti Brother
horrendous - Older Brother
1nterest1ng - Confetti Brother
World of Warcraft...
Mass Effect 2: Finished ME 1 like a week ago in like 2 days. I'm probably around 25% done with ME2.
Last edited by KyouFalls; 03-02-2014 at 07:19 AM.
Almost done with South Park.
Hopefully I will get Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z soon.
Dark Souls: Sen's Fortress + alcohol = a bad time.
Mass Effect 2: Grooming a character for Mass Effect 3.
Might fire up some World of Warcraft later. I'm seriously considering buying this game.
So my friends talked me into downloading Civilization: Revolution for xbox since it's free at the moment. I deleted my BF3 content to make room to get it. After owning it for 2 hours, I deleted it. I played one match with my buds, only to be humiliated by not just two of my friends, but also the damn computer. This is why I hate strategy games. The End.
Pokemon Black![]()
He's just a dandy guy, in space.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Pavé is creepy.
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
Playing GTAV a bit, trying to hit lvl 100.
Record of Agarest War reminds me of how bad I am at tactics games, yet I still play it.![]()
just cause 2
Titanfall anyone?
Playing Carmageddon: Reincarnation. Because I PAID FOR THAT EARLY EARLY ACCESS DAGNABBIT. :3
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
i'm playing a game that you're about to hear of for the first time. it's called Soldier Front 2 for PC, its a f2p mmofps. most f2p's are trash but i like this one.
I finished Hotline Miami. Now I'm awaiting Hotline Miami 2
otherwise I'm playing dota2, and heart of the swarm campaign
More Carmageddon: Reincarnation.
Someone's gotta pound those puppies with a hammer, man.
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
I'm playing through Borderlands 2 again with a friend. That game never gets old! NEVER.
Im playing Hatsune Miku Project Diva f
Right now I'm playing Turok: Evolution, Starfox Adventures. just finished Gun
Dark Souls: Not sure if I wanna continue with my lvl 60ish Wanderer, or try my luck with this lvl 4 Pyromancer that I'm loving.
Pokemon Y: Started a new playthrough. I don't have the perfectly breeded Machop my friend traded me, but I'm ok with a challenge and learning stuff for myself.
Metal Gear Rising: Jetstream Sam DLC: Armstrong is much more annoying this time around.
No power in the 'verse can stop me...
I was playing inFAMOUS Second Son, but I finished it. So damn short but so damn good!
I'll probably try to finish Thief now.
Astral_Mage - Younger Brother/Confetti Brother
horrendous - Older Brother
1nterest1ng - Confetti Brother
Titanfall (X1): I actually like this one. Why do people hate on it again?
Garden Warfare (X1): This game is actually really fun o_O.. didn't expect to enjoy it this much.
Killer Instinct (X1): My least favorite of the three. I'm a big fighting game fan, but this one in my opinion is lackluster.
Nonon Jakuzure - Best Kill la Kill baePretty damn great! #spoke2soonOta "The Cutest Otaku" 2016 - Lol, how's your account doing lately? Oh wait.
J-Stars Victory VS. (online matches) like all the cool kids should be doing.
Carmageddon: Reincarnation
My ped-kill run failed because the game broke. Boo.
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
Lack of: availability on PS4, private lobbies, and single player campaign, mostly. Also the most hilarious argument against it, "It's just Call of Duty with robots." And that's a bad thing how...?
On topic:
More Dark Souls: Experimenting with Sorcerer, Cleric, Bandit and Thief builds.
Bravely Default: Still just the demo, but I am hooked on this. Raising job levels mostly.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: Last tier missions are going by pretty well. Now the DLC missions on the other hand...
Last edited by Velvet_Nightmare; 03-23-2014 at 03:29 AM.
No power in the 'verse can stop me...
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