Will it matter?
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Will it matter?
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
Remember, Remember the 5th of November.
No because it won't happen. Just like it hasn't happened since 2010 when it was supposed to originally. Just wait and see. They putt around until they have to get something done, then vote to postpone said shutdown.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
This time if we have to rebuild no income tax. That's all I'm saying. The founding fathers all had day jobs and people we elect spend more running than they get paid for the job anyway.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
Of course, and if you follow Asimov's psychohistory, you find that you can predict the future. The downfall won't happen over night, but over time from constant postponing because no one has the balls to do anything worth a damn, even though everyone agrees one what to be down.
If a budget isn't passed government "shuts down" in a fairly orderly manner, and not completely.
Money will be wasted and people will be inconvenienced right away. This get increasingly annoying and wasteful the longer it goes on. How much you'll be affected probably depends on how much you'd have to do anything involving the federal government in the near future (like go to a national park, get some government check, etc etc etc).
I presume you meant "done" there. And the issue is that people do not agree at all on what needs to be done. And unlike other issues in the past whatever is done is going to have some nasty impacts on a lot of people, so emotions are going to be running extra high.
That said there is a "guts" problem. Even if you tried to spread the hurt out very evenly, nobody wants to take their medicine and no politican wants to be known as the one that gave it to them.
I'd possibly be out of a job. But the DoD would probably just take over the show. So then i'd be on top of the world! more or less lol
Hmmm... Been a whileSit back some time and simply ask yourself, [Link]->"Do you even lift, bro?"<-[Link]
Nope, down. Definitely down. But you do have a point. In a more specific manner to what need to be done everyone can't agree. But they can all agree that something needs to be done. And all intelligent options are on the table. But nothing ever gets done because they bicker about silly things such as ideals, morals, and convictions as if they had any. Then they turn around and cite the poor being adversely affected as the reason to say no. Finally they sit on their thumbs until the deadline hits and they just push it back.
Well it's not like our government's broke, divided, or run by incompetent morons chosen in popularity contests rather than for their actual ability to lead... oh wait.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
It's easy to rag on politicians. However I think this is a voter problem that goes back to at least the 30s. It might just be that generational theft in its various guises is just too irrisistable once the debt or paper money mechanisms for it are in place. Voters can't help be kick out people not offering them those goodies and bring in the people who will. I think that's closely followed by various "kill the goose that lays the golden egg" schemes. Sure they're a bad idea, but at the least you get a tasty goose right now and who cares about tomorrow?
You would think that the youngsters getting screwed over would push back, but for some reason that doesn't seem to be the case.
Actually the "screwed over" generations are probably pretty well represented here, so what's the deal? You'd think current employment prospects and tuition costs would be a little bothersome. Or are you thinking we'll just be able to increase government spending from where we are and you'll be able to kick the can another fifty years down the road between debt and short sighted tax policies until it isn't your problem anymore?
I really doubt we'll be able to do that. Federal, state, and local debts currently come to over $150,000 per taxpayer and unfunded liabilities (mostly social security and medicare but there's other stuff) comes in at over a million dollars per taxpayer. I think the can has gotten too big to kick for that many decades.
Last edited by sunnyside; 09-23-2013 at 05:40 PM.
And the voters are just as easy to blame. Still we're left with finger-pointing and name-calling. And nothing is getting done. Unfortunately, it seems that it's gonna take an act of and Primus to get the lot of these slaggin' idiots to crap or get off the pot on the issue. Even if you want to trace these problems back to the '30s (Which I doubt they go back that far, unless you just want to blame the FDR Administration for something. Though I'm sure I can trace it back further than that if you really want to make it an issue.), and it's gonna take some serious mathematician work to solve it; it still doesn't excuse the lack of getting things done, nor the complete amount of placating taking place that is impeding any and all progress. Especially when you realize the biggest obstacle, the filibuster, was changed and turned into a much heavier obstacle to progress than what it originally should be. But if someone tried to change it back to the old ways, they would be stonewalled. So the option is no progress through a filibuster or no progress through people being jerks and stonewalling.
Hey I'm all for the return of the monarchy. Preferably with me in charge, but failing that someone with an IQ above 120 would do.
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
yeah just like it didn't get its funding the last time. i think the U.S. government has a slightly more honed sense of self-preservation than to allow itself to "collapse" in one night.
clayton claims he has an i.q. 18 points below genius guys, everyone give him the respect he deserves. he's brought you such fine threads as "Too many nazis in anime" and "Stealing someone's pants". bow before his mighty intellect that rehashes old, played out internet fads like "Anime character similarities". truly, this man is on the precipice of genius.
and before you get your panties in a wad thinking i'm worked up, i'm just bored.
And the threads you've brought out are...?
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
They are talking on the news about a shutdown, not a collapse. Your thread is falsely titled as "collapse". Shutdown is not the same as collapse. After Sadom Husain was ousted from power, his government collapsed. THAT is what a collapsed government is. And the result of a collapsed government (as in Iraq) is inevitable chaos and rioting. That is NOT what they are talking about here in the US. A shutdown is not every single federal government related person walking of the job. A shutdown refers to a shutdown of certain parts of the government. Congress will still be going, so will the presidency, so will the supreme court, so will the mail delivery, so will the military (though with reduced pay or even no pay in some cases), so will IRS, NSA, CIA, FBI, TSA, DHS, ATF, ICE, FDA, and other big agencies and cabinet departments, and I believe ambassadors and other diplomats will also remain on the job. The only people who are going to be required to take an unpayed vacation will be those nonessential employees (the regular guys that work in all those federal government office buildings). But there will be no collapse of the government.
Last edited by Animedude5555; 09-27-2013 at 02:18 PM.
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I know, but wouldn't this be a great time to perform a coupe and just overthrow the government?
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
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