I will tell you once more;★YAOI WARNING★ c:
**Don't worry; there is nothing to gross**
♡Naruto's P.O.V♡
As I walk walk through the snow; I couldn't stop thinking about HIM. C'mon Naruto;you're better off without him. I stopped, knowing that I was wrong,very wrong. Kakashi stopped, and stared at me. "You okay, Naruto?" "Yes,of course" I replied softly. "You know what, I'm just going to clear my head, for a bit." And I walked away. Kakashi gave a concerned glance to Yamato; Yamato just shrugged and mouthed "Just let him. Kakashi gave a slight nod.
As I walked,I felt like someone was behind me, I know I was just crazy though. This went on for a while; I still feel like someone is behind me. I turned quickly, and saw Sasuke.
"S-s-sasuke?" I stuttered. "Shhhhh." He whispered, wrapping me around his embrace.