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Astral_Mage - Younger Brother/Confetti Brother
horrendous - Older Brother
1nterest1ng - Confetti Brother
it's a single player MMO with MMO only in its name.
Graphic is average (hell, even Oblivion has better graphic imo), generic story, gameplay is kinda average too ( there's some sneaking option, but it doesn't do much; skill variations sounds interesting, maybe they get better at higher lvls; crafting is such a grind with scarse gathering spots; open world resources (ores, chests, and such) are shared between players - first-come-first-serve; most npc are kinda instanced (you don't see them the same way your friends will, kinda lame party play :/ ... no underwater content too :/ )
meh, I give them less than a year for turning f2p ...
Last edited by wizz-o-matic; 02-10-2014 at 02:25 PM.
Isn't ESO still in beta...?
Ontopic: Borrowed Black Ops 2 from a friend, also playing some Bravely Default demo.
Dangan Ronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Mass Effect. Having some fun with Wrex and Tali.
Fallout: New Vegas. Katniss Everderp is currently debating on the fate of Goodsprings...
Dark Soul:. Sen's Fortress [and ALL of Catherine] is what I imagine my personal hell to be like...
Finished playing Skyrim. Again.
I always say I won't play it again but I do. I always bloody do.
Finished Mass Effect 1 [FINALLY], currently grooming a character to import into Mass Effect 2 which I just bought today...
Also, drunken fun with Burnout: Revenge against an awesome friend of mine <3
As of right this moment I'm playing the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix on Proud Mode.
Every few weeks or so I have to get my KH fix.![]()
A mix of Animal Crossing (I'm too lazy to go bug-catching), and Dirt 3.
My friend finally got hold of my GOTY edition so now I can FINALLY work on all the DLC achievements yehz...
Someone needs to make a meme at how bad my luck at Snowman Bingo is.
Last edited by Ranshiin; 02-19-2014 at 09:16 AM.
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
Dragons of Atlantis: Heirs of The Dragon
its only the hardest of the most hardcore hardest of hardly hardy har hard games for the manliest of mankind's manly manny man men. 'sall co-sure if ya'll kaint handle it righ naaaaoo... ya' jus stoppin stair az'ai zone'aut!
Hmmm... Been a whileSit back some time and simply ask yourself, [Link]->"Do you even lift, bro?"<-[Link]
On the 5th case of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Planning to move right to game 2: "Justice for All" and then pick back up on case 4 of game 3. Seriously loving how the stories unfold and gets more engrossing like a novel. I'd so love to see it become an anime.
Last of Us online....while waiting for Symphonia Chronicles
A combination of Dirt 3 and Borderlands 2.
Had a lolz session on Blur on Saturday too. My god the game is still hilarious to play if you can get four or five friends together:
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
Metal Gear Rising: Trying to get used to Jetstream Sam's moveset.
Grand Theft Auto V: Missions and lulz, as always.
Black Ops 2 multiplayer throw in for good measure.
South Park: Stick of Truth
Astral_Mage - Younger Brother/Confetti Brother
horrendous - Older Brother
1nterest1ng - Confetti Brother
Astral_Mage - Younger Brother/Confetti Brother
horrendous - Older Brother
1nterest1ng - Confetti Brother
Final Fantasy 13: Lightning Returns.
How ironic. The end is truly here! Being my last 360 game and all before I get my X1.
Nonon Jakuzure - Best Kill la Kill baePretty damn great! #spoke2soonOta "The Cutest Otaku" 2016 - Lol, how's your account doing lately? Oh wait.
Astral_Mage - Younger Brother/Confetti Brother
horrendous - Older Brother
1nterest1ng - Confetti Brother
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